Democratic Midterm Momentum Has ‘Stalled,’ Top Party Pollster Warns


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm not saying it couldn't happen. But let's suppose for a moment that somehow he survives this Mueller investigation and Cohen and Stormy etc.

How in the world do people still go out in droves to elect him to a 2nd term?

Especially to those in his base that didn't know what he was prior to this?

How do you lose as a dem to a candidate that has committed more crap that someone serving 2 life sentences?

How are you not motivated as a dem-based to find the crack-head down the street that can still vote to go out an vote?

Vote for what?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My mistake as it really wasn't until the last minute if I recall. I also don't think Trump campaigned there during the primary season. He went there at the last minute foe the general election. He won Michigan by 10,704 votes and Wisconsin by about 22,000. It wasn't exactly a landslide but all you need is one vote more than the other guy. Clinton probably should have gone to those states but would it have really made any difference? I don't think so. Unless Hilary woke up as a Man the day before the election I don't think it wouldn't have made a difference.

That was then this now. We are in a new era and many of the old rules don't apply. I agree Dems need to beat the drum and campaign more aggressively.


Rising Star
Yep, Listen to this shit and don't vote or waste a vote on a Third Party candidate with no chance of winning. That's why they make articles and shit like this because they know we are easily distracted and disillusioned. We will not do shit and complain when we get the brunt of the BS. We got tRump because Blacks didn't show up because Putin's Jedi Mind trick worked like a charm. So I ask, what has the current Republican Party done for Blacks that the Democrats haven't? And what does not voting prove and how does that help? Just takes your asses to the polls and vote your conscious, or hold your nose and vote like the Right claim they did for tRump .....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My mistake as it really wasn't until the last minute if I recall. I also don't think Trump campaigned there during the primary season. He went there at the last minute foe the general election. He won Michigan by 10,704 votes and Wisconsin by about 22,000. It wasn't exactly a landslide but all you need is one vote more than the other guy. Clinton probably should have gone to those states but would it have really made any difference? I don't think so. Unless Hilary woke up as a Man the day before the election I don't think it wouldn't have made a difference.

That was then this now. We are in a new era and many of the old rules don't apply. I agree Dems need to beat the drum and campaign more aggressively.

first minute ,last minute.

how man boxers steal around fighting the last 30 seconds?

I think you are right about primaries but in the General, he was there in March 2016..

bolded i agree 1000%

the point is he won it after Obama took them twice


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep, Listen to this shit and don't vote or waste a vote on a Third Party candidate with no chance of winning. That's why they make articles and shit like this because they know we are easily distracted and disillusioned. We will not do shit and complain when we get the brunt of the BS. We got tRump because Blacks didn't show up because Putin's Jedi Mind trick worked like a charm. So I ask, what has the current Republican Party done for Blacks that the Democrats haven't? And what does not voting prove and how does that help? Just takes your asses to the polls and vote your conscious, or hold your nose and vote like the Right claim they did for tRump .....



darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
IMO this the biggest problem with the pussy ass Dems

The gop has cats like this faithfully and openly buying repugs to enact their agenda.

Dems have no real agenda while also taking money from cats like this playing both sides of the fence

Paul Ryan Making sure his severance package is straight

Google +

Sheldon Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. | Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Sheldon Adelson kicks in $30M to stop Democratic House takeover
The donation to the Congressional Leadership Fund is a big boost to Republicans facing a tough midterm environment.


05/10/2018 05:48 AM EDT

Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has cut a $30 million check to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund, a massive cash infusion that top Republicans hope will alter the party's electoral outlook six months before Election Day.

The long-sought donation was sealed last week when, according to two senior Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan flew to Las Vegas to meet with the billionaire at his Venetian Hotel. Also at the meeting with Adelson was his wife, Miriam; Norm Coleman, the former Minnesota senator who chairs the Republican Jewish Coalition; Corry Bliss, who oversees the super PAC; and Jake Kastan, Ryan's No. 2 political aide. They laid out a case to Adelson about how crucial it is to protect the House.

As a federally elected official, Ryan is not permitted to solicit seven-figure political donations. When Ryan (R-Wis.) left the room, Coleman made the ask and secured the $30 million contribution.

