Don McGahn Rebuffed White House Request to Say Trump Didn’t Obstruct Justice


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
White House asked McGahn to say Trump didn't obstruct justice, but McGahn declined, source says

(CNN)The White House requested that former White House counsel Don McGahn publicly state that President Donald Trump didn't obstruct justice, but McGahn declined, an administration official told CNN on Friday.

The timing of the White House's request -- which was made through top White House lawyer Emmet Flood, according to the official -- is unclear.
The official and a separate source familiar with the matter said that McGahn previously told special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators he didn't believe Trump obstructed justice.
The Wall Street Journal first reported the White House's appeal to McGahn.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
yo @Maxxam . He's just not worth it


Dems are going to hurt their own turnout for 2020 if they don't impeach... They won the house because people want a check on the executive branch and these bitches are refusing to do their job. People were hyped in 2016... Would have even won Ga and Fla if not for voter suppression. People want to see you fighting

Nancy is fucking up.
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Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

Dems are going to hurt their own turnout. In 2020 if they don't impeach... They won the house because people want a check on the executive branch and these bitches are refusing to do their job. People were hyped in 2016... Would have even won Ga and Fla if not for voter suppression. People want to see you fighting

Nancy is fucking up.

I can see why though.

The Pelosi family is heavily involved in two major San Francisco housing developments on sites that were heavily contaminated by the US Navy. Naturally, she wants to be very careful in the way her government punishes a president who made his name in real estate.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Dems are going to hurt their own turnout. In 2020 if they don't impeach... They won the house because people want a check on the executive branch and these bitches are refusing to do their job. People were hyped in 2016... Would have even won Ga and Fla if not for voter suppression. People want to see you fighting

Nancy is fucking up.
No that’s not going to happen


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I can see why though.

The Pelosi family is heavily involved in two major San Francisco housing developments on sites that were heavily contaminated by the US Navy. Naturally, she wants to be very careful in the way her government punishes a president who made his name in real estate.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

What?! The shit has nothing to do with real estate.

Part of congress's investigation of Trump is to see whether or not he used his position as POTUS to make real estate deals (Spoiler alert, he did!) Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is currently using her own equally powerful position to make real estate deals so dirty they make Trump look like a saint by comparison. She wants to impeach but can't do it in a way that will set a precedent that could bite her in the ass later on.

This article scratches the surface of what I'm talking about


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Part of congress's investigation of Trump is to see whether or not he used his position as POTUS to make real estate deals (Spoiler alert, he did!) Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is currently using her own equally powerful position to make real estate deals so dirty they make Trump look like a saint by comparison. She wants to impeach but can't do it in a way that will set a precedent that could bite her in the ass later on.

Trump's impeachment will absolutely have nothing to do with real estate transactions. Only thing even remotely related to real estate is the emoluments clause and that's not meaningful enough in this political environment to be part of an impeachment trial. His real estate empire/tax fraud will be dealt with by the SDNY after he's out of office.

Pelosi's reluctance to pull the trigger is obvious. It has nothing to do with some bullshit theories about political retribution of real estate transactions.

And :lol: at Pelosi making Trump look like a saint. You're a wild boy. That sounds straight off the comment section at Breitbart.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
I can see why though.

The Pelosi family is heavily involved in two major San Francisco housing developments on sites that were heavily contaminated by the US Navy. Naturally, she wants to be very careful in the way her government punishes a president who made his name in real estate.
Man shut the fuck up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They will start proceedings when Mueller & McGahn both get on record. They need it cause Republicans in the Senate gotta be made a farce. Once both of these guys get on record stating things about Trump.....



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I can see why though.

The Pelosi family is heavily involved in two major San Francisco housing developments on sites that were heavily contaminated by the US Navy. Naturally, she wants to be very careful in the way her government punishes a president who made his name in real estate.

Man shut the fuck up

dumb muhfucka can't help himself

@therealjondoe the only one that ain't never gone full yakubian


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Trump's impeachment will absolutely have nothing to do with real estate transactions. Only thing even remotely related to real estate is the emoluments clause and that's not meaningful enough in this political environment to be part of an impeachment trial. His real estate empire/tax fraud will be dealt with by the SDNY after he's out of office.

Pelosi's reluctance to pull the trigger is obvious. It has nothing to do with some bullshit theories about political retribution of real estate transactions.

And :lol: at Pelosi making Trump look like a saint. You're a wild boy. That sounds straight off the comment section at Breitbart.

Okay. Let me break it down for you then.

