Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden: “George Floyd’s Death had a Bigger Impact than Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Assassination.”


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Please don't fall for the okey doke. The headline is very misleading. He still said something stupid because they are using it against him but he didn't say something as offensive as the headline implies. For those still not willing to read it he is talking about the modern worlds access to news and media.

“Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did,” Biden said. “It’s just like television changed the Civil Rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church and firehoses ripping the skin off of young kids.”
“What happened to George Floyd — now you got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this,” he continued. “Look at the millions of people marching around the world.”


Rising Star
Platinum Member
As a general rule, it's never, ever, EVVVVVEEERRR!!!!! a good idea to compare MLK to anything at all outside of Malcolm X and Ghandi. Outside of that you asking for trouble. Just don't do it.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Yea Bro ADOS.

My family ran from the south in the late 1880s to Chicago, New York and Minnesota. Moms was born in New Orleans and went with granny to the chi as a child.

People in my family have voted both parties in the past, but both moms and pops were full time dem after FDR. The new deal worked for my family and they were able to build a little bit. Pops was with the Airmen as a radio officer and the 10th calvary (Buffalo soldiers) in WWII.

Biden is a cac, but I feel he's the only person that can beat trump. That's it. I don't want 4 more years of trump packing the courts with ultra right-wing racist cacs for life. He's fucking with the EPA so that they can make where we live even more unhealthy. The list goes on and on.

I hope he picks Kamala. I don't really like her, but she will get votes. Same with Stacy who I like a lot more.

Thank you for being clear and honest about your heritage, thats refreshing on BGOL. No Im not voting for Trump.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
As a general rule, it's never, ever, EVVVVVEEERRR!!!!! a good idea to compare MLK to anything at all outside of Malcolm X and Ghandi. Outside of that you asking for trouble. Just don't do it.

MLK is ADOS, there is a push to minimize him so that Obama and blacks from this era will be promoted as our "leaders" 50-60 years from now. Democrats gained the black vote off Civil Rights, now that cats are dying off they kickin that shit to the curb and bout to rebrand and promote immigrants.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
George Floyd is not having a bigger global impact than MLK or his work. Only people that havent studied MLK and or prioritize white folks reaction would say such a thing. But this is good, if ADOS was on the fence about Biden and how others feel about MLKs legacy, this should clear things right on up.
He said nothing about King's body of work he said his assassination. Did y'all even read the article?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:hmm:Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down.
without the voting rights act this generation wouldn’t even have a dog in this fight.
Your not removing MLK from his achievements because he was the corner stone of the movement. The recent events are not utilizing what MLK built and starting to get more accomplished. It is the natural evolution of events. You always want to be better than you were before


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
He said nothing about King's body of work he said his assassination. Did y'all even read the article?

MLKs assassination changed the world. There was aftermath after it and it cemented the black power movement of the 70s. Now you dudes see white women protesting in Europe shouting black lives Matter and talkin dumb shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I remember when I was young I had this chick at the crib one night. Just met her. Was talking mad game and shit. Setting her up to come back the next night so I could hit it. She left that night without giving me sex. She came over the next night. I immediately start spitting game. She stopped me and took her clothes off and got in the bed. I was like, "You gonna let me hit tonite?" She said, "You could have hit it last night"


Joe reminds me of young me. Don't talk yourself out of the pussy young man. Just shut the fuck up when your winning.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
Simple solution.
Whoever got a problem with what was said, looking at the context in which he said it, don't vote for him. Throw on your MAGA hat with larry elder and candace owens & vote for trump.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Simple solution.
Whoever got a problem with what was said, looking at the context in which he said it, don't vote for him. Throw on your MAGA hat with larry elder and candace owens & vote for trump.

Just because someone doesnt vote Dem doesnt make them a Trump supporter or Republican. Yall need to be careful, youre playing a dangerous game. Black Democrats can easily be given a stigma of being automatically seen as coons and sellouts just like Black GOP. Tread lightly going forward.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nice try, still doesn’t top Biden’s blatant disrespect and contempt for our nation of people. Anyone voting for him at this point, is spineless and has no integrity. When is enough enough?
trump ordered police and military to clear out peaceful protestors by using violence and tear gas on people who were exercising their right to peaceful protest. The clergy of that actual church spoke out against it as well as a number of current and former military leaders (not to mention several active administration leaders have also gone on record to say that photo op was bullshit).

Please shut the fuck up with all this dumb shit. If you don't like Biden fine. Talk up another candidate. But if your end game is not voting or letting trump stay in office because they all the same (or whatever fuck you are trying to say) you are a fucking idiot and a troll.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Thank you for being clear and honest about your heritage, thats refreshing on BGOL. No Im not voting for Trump.
Cool bro. I don't like voting for Joe, I just hope he wins, doesn't fuck it up and we get a progressive in office. I know a lot of cats don't like Warren, but she was on BLM years ago. I just don't think CAC women will vote for her. I'd rather have Kamala as the AG and let her go ham on the trump crime family.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
Just because someone doesnt vote Dem doesnt make them a Trump supporter or Republican. Yall need to be careful, youre playing a dangerous game. Black Democrats can easily be given a stigma of being automatically seen as coons and sellouts just like Black GOP. Tread lightly going forward.
One of those 2 gonna be in office in late January. Don't have to claim democrat or republican to know that. Nobody else,independent or write in,is gonna sit in that office in January.
A vote against one is a vote for the other. Plain and simple.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

He has good moments and bad

One can only hope it doesn't help during a debate


BGOL Legend

Biden Said this shit bigger than nino brown and Martin.

Go wait in line, press Biden name and go about yo business
GO VOTE!!!!!!


GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biden Said this shit bigger than nino brown and Martin.

Go wait in line, press Biden name and go about yo business

We can't vote yet, fucknuts.

