Do We Still Need the Theater/Stadium experience to enjoy movies or sports? Will they ever become obsolete??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I think Covid is forcing the issue and streaming networks are pushing the theater and stadium further away. But will they go away completely???


Will there be a day when NO ONE goes to the venue to watch movies or sports and it NOT be pandemic related??


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
We never needed it , it was just a smart bizz move by big bizz to generate more money.. It won't go away cause big bizz is so good at manipulating gullible consumers in to following their protocols in generating money

Kind of like how I was explaining to people for yrs that clubs were just a big bizz concept to generate money from people that got to older and bigger for house parties.. Let me explain.. When you was a kid you had bday parties at your house/apt.. You had food/drinks, you listen to music , you dance.. All those things were free for the people that came through.. The host paid for everything.. Than kids got bigger in size and needed more space to move around.. Well club owners peep game and instead of them paying for you to have fun they charged you to basically do the same exact thing you naturally did for free.. They figured out how to take a concept that people naturally do(aka have fun listening to music/dancing/consuming food/beverages) and turned it into a billion dollar genre... The realization is humans never really needed the club.. You can naturally listen to music and dance, bring your own beverage/food of choice and do this outside, backyard, rooftop, basement, various locations..this summer people went back to the natural way of partying and saw that clubs aren't so necessary...

Movie and sporting events fall under same umbrella but big bizz will find a way to bring those consumers back under their way of thinking.. So movies, sporting events, parties , etc will eventually go back to normal big bizz ideology

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Nope , going to live sporting events actually sucks . I used to go to 49ers games and that shit was an all day event. Just to get from Oakland to Candlestick was hours with traffic. Then parking and all that shit. Then all the money for everything Parking alone was $40. Then I’d always have to leave in the beginning of the 4th quarter otherwise I’d never make it home. Shit was retarded. Now they way out in Santa Clara that was it. Never and I hate them anyways. Warriors moved to Downtown SF in a horribly crowded part of the city right by the Giants stadium , not dealing with that. A’s games suck because the stadium is ass . Man I’ll just be home and movies are way over priced and most are trash


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I still think there is a hardwired need for humans to be communally active and social groups etc.

But the internet and social media has also created, nutured, cultivated and may have created

a more isolated selfish insulated introverted individual.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I still think there is a hardwired need for humans to be communally active and social groups etc.

But the internet and social media has also created, nutured, cultivated and may have created

a more isolated selfish insulated introverted individual.
which means.....


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Nope. I'm a huge supporter of the pause button as well as not paying ridiculous prices for concessions.

My home theater is fine, have a 65 in screen, comfortable sectional and a booming surround sound. It's good enough for me and my family and whenever we have people over, no one complains.

With a family of 5, we only went to the movies a few times a year to see kids films, not anymore.

Lolz last theater experience I'll probably have is the Sonic the Hedgehog movie!

Sports, only sports I love seeing in person are Basketball and Hockey.

I love going to Magic games when I can. Will do so in the future but movies, it's a wrap.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Both will continue to be a thing because kids and young adults have disposable income or the parents will spend for them to get out the house and have life experiences with thier friends or to date and meet new girls/guys.

Even with kids growing up with the internet, at some point you got to do things in person, and we all know women ain't gonna be cool with Netflix and chill forever.

Here in GA, college kids are still going out to bars with friends, looking for new booty. It's the call of the wild and it will continue even in a nuclear holocaust.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Yes, it will still continue.

In order to have sports you need a playing surface of a certain size. why wouldn't you want to put seats around it? Why wouldn't you want to sell souvenirs, food and beverages to the people sitting in those seats?

It might be a harder sell now than it was a couple years ago, but it's been a tried-and-true business model for over 100 years. It didn't die after the Spanish Flu. It won't die now.

Same thing applies to movie theaters and clubs. People have a primal need to be in public around other people that they may or may not know. As long as someone can make a buck off of this they're going to make it


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
You mean I dont have to sit in a theater next to someone who takes their shoes off and put their feet up on the chair in front of them again?

I'm good with it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
which means.....

I actually have no idea :lol:

there is too much solid evidence to support BOTH sides

@EPDC is a PERFECT example

with faster internet streaming dvds big screen prices so low theater prices so high

he is RIGHT why in a bad economy and pandemic would a FAMILY risk sickness for a MOVIE?

that more likely than not won't even be good?

and sports ticket prices are raising and raising concert tickets too Broadway too

@tallblacknyc being talking about this for YEARS

now add bootlegs

and now people have WATCH parties instead for fights and other sporting events...


coronavirus when its all done God Willing?

might cause a RUSH BACK to private parties CLUBS social events private parties...

maybe not BIG VENUES

but you could see more SMALLER gathers becoming popular ie strip clubs

all that being said?

let there big a ANOTHER breakout

and some KIDS dying?

or Athletes?

