Does Dr Umar have a good point about Kamala harris??

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not clicking on that shit. Have no interest in what he has to say. I'm sure someone will post what Charleston White has to say about Kamala, and I won't be clicking on that shit either.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
First, props for being one of the only people here to actually admit it.

I completely understand being a conservative but I can't see how Donald Trump is effective as a politician.
He's not a conservative.


1. A troll
2. A sambo


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First, props for being one of the only people here to actually admit it.

I completely understand being a conservative but I can't see how Donald Trump is effective as a politician
It's not that I just love republicans. But this ain't the same democratic party it used to be. They've embraced to much far left bullshit. My politics haven't changed in the 30 years I've been voting. I have the exact same position on the major issues while the democrats have done a 180.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Little t, you just be a good kamala coon and save democracy like you've been instructed to. Remember, no voting no vucking!
You go be a good sambo and support the man that had more white nationalists in his administration than anyone in 30 years and that has the full and rabid support of all racist and white nationalist groups in the country.

Support the man that has been sued by the DOJ for not renting to Black people TWICE.

I'm sure your politics from 30 years ago were just as pro white nationalist as they are today Mr Clayton Bigsby (WHITE POWER!)

Maybe he'll give you one of those Black jobs picking fruit and cotton he keeps talking about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You go be a good sambo and support the man that had more white nationalists in his administration than anyone in 30 years and that has the full and rabid support of all racist and white nationalist groups in the country.

Support the man that has been sued by the DOJ for not renting to Black people TWICE.

I'm sure your politics from 30 years ago were just as pro white nationalist as they are today Mr Clayton Bigsby (WHITE POWER!)

Maybe he'll give you one of those Black jobs picking fruit and cotton he keeps talking about.
You voted for Jim Crow Joe litte t. The guy who said you weren't Black if you didn't want to vote for him. The guy who said Black people didn't know how to use the internet. The guy who's mentor was a kkk leader.. Now you're gonna vote for Montel Williams and Willie Brown's ex ho married to a cracka. The one who told you she ain't doing nothing specifically for Black people. The ho with the fake Blackcent when convenient. Miss me with the bullshit and go save democracy dummy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what was the Anti-Lynching Law named after Emmit Till?

Funny how we know about the Asian laws that get passed, the Native American laws that get passed but just stay blissfully ignorant of the black laws.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:



BGOL Investor
I didn't have to watch, but my answer is no, cause he's not relevant.

the grammar on the title made me suspect you're a bot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor wait, are we supposed to take the word of a person who hasn't finished his school? Joe and Kamala "haven't done anything for black people". His ass ain't do shyt for the kids in his community like he promised!!!!!!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
You voted for Jim Crow Joe litte t. The guy who said you weren't Black if you didn't want to vote for him. The guy who said Black people didn't know how to use the internet. The guy who's mentor was a kkk leader.. Now you're gonna vote for Montel Williams and Willie Brown's ex ho married to a cracka. The one who told you she ain't doing nothing specifically for Black people. The ho with the fake Blackcent when convenient. Miss me with the bullshit and go save democracy dummy.
I typed out a long ass response, but realized, why the hell am I wasting my time? I'll just put you right where you always belonged - on ignore. And I never have to read your sambo, white worshipping, coon ass again.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
You go be a good sambo and support the man that had more white nationalists in his administration than anyone in 30 years and that has the full and rabid support of all racist and white nationalist groups in the country.

Support the man that has been sued by the DOJ for not renting to Black people TWICE.

I'm sure your politics from 30 years ago were just as pro white nationalist as they are today Mr Clayton Bigsby (WHITE POWER!)

Maybe he'll give you one of those Black jobs picking fruit and cotton he keeps talking about.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These coons get paid to shit on black leaders. So, we're supposed to vote for the other team or stay at home, huh?

Fuck these self hating coons.

