I actually have no idea
there is too much solid evidence to support BOTH sides
@EPDC is a PERFECT example
with faster internet streaming dvds big screen prices so low theater prices so high
he is RIGHT why in a bad economy and pandemic would a FAMILY risk sickness for a MOVIE?
that more likely than not won't even be good?
and sports ticket prices are raising and raising concert tickets too Broadway too
@tallblacknyc being talking about this for YEARS
now add bootlegs
and now people have WATCH parties instead for fights and other sporting events...
coronavirus when its all done God Willing?
might cause a RUSH BACK to private parties CLUBS social events private parties...
maybe not BIG VENUES
but you could see more SMALLER gathers becoming popular ie strip clubs
all that being said?
let there big a ANOTHER breakout
and some KIDS dying?
or Athletes?
All that sh*t is dead
NOW the counter...
would you REALLY have thought wearing a f*cking mask to survive a pandemic would be politicized?
Parents ready willing and able to risk their kids lives for a CHANCE to pay college sports?
Saturday Night Lights aint going no where in the South
for all this tough talk and financial crisis...
you hear folk GIVING UP their season tickets?
we been saying the movie theaters would DIE since the VHS tape...
Yeah how that work out?
these music companies thought THIS would be a good time to shut down the versus battles and DJ D Nice?
So I say all that to say this.
I honestly have no idea.
I would THINK rational common sense this stuff is gonna be REDUCED
more of a fancy outing
Going OUT to the movie theater will be considered a big fancy deal.
same for concerts shows sports etc.
but be mindful
cable and these HUNDREDS of apps is making sh*t EXPENSIVE again
there is a LARGE segment of the public not JUST Trump supporters who STILL don't believe in this VIRUS
We could see RECORD turnouts for ALL these BIG VENUES