All that sh*t is dead

NOW the counter...

would you REALLY have thought wearing a f*cking mask to survive a pandemic would be politicized?

Parents ready willing and able to risk their kids lives for a CHANCE to pay college sports?

Saturday Night Lights aint going no where in the South

for all this tough talk and financial crisis...

you hear folk GIVING UP their season tickets?

we been saying the movie theaters would DIE since the VHS tape...

Yeah how that work out?

these music companies thought THIS would be a good time to shut down the versus battles and DJ D Nice?

So I say all that to say this.

I honestly have no idea.

I would THINK rational common sense this stuff is gonna be REDUCED

more of a fancy outing

Going OUT to the movie theater will be considered a big fancy deal.

same for concerts shows sports etc.

but be mindful

cable and these HUNDREDS of apps is making sh*t EXPENSIVE again

there is a LARGE segment of the public not JUST Trump supporters who STILL don't believe in this VIRUS


We could see RECORD turnouts for ALL these BIG VENUES


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nope. I'm a huge supporter of the pause button as well as not paying ridiculous prices for concessions.

My home theater is fine, have a 65 in screen, comfortable sectional and a booming surround sound. It's good enough for me and my family and whenever we have people over, no one complains.

With a family of 5, we only went to the movies a few times a year to see kids films, not anymore.

Lolz last theater experience I'll probably have is the Sonic the Hedgehog movie!

Sports, only sports I love seeing in person are Basketball and Hockey.

I love going to Magic games when I can. Will do so in the future but movies, it's a wrap.

I think in my heart and mind I am with you.

because I was like this BEFORE the pandemic

and I guess I see things a little different with a high risk kid

but I am also concerned as a parent.

How IMPORTANT SOCIALLY is it to go to the movies?

To see a stage show LIVE?

to experience the arts in PERSON?

Is this HEALTHY for our children - mentally?


Rising Star
We never needed it , it was just a smart bizz move by big bizz to generate more money.. It won't go away cause big bizz is so good at manipulating gullible consumers in to following their protocols in generating money

Kind of like how I was explaining to people for yrs that clubs were just a big bizz concept to generate money from people that got to older and bigger for house parties.. Let me explain.. When you was a kid you had bday parties at your house/apt.. You had food/drinks, you listen to music , you dance.. All those things were free for the people that came through.. The host paid for everything.. Than kids got bigger in size and needed more space to move around.. Well club owners peep game and instead of them paying for you to have fun they charged you to basically do the same exact thing you naturally did for free.. They figured out how to take a concept that people naturally do(aka have fun listening to music/dancing/consuming food/beverages) and turned it into a billion dollar genre... The realization is humans never really needed the club.. You can naturally listen to music and dance, bring your own beverage/food of choice and do this outside, backyard, rooftop, basement, various locations..this summer people went back to the natural way of partying and saw that clubs aren't so necessary...

Movie and sporting events fall under same umbrella but big bizz will find a way to bring those consumers back under their way of thinking.. So movies, sporting events, parties , etc will eventually go back to normal big bizz ideology

Brotha, you said it just right!! Right on!!! Write on!!!

The media just has to get the public watching sports and live events at home and whole different vibe!!! Trust me, these think tanks in this country and around this world have experienced with sporting events with no crowds, plenty of concerts with little or no crowds and movies being shown in people houses!! All they have to do is get the public conditioned and programmed to enjoy their BREAD AND CIRCUSES feed to them a different way!! The way they use the television to get the masses to conform, it won't be longer than a year and the majority of the population will be watching live sports, concerts in damn near empty arenas!!.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just to prove how consumers are easily manipulated into big bizz protocol I'm going to give you an NYC example... All clubs/lounges/restaurants were not allowed to have people inside and only do pickup or delivery for months.. Than the mayor once summer came allowed all these spots that served food and drinks to literally have outdoor seating.. Literally thousands of locations set up chairs/tables/ tents or some kind of make shift barrier in order to have this ... The people came out in droves to literally eat food on sidewalks and fucking streets... Imagine you pull out a chair and cheap ass table and asked a chick hey you want to eat food and drink in the street yrs ago as a date , a bitch would've of thought you was crazy... Yet in 2020 gullible consumers are lin ing up to eat in streets and sidewalks... They paying hundreds to thousands of dollars on bottles to eat on sidewalks when literally they could of ran to the liq store and got that same bottle for double digit prices... The gullible consumer always fall in line to big bizz protocol even when it goes against any logical explanation on why.. Smart consumers are a rare and dying species


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I doubt they will.