CLF did not respond to requests for comment. The contribution will become public later this month in the organization's campaign finance filing.

Coleman said he would not discuss his dealings with Adelson.

Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. With dozens of incumbents being outraised by emboldened Democratic challengers, desperate party officials have been hoping that Adelson — the party’s most prominent benefactor — would give more than he traditionally does, and earlier in the election cycle.

Adelson came through by giving now, as opposed to waiting until late summer or the fall.

The $30 million contribution is three times as much as Adelson gave to CLF in 2016. And the cash comes much earlier in the cycle: In 2016, Adelson gave CLF $10 million in August, as the campaign headed into the homestretch.

Party officials have been paying Adelson their respects. In February, a number of House Republicans made their annualsojourn to Las Vegas to attend the annual retreat hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition, an organization that Adelson helps to fund. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) addressed the conference, and Ryan spoke by teleconference to a meeting of the group’s board.

CLF is one part of a two-pronged political organization designed to protect and bolster House Republicans. CLF is a super PAC, and the American Action Network is a nonprofit that boosts center-right policies. Ryan, and John Boehner before him, have backed the groups.


Rising Star
The Dems are pussies to the tenth power. There is no denying that sadly.

IMO this the biggest problem with the pussy ass Dems

The gop has cats like this faithfully and openly buying repugs to enact their agenda.

Dems have no real agenda while also taking money from cats like this playing both sides of the fence

Paul Ryan Making sure his severance package is straight

Google +

Sheldon Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. | Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Sheldon Adelson kicks in $30M to stop Democratic House takeover
The donation to the Congressional Leadership Fund is a big boost to Republicans facing a tough midterm environment.


05/10/2018 05:48 AM EDT

Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has cut a $30 million check to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund, a massive cash infusion that top Republicans hope will alter the party's electoral outlook six months before Election Day.

The long-sought donation was sealed last week when, according to two senior Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan flew to Las Vegas to meet with the billionaire at his Venetian Hotel. Also at the meeting with Adelson was his wife, Miriam; Norm Coleman, the former Minnesota senator who chairs the Republican Jewish Coalition; Corry Bliss, who oversees the super PAC; and Jake Kastan, Ryan's No. 2 political aide. They laid out a case to Adelson about how crucial it is to protect the House.

As a federally elected official, Ryan is not permitted to solicit seven-figure political donations. When Ryan (R-Wis.) left the room, Coleman made the ask and secured the $30 million contribution.

CLF did not respond to requests for comment. The contribution will become public later this month in the organization's campaign finance filing.

Coleman said he would not discuss his dealings with Adelson.

Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. With dozens of incumbents being outraised by emboldened Democratic challengers, desperate party officials have been hoping that Adelson — the party’s most prominent benefactor — would give more than he traditionally does, and earlier in the election cycle.

Adelson came through by giving now, as opposed to waiting until late summer or the fall.

The $30 million contribution is three times as much as Adelson gave to CLF in 2016. And the cash comes much earlier in the cycle: In 2016, Adelson gave CLF $10 million in August, as the campaign headed into the homestretch.

Party officials have been paying Adelson their respects. In February, a number of House Republicans made their annualsojourn to Las Vegas to attend the annual retreat hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition, an organization that Adelson helps to fund. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) addressed the conference, and Ryan spoke by teleconference to a meeting of the group’s board.

CLF is one part of a two-pronged political organization designed to protect and bolster House Republicans. CLF is a super PAC, and the American Action Network is a nonprofit that boosts center-right policies. Ryan, and John Boehner before him, have backed the groups.


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
I'm not saying it couldn't happen. But let's suppose for a moment that somehow he survives this Mueller investigation and Cohen and Stormy etc.

How in the world do people still go out in droves to elect him to a 2nd term?

Especially to those in his base that didn't know what he was prior to this?

How do you lose as a dem to a candidate that has committed more crap that someone serving 2 life sentences?

How are you not motivated as a dem-based to find the crack-head down the street that can still vote to go out an vote?