That’s the problem right there. You think that’s a leader. That position is a public servant. You are suppose to hold them accountable if you have citizen rights.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I typed out a long ass response, but realized, why the hell am I wasting my time? I'll just put you right where you always belonged - on ignore. And I never have to read your sambo, white worshipping, coon ass again.
That's exactly what little safe space bitches like you do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now tell me how that is worse than calling for the Central Park 5 to be executed AFTER they were found innocent by DNA evidence.

I'll wait.
Stop lying little t. The rape happened April 19, 1989 and he took out the ad on May 1, 1989. They had already confessed to the crime. The convictions were vacated in 2002 little t. Don't let facts get in the way of a good story though. You have to be a real dummy to lie about something so easily verifiable. Now apologize to the board for posting misinformation kamala coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop lying little t. The rape happened April 19, 1989 and he took out the ad on May 1, 1989. They had already confessed to the crime. The convictions were vacated in 2002 little t. Don't let facts get in the way of a good story though. You have to be a real dummy to lie about something so easily verifiable. Now apologize to the board for posting misinformation kamala coon.

I appreciate your's always been my practice to understand who I am dealing with.

Now for the rest of the folks on this close attention to this poster...and his comments, and his myopic perspective.

You can deduce the following:

1. He didn't grow up in an urban environment
2. He doesn't see himself as part of the broader community
3. He's that dude on the job that will throw your black ass under the bus in private, while having lunch with you in public.
4. He will be emboldened by anonymounity...behind a keyboard
5. He should be the first person burned publicly for his betrayal
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I appreciate your's always been my practice to understand who I am dealing with.

Now for the rest of the folks on this close attention to this poster...and his comments, and his myopic perspective.

You can deduce the following:

1. He didn't grow up in an urban environment
2. He doesn't see himself as part of the broader community
3. He's that dude on the job that will throw your black ass under the bus in private, while having lunch with you in public.
4. He will be emboldened by anonymounity...behind a keyboard
5. He should be the first person burned publicly for his betrayal
You said everything except that I was wrong on the facts. But that's typical of low information voters. When confronted with their lies, they just act like it doesn't exist. You see little t ain't got a damn thing to say anymore either. He's probably been spreading that lie about Trump for years just because he heard another low information voter say it and was too dumb to actually see if it was true.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These coons get paid to shit on black leaders. So, we're supposed to vote for the other team or stay at home, huh?

Fuck these self hating coons.

This LGBT coon rushed in to defend the caucasian then tries to gaslight so-called black men into agreeing with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nobody finds it odd that these black channel NEVER do politics and MAGICALLY start doing hit pieces on Kamala all of them with the same two talking points? Or the other channels that ONLY seem to call bullshyt on Democratic party.

"They don't do shyt for us!" Black farmers seem to think otherwise. The student loans seem to say a different story.


BGOL Legend
Nobody finds it odd that these black channel NEVER do politics and MAGICALLY start doing hit pieces on Kamala all of them with the same two talking points? Or the other channels that ONLY seem to call bullshyt on Democratic party.

"They don't do shyt for us!" Black farmers seem to think otherwise. The student loans seem to say a different story.

OP has been a great pussy poster over the years and I've never seen him as a shit starter, but when he started this thread weeks ago, he dropped this bullshit post and he never once posted in here after that. Now, weeks later, he drops another similar post and goes and hides again. Dude seems to be a bomb thrower to see how much chaos he can start up. If you're a trump supporter, then just say that. Are you on a troll mission? I'm just asking.
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
LOL. This is pure comedy.

Is he right about Kamala?

He's a coon!

You realize Kamala sucks a white dick every night.

He's one of the good ones!

What about reparations?

You're MAGA! What about Trump?

Why is Kamala using low brow entertainers to shake their ass at events?

Trump, trump, trump! It's our responsibility alone to save this country and not get shit! He's a racist!

All whites are racists!

No, you're a coon if you don't vote for our whites in our party.

Yall make no fucking sense.