People need something to congregate around. An event or show that pulls people together in the name of being social.

You’d have to attack the sociableness of human beings if you wanted to eradicate stadia and movie screens en masse.

As soon they reopen, folks will flock back out to them.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I actually have no idea :lol:

there is too much solid evidence to support BOTH sides

@EPDC is a PERFECT example

with faster internet streaming dvds big screen prices so low theater prices so high

he is RIGHT why in a bad economy and pandemic would a FAMILY risk sickness for a MOVIE?

that more likely than not won't even be good?

and sports ticket prices are raising and raising concert tickets too Broadway too

@tallblacknyc being talking about this for YEARS

now add bootlegs

and now people have WATCH parties instead for fights and other sporting events...


coronavirus when its all done God Willing?

might cause a RUSH BACK to private parties CLUBS social events private parties...

maybe not BIG VENUES

but you could see more SMALLER gathers becoming popular ie strip clubs

all that being said?

let there big a ANOTHER breakout

and some KIDS dying?

or Athletes?

All that sh*t is dead

NOW the counter...

would you REALLY have thought wearing a f*cking mask to survive a pandemic would be politicized?

Parents ready willing and able to risk their kids lives for a CHANCE to pay college sports?

Saturday Night Lights aint going no where in the South

for all this tough talk and financial crisis...

you hear folk GIVING UP their season tickets?

we been saying the movie theaters would DIE since the VHS tape...

Yeah how that work out?

these music companies thought THIS would be a good time to shut down the versus battles and DJ D Nice?

So I say all that to say this.

I honestly have no idea.

I would THINK rational common sense this stuff is gonna be REDUCED

more of a fancy outing

Going OUT to the movie theater will be considered a big fancy deal.

same for concerts shows sports etc.

but be mindful

cable and these HUNDREDS of apps is making sh*t EXPENSIVE again

there is a LARGE segment of the public not JUST Trump supporters who STILL don't believe in this VIRUS


We could see RECORD turnouts for ALL these BIG VENUES
let me drop a lil knowledge to you.. The "underground" strip scene is even bigger now in these past few months than it was in damn near the past few decades. .. There's multiple events a day in various boroughs.. With lots of consumers coming out... There's other situations where large gatherings are occurring... The underground has found a whole new fan base thanks to covid... There's money out here.. Strippers are getting more love now than in the past several yrs.. I know those bartenders mad right about now

BGOL Investor
I love the movies. Grew up going to theaters and it's still one of my favorite pastimes. Popcorn, recliner seats, a crazy big screen. And like someone else said, the shared experience of the theater is part of it.

It'll come back one day. Not today, but someday and hopefully I'll be here for it.
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Rising Star
I have the theater experience in my house and in my backyard. Didn't go to the movie much any way and when I did it had to be dine in reserved seating.
Not going to miss that. I prefer the stadium/arena experience vs watching on tv. Yet I'll survive either way.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To be honest, Covid will probably be the best thing to ever happen to the theater, restaurant, concert, sports scenes. I only say that because if they can weather the storm until this shit is properly dealt with, there is going to be an explosion of both new business and old business returning. Now how long that booming extra business will last will be another discussion. However, the first big event film, major concert, and any sport returning to normal will see historic ticket sales.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
To be honest, Covid will probably be the best thing to ever happen to the theater, restaurant, concert, sports scenes. I only say that because if they can weather the storm until this shit is properly dealt with, there is going to be an explosion of both new business and old business returning. Now how long that booming extra business will last will be another discussion. However, the first big event film, major concert, and any sport returning to normal will see historic ticket sales.



is this is going to INCREASE cleaning food better experience etc.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To be honest, Covid will probably be the best thing to ever happen to the theater, restaurant, concert, sports scenes. I only say that because if they can weather the storm until this shit is properly dealt with, there is going to be an explosion of both new business and old business returning. Now how long that booming extra business will last will be another discussion. However, the first big event film, major concert, and any sport returning to normal will see historic ticket sales.
If you have not watched this scene in a theater you missed out!



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
To be honest, Covid will probably be the best thing to ever happen to the theater, restaurant, concert, sports scenes. I only say that because if they can weather the storm until this shit is properly dealt with, there is going to be an explosion of both new business and old business returning. Now how long that booming extra business will last will be another discussion. However, the first big event film, major concert, and any sport returning to normal will see historic ticket sales.
drive thru are already back cause of covid.. There are already some states doing test runs on this the past few months.. Making money off of concession stands and old movies.. Some are free some are charging.. The 1 at a particular beach in ny was doing this for a month for 4 days out the week.. Every night they run out of tix.. These are trials testing cause you best believe in the upcoming months this will be pushed more.. I even thought of the idea if you could do this for like a boxing/sporting event... Charge 20-30 per car and than make money off food and drinks.. There a bizz opportunity in that.. World series/NBA final


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Nope. I'm a huge supporter of the pause button as well as not paying ridiculous prices for concessions.