The sites in question are Hunter's Point and Treasure Island. Both are former US Navy bases that handled radioactive contamination. Before they handed these sites off to the city of San Francisco the Navy cleaned up both sites and declared them "safe". The city, under the leadership of Willie Brown, started moving homeless people and low income families onto Treasure Island in the mid-late 90's.

10 years later a couple employees of Tetra Tech, the company in charge of the cleanup, blew the whistle and admitted that the Navy falsified their testing data. The island was still contaminated. However the city minimized this information so that they could keep collecting rents and try to sell the site for redevelopment. Meanwhile, many residents are suffering from unexplained cancers, burns, asthma, and birth defects. Eventually the site was bought by the Lennar Corporation. They are currently building the foundation for the first few condos.

So what does this have to do with Nancy Pelosi? Her nephew Laurence Pelosi used to be vice president of acquisitions for Lennar. He now works for Morgan Stanley real estate which handles Lennar stock. Her nephew by marriage is California Governor Gavin Newsom, a man who appointed the commissioners in charge of the Lennar deal when he was San Francisco's mayor. Lennar also donated heavily to both campaigns. (read more in this old article )

All of these people have a deep financial interest in not only developing a heavily polluted land, but also by forcing off the marginalized people (mostly people of color) who live there now. They're trying to push through now is a $3.50 vehicle toll for any cars coming or going from the island. This is significant because the only way on or off the island is by motor vehicle. Also the only public businesses on the island are one grocery store and two restaurants. If you want to go to school, find a job, go to a movie, get a haircut, etc you have to leave the island to do it. They've also started evicting people for developing outstanding debts AFTER they moved here. The housing manager of the John Stewart homes (my landlord) even harassed me with calls trying to get information on my roommate's financial situation. The island's population has nearly fallen in half since 2010.

As dirty and crooked as Donald Trump is, I doubt he has ever done anything that despicable.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
dumb muhfucka can't help himself

@therealjondoe the only one that ain't never gone full yakubian

Are you really dumb enough to believe that Trump is the only dirty player in the white house? Or even the dirtiest?

Trump may be an avowed white supremacist, but Pelosi has participated in environmental racism so severe it would make David Duke blush.

here's another article that scratches the surface of what I'm talking about

and yes, Nancy Pelosi's relatives are tied to the Hunter's Point development too.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Okay. Let me break it down for you then.

You don't have to break anything down for me.

Trump's impeachment will have zero to do with real estate transactions. Everything you've posted about Pelosi is irrelevant.

And comparing supposed cronyism to someone who is literally named as a co-conspirator in a federal crime is stupid.

And it looks like you lifted a lot of this directly from Michelle Malkin's site. This sounds as silly as the Biden story being pushed by Guiliani.

Pelosi pushing for impeachment or not has nothing to do with this Treasure Island bullshit. Trump's impeachment issues aren't about cronyism. There is no comparison between this bullshit and what Trump is implicated in. This is nothing but "what aboutism" obfuscation.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
You don't have to break anything down for me.

Trump's impeachment will have zero to do with real estate transactions. Everything you've posted about Pelosi is irrelevant.

And comparing supposed cronyism to someone who is literally named as a co-conspirator in a federal crime is stupid.

And it looks like you lifted a lot of this directly from Michelle Malkin's site. This sounds as silly as the Biden story being pushed by Guiliani.

Pelosi pushing for impeachment or not has nothing to do with this Treasure Island bullshit. Trump's impeachment issues aren't about cronyism. There is no comparison between this bullshit and what Trump is implicated in. This is nothing but "what aboutism" obfuscation.

Fuck Michelle Malkin.

I listed my sources. Two of them come from Bayview news, the most widely read Black American newspaper behind the Final Call.

And you really believe that a community of mostly Black people being lied to and poisoned by radiation is bullshit? I live in this community, have attended the community and city hall meetings, and spoke to the investigative reporter covering this ongoing story. There is nothing silly about this.

but if three quotes aren't enough here's another one. With pictures this time


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
Okay. Let me break it down for you then.

The sites in question are Hunter's Point and Treasure Island. Both are former US Navy bases that handled radioactive contamination. Before they handed these sites off to the city of San Francisco the Navy cleaned up both sites and declared them "safe". The city, under the leadership of Willie Brown, started moving homeless people and low income families onto Treasure Island in the mid-late 90's.