Above all else, these folks put their whiteness first.
Everything else doesn’t matter.
He said the it himself, that could kill someone in Times Square and they would still support him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Above all else, these folks put their whiteness first.
Everything else doesn’t matter.
He said the it himself, that could kill someone in Times Square and they would still support him.

Man it’s chilling to truly know tha is the honest truth. Behind all of the pretend and euphemisms this is what it’s all about. Absolutely and unequivocally making sure “Whitness” remains supreme and Trump gives them a figure heads aligned to that ultimate goal.

They fear the mounting historical payback that’s coming their way and are fighting tooth and nail to avoid that clap back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two stares I’m very familiar with dropped the fucking ball. Half ass showed up to the polls. Dems just too damn dependent on others getting shit done. :smh:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Man it’s chilling to truly know tha is the honest truth. Behind all of the pretend and euphemisms this is what it’s all about. Absolutely and unequivocally making sure “Whitness” remains supreme and Trump gives them a figure heads aligned to that ultimate goal.

They fear the mounting historical payback that’s coming their way and are fighting tooth and nail to avoid that clap back.

It’s also why they bringing up this immigration BS and why they are fucking with the 2020 Census.

They know the clock is ticking on Whites being the Majority by numbers.

The day the US Census Bureau announces White folks are officially a minority, it’s gonna send a shock wave across the White Community in America.

White folks are already minorities in a number of states already.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

While Dems hate their base this what repugs embrace

White House announces plan to use racism to hold on to seats in 2018

Oliver Willis
2 hours

Top White House aide Stephen Miller announced that the Trump administration is going all-in on racism to try to retain a Republican majority in Congress in 2018.

According to senior adviser Stephen Miller, the Trump White House has settled on a campaign stoking racism as a desperate ploy to keep Republicans in control of Congress.

Miller made that admission in an interview with Breitbart, the white supremacist website known for highlighting “black crime.” Miller, among the most loyal of Trump’s underlings, once infamously announcedthat Trump’s power “will not be questioned” and attacked the pro-immigrant message etched on the Statue of Liberty.

Miller explained to Breitbart that lacking any strong, positive message going into the midterm elections, Republicans plan to use the criminal gang MS-13 as a boogeyman to scare up votes.

“The big fight this summer is going to be with the open borders Democratic caucus in Congress,” Miller said, using a lie that Republicans have often used to attack Democrats. There is no such thing as an “open borders” faction in Congress; Republicans like Miller simply use the inflammatory term to attack those who are pro-immigrant.

“The Democratic party is at grave risk of completely marginalizing itself from the American voters by continuing to lean into its absolutist anti-enforcement positions,” Miller added.

The Trump administration has been flustered because Democrats have refused to fully fund his unworkable border wall and have pushed back against the assault on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The DACA policy was put into place by President Barack Obama to give those who were brought to America as children the ability to live and work without fear of deportation.

Trump has attacked the provisions, putting the lives of thousands of innocent people and their families in jeopardy and terror. He has walked awayfrom negotiations with Democrats to fix DACA, even though repairing the program is one of the top election issuesfor voters.

Demonstrating the GOP’s dedication to racist language, Miller defended Trump calling immigrants animals, echoing Trump’s claim, which is debunked by video, that he was merely referring to MS-13.

Twisting reality, Miller alleged, “You saw members of the Democratic Party and the media leaping to the defense of the gang that is engaged in the most vile, dehumanizing, and egregious actions.”

In fact, Democrats were condemning Trump for once again attacking immigrants, something he has done since he launched his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and pushing for a ban on Muslim travel to the United States.

Inside the White House, at Miller’s side, Trump has been indulging in his own racism.

Huddling with Miller and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the Washington Post reports, “Trump reminded them the crowds loved his rhetoric on immigrants along the campaign trail.”

And he actually performed such repugnant behavior right then and there. “Acting as if he were at a rally, he then read aloud a few made-up Hispanic names and described potential crimes they could have committed, such as rape or murder,” the Post reports. When Trump approvingly pointed out that his supporters enjoyed when he talked about throwing Latino immigrants out of the country, the Post adds, Miller and Kushner “laughed.”