My home theater is fine, have a 65 in screen, comfortable sectional and a booming surround sound. It's good enough for me and my family and whenever we have people over, no one complains.

With a family of 5, we only went to the movies a few times a year to see kids films, not anymore.

Lolz last theater experience I'll probably have is the Sonic the Hedgehog movie!

Sports, only sports I love seeing in person are Basketball and Hockey.

I love going to Magic games when I can. Will do so in the future but movies, it's a wrap.
Same here. The last movie I saw in the theater was BP and before that Tron Legacy this was before my home system upgraded. Family enjoys movies at home more than the theater as far as sports as much as me and the family love to see live events we can wait till it's safe. We all have to look at it like this going to movies and live sporting events has been part of generation after generation thats why for some its hard to step away from.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I think in my heart and mind I am with you.

because I was like this BEFORE the pandemic

and I guess I see things a little different with a high risk kid

but I am also concerned as a parent.

How IMPORTANT SOCIALLY is it to go to the movies?

To see a stage show LIVE?

to experience the arts in PERSON?

Is this HEALTHY for our children - mentally?
Man, the way they did Hamilton, if all Broadway shows were done like that, SHEEEIIT! Ain't no way I'd ever leave the house lolz!

It's great to see a live stage show, and miss living in a bigger city where national tours would hit regularly, but Hamilton proved that I'll be happy as hell saving $800 per ticket and watching from the best seat in MY HOUSE.

Moving back to cinemas....

Back in the day, we had shitty VHS/VCRs and wack ass 4x3 TVs that cut off most of the screen from films. We had to wait like a full year for a movie to hit home video. then we had to wait like two years before that shit hit HBO, Showtime or The Movie Channel.

Movie theaters were the shit when you wanted to be engulfed by a big screen and awesome sound.

I'll never forget the THX sound coming from behind me as a kid when I took my younger brothers to see Jurassic Park as a kid. The sound of the rain drops and the T-Rex roar was EPIC.

However home technology has caught up.

We no longer have small ass tv and full frame home releases. ALL of our TVs nowadays are 16x9 format which allow for the filmmakers full experience to be captured on screen. No more pan scan or modified pictures.

Surround Sound Systems too bring home that experience. Whether it be a five speaker set or a damned soundbar, that surround experience is close enough to the theater experience that one doesn't even need to miss it.

Lastly, films are released MONTHS and in some cases WEEKS after they premiere on the big screen. I have no problem waiting a few months knowing a BR link will be available in the trap versus paying to see a film in theaters. Sheeit, most of the time, I don't even grab the BR link, since by the time I get around to watching one of @slam posted links, the film is already on a streaming source.

Movie theaters still have a place, especially for event films, but for the most part, unless it's something BIG....I'm mostly done with them.

I won't miss the sticky as floors, dirty seats, loud ass wannabe comedian talking all through the movie, and especially the over priced popcorn and treats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's a sucker born every minute. Someone will offer the first post-Covid cruise and it will sell out...and then we will get news that the ship can not port anywhere because of a new outbreak.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I only fuck with Ipic now. I will only go to a concert or game if we have a booth. Not trying to hang out with the herd.

I can't stand crowds.


Rising Star
Once it's safe again meaning a proven vaccine that works or something along those lines I'll be back in movie theatres at least 50 times a year like i was pre covid, I didn't attend too many live sports events but i will attend those and live entertainment but until it's safe again as much as I enjoy being out at social events its not enough for me to risk my health and life to


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I used to attend sporting events 10-12 times a year, but recently the quality of my TV/speakers and the broadcast camera angles offered have made watching at home a better experience with two exceptions.

1) The Freeway Series(L.A. Dodgers vs Anaheim Angels) because the energy in the stadium is crazy due to the fact that the away team has 20,000 plus fans in attendance. I'm an Angels' fan and truth be told, our crowd energy is pitiful(while watching the best player of this generation:smh:) unless it's the 7th inning or later of a close game. The Dodger games are different though, their fans' energy has us up and chanting in the 2nd inning(if we weren't we'd look like bitches.) Plus walking to the car after a win vs. Dodgers can't be beat, condescendingly telling their fans it was good game, see ya'll tomorrow might be the best part of the night.