The general election is 5 months away.

Early voting is still months away. really are a special kind of stupid!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your not removing MLK from his achievements because he was the corner stone of the movement. The recent events are not utilizing what MLK built and starting to get more accomplished. It is the natural evolution of events. You always want to be better than you were before
It’s a different time. They have way more to work with than mlk did.
social media( without this there would be no world standing behind this).
Camera phones.
body cameras (Under Obama administration)
And being raised under a black president gives them a sense if entitlement.
And half the protestors are white singing words to hip hop Songs out there.
without all those white kids in those protest standing in the way of bullets it would look a lot different.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
In his moment in time, MLK was one of the most hated men in America and on the face of this planet. I seem to remember reading an article that he was top 5, and that 5 included Adolf FUCKING Hitler. A lot of what we're seeing now, the reverence people have for MLK now is for their failure to recognize his greatness then and for being on the wrong side of history. His death then only affected us and a few white allies...

In context, this statement pretty factual... you can point to George Floyd's death as a catalyst that has impacted race relations on a global scale that has not been seen, ever.

That has nothing at all to do with the character of the man but more with the closeness of the corners of the world thanks to technological advances.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Thank you for being clear and honest about your heritage, thats refreshing on BGOL. No Im not voting for Trump.
Who you voting for big fella? Since Biden ain't the way and you're not voting for Trump please inform us so we can also interpret the facts and move as a unit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Legislation... well he died not too long ago (3 weeks?), and any legislation, if it happens doesn't move that fast (especially with the state of congress right now). Somebody has to write a bill, get it voted on in one house and then passed to the other house and voted on and if it passes, sent to drumpf for his sig. I'm not saying anything will pass, but it's not even worth asking what passed since his death at this point. I'm sure Rand Paul would hang anything up in the senate even if turtle man let it go to a vote.

There are some police departments that have been at least banning the whole kneeling on the neck thing.

What legislation has been passed due to Floyd's death? Do you foresee him getting a paid national Holiday?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Legislation... well he died not too long ago (3 weeks?), and any legislation, if it happens doesn't move that fast (especially with the state of congress right now). Somebody has to write a bill, get it voted on in one house and then passed to the other house and voted on and if it passes, sent to drumpf for his sig. I'm not saying anything will pass, but it's not even worth asking what passed since his death at this point. I'm sure Rand Paul would hang anything up in the senate even if turtle man let it go to a vote.

There are some police departments that have been at least banning the whole kneeling on the neck thing.
You'd think that people who are THAT proud to be Americans would know HOW bills work.
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Rising Star
Please don't fall for the okey doke. The headline is very misleading. He still said something stupid because they are using it against him but he didn't say something as offensive as the headline implies. For those still not willing to read it he is talking about the modern worlds access to news and media.

“Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did,” Biden said. “It’s just like television changed the Civil Rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church and firehoses ripping the skin off of young kids.”
“What happened to George Floyd — now you got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this,” he continued. “Look at the millions of people marching around the world.”
What's stupid about what he actually said?


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Legislation... well he died not too long ago (3 weeks?), and any legislation, if it happens doesn't move that fast (especially with the state of congress right now). Somebody has to write a bill, get it voted on in one house and then passed to the other house and voted on and if it passes, sent to drumpf for his sig. I'm not saying anything will pass, but it's not even worth asking what passed since his death at this point. I'm sure Rand Paul would hang anything up in the senate even if turtle man let it go to a vote.

There are some police departments that have been at least banning the whole kneeling on the neck thing.

Do you foresee a Floyd national holiday as well? Maybe a George Floyd monument at the National Mall in DC? These are all post death accomplishments for MLK.

Im just amazed Biden jumped right over his and Barack's legacy and mentioned MLKs to compare. :rolleyes:

You'd think that people who are THAT proud to be Americans would know HOW bills work.

Shouldn't you be shaming Black American voters for rejecting Africa by taking part in US elections instead of focusing on African politics? A bunch of Captain America red, white, and blue, Andrew Johnson ass niggas right? :lol:

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Do you foresee a Floyd national holiday as well? Maybe a George Floyd monument at the National Mall in DC? These are all post death accomplishments for MLK.

Im just amazed Biden jumped right over his and Barack's legacy and mentioned MLKs to compare. :rolleyes:

Shouldn't you be shaming Black American voters for rejecting Africa by taking part in US elections instead of focusing on African politics? A bunch of Captain America red, white, and blue, Andrew Johnson ass niggas right? :lol:
Glad you're back. I don't know if you saw when I asked earlier about who we need to be voting for so we can advance Black issues in earnest. I'm interested in moving past the theoretical stage and you seem to have solutions.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Glad you're back. I don't know if you saw when I asked earlier about who we need to be voting for so we can advance Black issues in earnest. I'm interested in moving past the theoretical stage and you seem to have solutions.

Voting in US elections is rejecting Africa. Why arent you paying attention to politics in Africa brother? Get off this Captain America bullshit you are on, you are not American you are African.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Voting in US elections is rejecting Africa. Why arent you paying attention to politics in Africa brother? Get off this Captain America bullshit you are on, you are not American you are African.
Once more I am legitimately asking who do you feel is most actionable to make tangible change for Black Americans. If it's not Biden nor Trump, who do you feel we should collectively put our electorate power behind?


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Once more I am legitimately asking who do you feel is most actionable to make tangible change for Black Americans. If it's not Biden nor Trump, who do you feel we should collectively put our electorate power behind?

You are not American you are African. Youre lost brother. There are elections all over the continent and you arent even paying attention. :smh: You want to be white and think you can reject Africa by calling yourself a Democrat. Until you come home, you will never be right. Your disloyalty to Mother Africa is why your ancestors were enslaved Oboruni!!!