The White House disinformation campaign echoes the desperate messageused by Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie. Endorsed by Trump, the Gillespie campaign ran numerous ads about MS-13, attacking Democrat Ralph Northam for supposedly being soft on immigration.

Voters rejected the racist message, 53.9 percent to 45 percent.

But it might be all Republicans have left. Their hopes of running based on the billionaire tax cut package have expired. It hasn’t worked, again and again. Voters are simply not buying the message that tax cuts for the extremely wealthy and megacorporations can do anything to help them.

It has been a tradition with Republican campaigns to make an appeal to bigotry when everything else isn’t working. The party has often successfully deployedfear of an “other” as a pathway to electoral success.

Now Stephen Miller, representing the White House and speaking to a white supremacist website, revealed that the gutter path will once again be the party’s chosen route to hold on to its power.

But so far, voters have rejected that decision, and they are poised to do so once again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While Dems hate their base this what repugs embrace

White House announces plan to use racism to hold on to seats in 2018

Oliver Willis
2 hours

Top White House aide Stephen Miller announced that the Trump administration is going all-in on racism to try to retain a Republican majority in Congress in 2018.

According to senior adviser Stephen Miller, the Trump White House has settled on a campaign stoking racism as a desperate ploy to keep Republicans in control of Congress.

Miller made that admission in an interview with Breitbart, the white supremacist website known for highlighting “black crime.” Miller, among the most loyal of Trump’s underlings, once infamously announcedthat Trump’s power “will not be questioned” and attacked the pro-immigrant message etched on the Statue of Liberty.

Miller explained to Breitbart that lacking any strong, positive message going into the midterm elections, Republicans plan to use the criminal gang MS-13 as a boogeyman to scare up votes.

“The big fight this summer is going to be with the open borders Democratic caucus in Congress,” Miller said, using a lie that Republicans have often used to attack Democrats. There is no such thing as an “open borders” faction in Congress; Republicans like Miller simply use the inflammatory term to attack those who are pro-immigrant.

“The Democratic party is at grave risk of completely marginalizing itself from the American voters by continuing to lean into its absolutist anti-enforcement positions,” Miller added.

The Trump administration has been flustered because Democrats have refused to fully fund his unworkable border wall and have pushed back against the assault on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The DACA policy was put into place by President Barack Obama to give those who were brought to America as children the ability to live and work without fear of deportation.

Trump has attacked the provisions, putting the lives of thousands of innocent people and their families in jeopardy and terror. He has walked awayfrom negotiations with Democrats to fix DACA, even though repairing the program is one of the top election issuesfor voters.

Demonstrating the GOP’s dedication to racist language, Miller defended Trump calling immigrants animals, echoing Trump’s claim, which is debunked by video, that he was merely referring to MS-13.

Twisting reality, Miller alleged, “You saw members of the Democratic Party and the media leaping to the defense of the gang that is engaged in the most vile, dehumanizing, and egregious actions.”

In fact, Democrats were condemning Trump for once again attacking immigrants, something he has done since he launched his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and pushing for a ban on Muslim travel to the United States.

Inside the White House, at Miller’s side, Trump has been indulging in his own racism.

Huddling with Miller and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the Washington Post reports, “Trump reminded them the crowds loved his rhetoric on immigrants along the campaign trail.”

And he actually performed such repugnant behavior right then and there. “Acting as if he were at a rally, he then read aloud a few made-up Hispanic names and described potential crimes they could have committed, such as rape or murder,” the Post reports. When Trump approvingly pointed out that his supporters enjoyed when he talked about throwing Latino immigrants out of the country, the Post adds, Miller and Kushner “laughed.”

The White House disinformation campaign echoes the desperate messageused by Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie. Endorsed by Trump, the Gillespie campaign ran numerous ads about MS-13, attacking Democrat Ralph Northam for supposedly being soft on immigration.

Voters rejected the racist message, 53.9 percent to 45 percent.

But it might be all Republicans have left. Their hopes of running based on the billionaire tax cut package have expired. It hasn’t worked, again and again. Voters are simply not buying the message that tax cuts for the extremely wealthy and megacorporations can do anything to help them.