2) Title fights at the Staples Center,I've only been to a couple, but once again the crowd energy makes the experience great more than the fight.

Aside from these occasions I'll be watching from home from now on.

Movies I'll still do regularly. It's close, it's a lot less expensive than attending a sporting event, and I genuinely enjoy the setting. Plus, a few times a year the entire fam will roll out to a movie(I think we filled up an entire row and then some for Black Panther) and then to eat afterwards, I still look forward to doing that in the future.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Got a home theatre 80in 4K Surround sound LED lights even an overpriced movie style popcorn maker so for movies I’m good........but nothing beats live sports I can’t wait till shit gets back to normal


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What are you talking about? Never needed? You mean we don't need now.... .

There was a time when only way you can see a movie is in a theatre.

It dates back to the ancient time of amphitheaters.

Lots of historical inaccuracies about the business of entertainment in your below comment.

You just made your own hypothesis but it isn't based in any historical fact.

The TV changed how people were entertained. Before that you HAD to go outside and watch a movie or a play or a sporting event.

Nothing gullible about that aspect. If people wanted to see something they had to go buy a ticket and sit down together and watch it.

Before a phonograph or radio was even invented people had to go to clubs to hear music and dance.
They used live BANDS. Most people did not have money for a live band at home.
So people weren't having house parties.

We never needed it , it was just a smart bizz move by big bizz to generate more money.. It won't go away cause big bizz is so good at manipulating gullible consumers in to following their protocols in generating money

Kind of like how I was explaining to people for yrs that clubs were just a big bizz concept to generate money from people that got to older and bigger for house parties.. Let me explain.. When you was a kid you had bday parties at your house/apt.. You had food/drinks, you listen to music , you dance.. All those things were free for the people that came through.. The host paid for everything.. Than kids got bigger in size and needed more space to move around.. Well club owners peep game and instead of them paying for you to have fun they charged you to basically do the same exact thing you naturally did for free.. They figured out how to take a concept that people naturally do(aka have fun listening to music/dancing/consuming food/beverages) and turned it into a billion dollar genre... The realization is humans never really needed the club.. You can naturally listen to music and dance, bring your own beverage/food of choice and do this outside, backyard, rooftop, basement, various locations..this summer people went back to the natural way of partying and saw that clubs aren't so necessary...

Movie and sporting events fall under same umbrella but big bizz will find a way to bring those consumers back under their way of thinking.. So movies, sporting events, parties , etc will eventually go back to normal big bizz ideology


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If the MPAA or Sports Leagues dont get their cut.... things are getting shut down.

drive thru are already back cause of covid.. There are already some states doing test runs on this the past few months.. Making money off of concession stands and old movies.. Some are free some are charging.. The 1 at a particular beach in ny was doing this for a month for 4 days out the week.. Every night they run out of tix.. These are trials testing cause you best believe in the upcoming months this will be pushed more.. I even thought of the idea if you could do this for like a boxing/sporting event... Charge 20-30 per car and than make money off food and drinks.. There a bizz opportunity in that.. World series/NBA final


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all are failing to realize that the theaters are were the companies MAKE MONEY.
If people aren't spending their money in the theaters and going multiple times, movies with either:
1. Stop.
2. Cost more to view.

Mulan for 30 bucks is too cheap. Especially when someone is going to download then share.
It is gonna be much more expensive if this keeps up.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
What are you talking about? Never needed? You mean we don't need now.... .

There was a time when only way you can see a movie is in a theatre.

It dates back to the ancient time of amphitheaters.

Lots of historical inaccuracies about the business of entertainment in your below comment.

You just made your own hypothesis but it isn't based in any historical fact.

The TV changed how people were entertained. Before that you HAD to go outside and watch a movie or a play or a sporting event.

Nothing gullible about that aspect. If people wanted to see something they had to go buy a ticket and sit down together and watch it.

Before a phonograph or radio was even invented people had to go to clubs to hear music and dance.
They used live BANDS. Most people did not have money for a live band at home.
So people weren't having house parties.
You do know music and dancing existed b4 a club right? Do you think somebody said let's make an empty shelter than figure out how to make music for people to go in there?.. Nig africans were playing music for thousands of yrs and dancing in celebration for everything.. You obviously know nothing of black history... Music, food, and dance has been part of black culture since the beginning of time.. hell playing drums and other instruments go back thousands of yrs.. Births, bdays, weddings, etc were celebrated.. Bbqs, feast been going on.. It's in our dna to celebrate fun times.. Your ass actually believe clubs created a party atmosphere bahawaaa go sit at the kid table young man you ain't ready for this grown folks convo... Somebody need a history lesson on celebration and festivities