Did I curse my son?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mental health in TN is a joke
They either wanna put you in pills to make you a zombie or give cookie cutter therapy
I keep explaining to people those medications are hit and miss because they don’t really stop the thoughts, they give you more energy to follow thru with bad thoughts
I couldn't agree more. First, my sympathies to you and your family, as many have suggested finding a good male preferably black therapist for family therapy is vital. To your second point, it's one of the reasons I'm considering returning to Tennessee after I finish this doctorate in clinical psychology. There are too many brothas struggling and not enough clinical understanding of Black male depression.
It's okay not to be okay, it's not okay to stay that way. :)
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fam, real talk, none of that matters. If anything, it's good to know that your boy has these problems before it's too late. You can relate to everything he's going through and you should encourage him to talk to you. Part of that needs to be you sharing your struggles. I mean really sharing. Tell him shit that you ain't never told anybody. That shit could make ya'll closer and it could help both of you cope.

Also, get some help. Both of ya'll. Ain't nothing wrong with therapy.
We were already doing that bro
Hell it’s sad that when I took him to the hospital they asked which one of us was checking in.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
My oldest son tried suicide this morning, my middle son walked in and caught him. I’ve battled with depression and multiple attempts on my life as well, can’t help but think I’ve passed something to my son
This isn't on you.

I've told this story before, and I'll tell the short version again, give tomorrow a chance.

I was down for a while and contemplated it myself until I met a woman who worked on a suicide Ward. When I asked what that was, she told me she worked on a ward That had people who attempted suicide and failed. I didn't even know that was a thing.

She said every person on that ward did a surefire way that should have resulted in them dying, but didn't, now they are far worse off than had they just decided to stick with it. One guy chewed on a shotgun. Another dove off of a 10-story building. Two more shot themselves. All quadriplegic.

Life is going to suck sometimes. Just think about how much it would suck if you fail at this. It can get a lot worse, But it's probably going to get a whole lot better if you just play it out.

Now, 10 years after some of my worst days I am making six figures plus ($121K Midwest money to be exact) and doing better. Life still has some crappy moments, but I realize taking myself out isn't the answer.

Give tomorrow a chance. And if tomorrow sucks, give the next day a chance. You never know, you could win the lottery. You could meet the love of your life. Tomorrow could be phenomenal, just give tomorrow a chance
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went off,I couldn’t take it
I tapered it down and had a serious talk with my parents
I finally said, how many times you had to walk in on me trying kill Myself ? How many times have you had to carry me into the er because I overdosed and had to be bright back to life? None right? Well I’ve done that for my son multiple times and it never heals, it never goes away, you don’t recover from that, it stays in your mind forever. Wanna know how old I was when I first tried suicide?7

When I said that to them (conference call) it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on cotton. My mom just started crying and father instantly started apologizing saying he was a horrible father
I’m just gone go to the gym And lift until I pass out
I’m doing my best not to bite people’s heads off


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went off,I couldn’t take it
I tapered it down and had a serious talk with my parents
I finally said, how many times you had to walk in on me trying kill Myself ? How many times have you had to carry me into the er because I overdosed and had to be bright back to life? None right? Well I’ve done that for my son multiple times and it never heals, it never goes away, you don’t recover from that, it stays in your mind forever. Wanna know how old I was when I first tried suicide?7

When I said that to them (conference call) it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on cotton. My mom just started crying and father instantly started apologizing saying he was a horrible father
I’m just gone go to the gym And lift until I pass out
I’m doing my best not to bite people’s heads off

I'm sorry man, I'm sorry.

We're here for you Brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had to stop talking to my uncle and I love him dearly
All I got from was Allah this, the prophet Muhammad that, etc
I had to apologize cause I said “yeah I’m cool on following the steps of an illiterate pedophile that inspired rapes, murder, slavery, etc. The whole religion is stolen from other belief systems and packaged as the end all be all “


Platinum Member
I don’t have much I can say on this issues,
What I can say is, a person removing themselves may cause them to no longer suffer but their love ones will suffer forever…

This what I tell a person I know who talked about ending it all.

“Why would you be selfish like this towards your kids. Ok if You remove yourself, what will your 13yr and 6yr old have now?”

That’s pretty much all I could say


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mental illness is in everyone's family but for it to come out it's like rolling the dice and for others it's a trait like having red hair,brown eyes,height,weight,an extra pinky or finger it can be prominent or it can skip generations but it's not a curse.

The biggest you can do is admit that you have a problem,the people who find themselves in trouble most times are the people who deny it and or self medicate themselves with drugs and other things that do more harm than good.Get help,find positive outlets to channel your energy and TAKE YOUR MEDICINE those things can help you more than anything else and stop taking on other people's problems,don't watch the news,stop reading the papers and just focus on positive things.

Good luck.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t have much I can say on this issues,
What I can say is, a person removing themselves may cause them to no longer suffer but their love ones will suffer forever…

This what I tell a person I know who talked about ending it all.

“Why would you be selfish like this towards your kids. Ok if You remove yourself, what will your 13yr and 6yr old have now?”

That’s pretty much all I could say
I’ve had the selfish convo too
But my mindset and I think my son’s is as well is, if we eliminate ourself and stop causing problems, we stop hurting the ones we love


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m finna go to the park or something away from people for awhile
I’m sitting at the light and the guy blew his horn and started yelling at until light
Good thing I stopped because I would’ve gotten t boned by this truck running the light
I put my car in park hopped out and put my mouthpiece in started walking to his car
He just rolled up his windows and took out his phone
I’m not going back to prison


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Sometimes death is the only solution for someone to heal permanently without any problems.

I always say, try to live and then you'll look back and be glad you gave ya self a second chance at life because when you die, there's no coming back.

I hope you and your son can find peace by being able to tackle y'all issues defeating them so that you both can enjoy life to the fullest.

We as black people been through a lot and are still going through shit now while it could be different from others since everyone situation is different but we still have to try to live and survive the best we know how.

brah, you have kids and they need you more than anything, it's great your son has a brother because it could've been much worst if he haven't been stopped.
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
His mind won’t stop racing

Can’t sleep

I know the feeling too well

Hug him, reach the little boy inside him

He needs to feel happy again

I see a pic of myself that makes me cry, I was in 1st grade, my smile was real, happy as can be, the glow in my eyes

He needs to see that again, try your best and keep trying


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2hrs of them working on my truck to replace the battery
They broke the pins so they decided to use zip ties to keep my fender in place
Replaced the battery And fucked up the dash computer so now my a/c and radio don’t come on and it’s messing up dials for speed etc I been waiting 15 min for a manager to come to automotive I’m finna lose my cool

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My advice is to find out what he is interested in as soon as he is better. Look into his hobbies, do something, maybe fishing, camping or take a long road trip where he can do things outside of his normal life. The key is giving him a new perspective in life and playing different music, not the regular music he is used to because even if he initially thinks its corny, he will associate it with a fresh new start and appreciate it in time.
Good luck bro, and keep on fighting the good fight!
And get him off the social(life comparing)sites


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His mind won’t stop racing

Can’t sleep

I know the feeling too well

Hug him, reach the little boy inside him

He needs to feel happy again

I see a pic of myself that makes me cry, I was in 1st grade, my smile was real, happy as can be, the glow in my eyes

He needs to see that again, try your best and keep trying
Sleep’ lol he’s like me
Unless we’re dead tired we’re not sleeping longer than 30/60 min tops
I’ve been up for 2 days straight and didn’t realize it
His mom says he’s the same or he’ll just sleep for over 24 hours straight