It has been a tradition with Republican campaigns to make an appeal to bigotry when everything else isn’t working. The party has often successfully deployedfear of an “other” as a pathway to electoral success.

Now Stephen Miller, representing the White House and speaking to a white supremacist website, revealed that the gutter path will once again be the party’s chosen route to hold on to its power.

But so far, voters have rejected that decision, and they are poised to do so once again.

Sounds about right! What are the Dems going to do about it?

One strategy has to be attacking the GOPs base and keeping as much of them home as possible.

What are the things they "believe in" that Trump and Co. have completely pissed on?

Please note i used the term "believe in" very lightly here because we know they are big time hypocrites.

Trumps "record" thus far?

Also, Dems need to galvanize their base and specifically emphasize the URGENCY of this term because it's going to get much much worst if they decide to stay home.

It's clear DEMS can't afford to be Lazy they need to go all out on the attack. This is Trump BTW how much more material do you need? He's given you more than enough to absolutely bury him and his party for a long time.

If you're a professional political organization that's been given so much by Trump and the GOP and you can't exploit it then you don't deserve to be in power.
Last edited:


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Trump got the retard white vote on lock.
There are a lot of blacks who love trump.
Trump has hijacked the Republican Party.
Unless something derails him, he will be around a long time.
He already floating serving pass 2 terms.
This is the new paradigm of American politics.

A lot of blacks who love trump? Where?

Trump got 8% of the Black vote back in 2016. If this was a reelection year I'm sure he'd get far less than even that. Don't let Silk, Diamond or the hand picked Black faces in the background of Trump's rallies fool you. In fact, here's a story about one of them

You can see that the whole "Blacks for Trump" movement is just the kooky brainchild of a few disturbed individuals.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
What are the Dems going to do about it?

One strategy has to be attacking the GOPs base and keeping as much of them home as possible.

What are the things they "believe in" that Trump and Co. have completely pissed on?

Please note i used the term "believe in" very lightly here because we know they are big time hypocrites.

Trumps "record" thus far?

Also, Dems need to galvanize their base and specifically emphasize the URGENCY of this term because it's going to get much much worst if they decide to stay home.

It's clear DEMS can't afford to be Lazy they need to go all out on the attack. This is Trump BTW how much more material do you need?
I fully get what you are saying but IMO here is the problem...The same racist tactics and rhetoric that motivated trumps base (the bottom third of america) works on about a 3rd of the dems base?!?

If the dems were to push a progressive message and support such candidates they know they will push that 3rd of their base into repugs hands.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fully get what you are saying but IMO here is the problem...The same racist tactics and rhetoric that motivated trumps base (the bottom third of america) works on about a 3rd of the dems base?!?

If the dems were to push a progressive message and support such candidates they know they will push that 3rd of their base into repugs hands.

Who said anything about pushing racist tactics/Rhetoric?

You have to hit them where it hurts while making them hate themselves.

You know how you do that? Hit them with the Truth..

Like I just said Trump and Co. have given you all that you need and some.

Repubs based themselves as the party that loves America, a STRONG America that leads, they protect jobs, are honest, hardworking, family values, believe in the sanctity of home and MARRIAGE, are of the truth etc....

Darth do I have to go on? In the time and BEFORE Trump was President how many times has he shitted on those "core" principals?

How do you say you're a good Christian when you cheat on your pregnant wife? Lie? Cheat? Steal?

How do you claim America first when your actions has cause America to fall further behind?

How do you claim America first when it's very clear you take your order from Russia?

Hows that Tax Bill working out?

Where's the Wall?

How often does a MAN blame Hiliary and Obama before it's okay to say NO MUTHERFUCKER it's YOU!!!

etc etc

Do you understand what I mean when I say all you have to do is tell the Truth (explicitly and harshly...EVERYWHERE).

The dissonance will do the rest.


darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Who said anything about pushing racist tactics/Rhetoric?

You have to hit them where it hurts while making them hate themselves.

You know how you do that? Hit them with the Truth..

Like I just said Trump and Co. have given you all that you need and some.

Repubs based themselves as the party that loves America, a STRONG America that leads, they protect jobs, are honest, hardworking, family values, believe in the sanctity of home and MARRIAGE, are of the truth etc....

