Right around the corner from my old crib
Anyone watching Mcgraw Ave on Tubi TV?
McGraw Avenue S01:E01 - Episode 1
When Luger an ambitious drug dealer on McGraw Ave. makes plans to go to war with a KingPin he is forced to hire the biggest hitman "Murda".tubitv.com
I worked at the former Vernor plant that was located on Woodward Avenue.
My job was to sit by the conveyor, and watch for cans that were not filled properly.
The machine would automatically knock them off the conveyor, and I would stab them
with a pole with a long, sharp metal point at the end.
Got laid off after 2 days.
Season 2 is on Vimeo.Thats my shit...last I checked it was on prime also...
Shit. My dad used to work there. I have his 10 year work pin. Just how old are you mofos?! Lol!I used to stand at that bus stop right in front of the plant and watch y’all work as a little young punk….. headed downtown after walking up to Woodward to avoid an extra bus from the projects…. Rough living in the 80’s, but I am proud of what I went through and to claim Detroit as my home! Our city garners respect when you mention it throughout the World!
Shit. My dad used to work there. I have his 10 year work pin. Just how old are you mofos?! Lol!
That’s DSR old, that’s the big flag on Hudson’s bldg old, that’s Boblo old, that’s “Sibley’s can fit anybody” old.Born at Grace Hospital 7 mile and Meyer old…..
That’s DSR old, that’s the big flag on Hudson’s bldg old, that’s Boblo old, that’s “Sibley’s can fit anybody” old.
Born at sinah outer Dr and SchaeferBorn at Grace Hospital 7 mile and Meyer old…..
mann i use to ride my bike over at the cadillac clark st plant old...That's Gardner-White commercial old! That's Bill Bonds old! That's Errol Flynns old!
chandler park was the baddest mothafucking park in the city of detroit...i was the midnight crew that use to hang out there...the amount of pussyI’m from Pontiac but I used to hang out all over Detroit....... Chandler Park was rough ........
That’s DSR old, that’s the big flag on Hudson’s bldg old, that’s Boblo old, that’s “Sibley’s can fit anybody” old.
TikTok - Make Your Day
This the 1 I grew up fucking with on Greenfield and grand river