DMZ: Donald Trump steps into North Korea with Kim Jong Un ....invites Kim to White house


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
…… for a "play date" …… :smh::hmm:

Trump's 20 steps into North Korea

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump walk together into North Korean territory at the DMZ. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images

US President Donald Trump crossed the low stone curb separating the North and South at 3:45 p.m. local time, making his way alongside a grinning Kim into a country that's long been a global pariah for its nuclear ambitions and dismal record on human rights.

In total Trump took 20 steps into North Korea, making history as the first serving US leader to set foot in the hermit kingdom.

The event, seemingly spontaneous and broadcast live, took to a new level Trump's showman instincts and view of diplomacy as a test of interpersonal skills.

Later, Trump said he was "proud to step over the line" and thanked Kim for the meeting. He invited him to the White House, though later acknowledged such a visit would likely not come soon.

Trump inviting Kim Jong Un to South Korea's territory was "surprising"

Special adviser to South Korean President Moon Jae-In, Chung-in Moon, told CNN that he was "surprised" to see US President Donald Trump invite North Korean leader Kim Jong Un onto South Korean territory.

He added that it was also "quite unusual and quite surprising" to see Trump in the Freedom House with Kim "which belongs to South Korean territory."

"I think what happened this afternoon of today really shows that the military demarcation line is an artificial one," Chung-In told CNN.

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the DMZ

Trump speaks to US troops

US President Donald Trump with US service members stationed in South Korea in Osan Air Base

Donald Trump has told US troops at South Korea's Osan Air Base that his "unexpected" meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was "great."

"That's a great country with tremendous potential," the US President said. "I have a good relationship with chairman Kim, they were giving us a great briefing at the DMZ."

As for his walk into North Korean territory, Trump called it a "historic moment and a very good moment."

"Everybody was so happy and many people I noticed from Korea were literally in tears, crying."

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Tucker Carlson was spotted there …. I bet he thought that he was going to do a TMZ interview and was totally caught off guard when arriving at the DMZ ….. :hmm:

Tucker Carlson: "'s a disgusting place obviously [N.Korea] so there's no defending it …. on the other hand you gotta be honest with what it means to lead a country …. it means killing people .... "

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