Darth do I have to go on? In the time and BEFORE Trump was President how many times has he shitted on those "core" principals?

How do you say you're a good Christian when you cheat on your pregnant wife? Lie? Cheat? Steal?

How do you claim America first when your actions has cause America to fall further behind?

How do you claim America first when it's very clear you take your order from Russia?

Hows that Tax Bill working out?

Where's the Wall?

How often does a MAN blame Hiliary and Obama before it's okay to say NO MUTHERFUCKER it's YOU!!!

etc etc

Do you understand what I mean when I say all you have to do is tell the Truth (explicitly and harshly...EVERYWHERE).

The dissonance will do the rest.




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
IMO this the biggest problem with the pussy ass Dems

The gop has cats like this faithfully and openly buying repugs to enact their agenda.

Dems have no real agenda while also taking money from cats like this playing both sides of the fence

Paul Ryan Making sure his severance package is straight

Google +

Sheldon Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. | Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Sheldon Adelson kicks in $30M to stop Democratic House takeover
The donation to the Congressional Leadership Fund is a big boost to Republicans facing a tough midterm environment.


05/10/2018 05:48 AM EDT

Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has cut a $30 million check to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund, a massive cash infusion that top Republicans hope will alter the party's electoral outlook six months before Election Day.

The long-sought donation was sealed last week when, according to two senior Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan flew to Las Vegas to meet with the billionaire at his Venetian Hotel. Also at the meeting with Adelson was his wife, Miriam; Norm Coleman, the former Minnesota senator who chairs the Republican Jewish Coalition; Corry Bliss, who oversees the super PAC; and Jake Kastan, Ryan's No. 2 political aide. They laid out a case to Adelson about how crucial it is to protect the House.

As a federally elected official, Ryan is not permitted to solicit seven-figure political donations. When Ryan (R-Wis.) left the room, Coleman made the ask and secured the $30 million contribution.

CLF did not respond to requests for comment. The contribution will become public later this month in the organization's campaign finance filing.

Coleman said he would not discuss his dealings with Adelson.

Adelson’s donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. With dozens of incumbents being outraised by emboldened Democratic challengers, desperate party officials have been hoping that Adelson — the party’s most prominent benefactor — would give more than he traditionally does, and earlier in the election cycle.

Adelson came through by giving now, as opposed to waiting until late summer or the fall.

The $30 million contribution is three times as much as Adelson gave to CLF in 2016. And the cash comes much earlier in the cycle: In 2016, Adelson gave CLF $10 million in August, as the campaign headed into the homestretch.

Party officials have been paying Adelson their respects. In February, a number of House Republicans made their annualsojourn to Las Vegas to attend the annual retreat hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition, an organization that Adelson helps to fund. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) addressed the conference, and Ryan spoke by teleconference to a meeting of the group’s board.

CLF is one part of a two-pronged political organization designed to protect and bolster House Republicans. CLF is a super PAC, and the American Action Network is a nonprofit that boosts center-right policies. Ryan, and John Boehner before him, have backed the groups.

This ain't nothing compared to the Koch brothers money behind the Repubs. Google it


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The Dems need to have a town hall with the average American and allow us to inform them how to attack the Repubs and the verbiage that should be used to attract voters.
Your mistake is that you think the Democrats give a fuck about what you think and want to attack Republicans..:lol:

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Jimmy Dore always goes in on the Demos.

They have no platform to support the people because they are afraid of offending donors.

Money in politics have destroyed the democrat party.

One of his many videos going in on them.

Jimmy Dore speaks so much truth. He breathes fire on the dems and the establishment media. Hopefully he keeps his show going for years to come and gets bigger as a result.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

We get it and we've always gotten it. They are afraid of losing their White hierarchy even if they live in a Trailer Park. A minority athlete, businessman, physician, lawyer, entertainer etc should never have a higher standing than them.

What else is new? They would never vote for a candidate that promotes anything resembling equality regardless of your race.

I'm still in awe how Obama won two elections.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Curious to know if the way this midterm turned out will cause dem leadership to change their approach :puzzled:

Guess not