10 years later a couple employees of Tetra Tech, the company in charge of the cleanup, blew the whistle and admitted that the Navy falsified their testing data. The island was still contaminated. However the city minimized this information so that they could keep collecting rents and try to sell the site for redevelopment. Meanwhile, many residents are suffering from unexplained cancers, burns, asthma, and birth defects. Eventually the site was bought by the Lennar Corporation. They are currently building the foundation for the first few condos.

So what does this have to do with Nancy Pelosi? Her nephew Laurence Pelosi used to be vice president of acquisitions for Lennar. He now works for Morgan Stanley real estate which handles Lennar stock. Her nephew by marriage is California Governor Gavin Newsom, a man who appointed the commissioners in charge of the Lennar deal when he was San Francisco's mayor. Lennar also donated heavily to both campaigns. (read more in this old article )

All of these people have a deep financial interest in not only developing a heavily polluted land, but also by forcing off the marginalized people (mostly people of color) who live there now. They're trying to push through now is a $3.50 vehicle toll for any cars coming or going from the island. This is significant because the only way on or off the island is by motor vehicle. Also the only public businesses on the island are one grocery store and two restaurants. If you want to go to school, find a job, go to a movie, get a haircut, etc you have to leave the island to do it. They've also started evicting people for developing outstanding debts AFTER they moved here. The housing manager of the John Stewart homes (my landlord) even harassed me with calls trying to get information on my roommate's financial situation. The island's population has nearly fallen in half since 2010.

As dirty and crooked as Donald Trump is, I doubt he has ever done anything that despicable.

What da fukh does this have to do with besmirching Madam Speaker? Or, impeaching Chump for collusion with Putin and the Russian mob? Chump clearly saw winning the presidency as an opportunity to get approval to build the big hotel he’d planned in Moscow and to get Putin to walk with him on it. I think that, if Putin had green lit the Moscow hotel, Chump would’ve resigned and Pence would be your leader. I believe that they’ve got a private deal on it, but hard to prove, even though Chump still goes out of his way to be obsequious to the Premier. But, this has nothing to do with the Brownfield sites in San Francisco.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
What da fukh does this have to do with besmirching Madam Speaker? Or, impeaching Chump for collusion with Putin and the Russian mob? Chump clearly saw winning the presidency as an opportunity to get approval to build the big hotel he’d planned in Moscow and to get Putin to walk with him on it. I think that, if Putin had green lit the Moscow hotel, Chump would’ve resigned and Pence would be your leader. I believe that they’ve got a private deal on it, but hard to prove, even though Chump still goes out of his way to be obsequious to the Premier. But, this has nothing to do with the Brownfield sites in San Francisco.

It's related because both of them are abusing their political power get rich off real estate deals and Pelosi's is far more damaging than Trump's. I believe that she's tempering her attack on Trump to cover her own ass down the line.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Fuck Michelle Malkin.

I listed my sources. Two of them come from Bayview news, the most widely read Black American newspaper behind the Final Call.

And you really believe that a community of mostly Black people being lied to and poisoned by radiation is bullshit? I live in this community, have attended the community and city hall meetings, and spoke to the investigative reporter covering this ongoing story. There is nothing silly about this.

but if three quotes aren't enough here's another one. With pictures this time

Literally, there were lines directly from Michelle Malkin. I don't care what you say your sources were. It's literally prime sourcing from right-wing media sites. It's just like the Biden story. It's being used to obfuscate on Trump to draw an erroneous comparison between his FEDERAL CRIMES vs alleged cronyism.

Yes. The story you're posting is bullshit that has nothing to do with Trump. Shit isn't relevant.

And didn't say the story was bullshit. I say you using this bullshit to obfuscate on trump is bullshit. Clearly, that's not difficult for you to understand.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
It's related because both of them are abusing their political power get rich off real estate deals and Pelosi's is far more damaging than Trump's. I believe that she's tempering her attack on Trump to cover her own ass down the line.

There isn't a scenario under the scene where any of that every touches Pelosi because they aren't her companies. Clearly, you're not silly enough to equate thirty-party alleged cronyism to Trump's federal crimes, obstruction, and very much likely conspiracy against the U.S that's going to be involved in an impeachment trial?

It's a dumb ass comparison and Pelosi is completely insulated from any of the shit you're posting. Go find something else better. There is no possible world where Nancy Pelosi personally gets any real attention from this... much less politically or criminally prosecuted as what's likely pending for Trump.

Pelosi is making a clear political calculation on this. That part is not hard to figure out. And she's going to impeach.... she's just doing to delay at is much as possible and it doesn't have anything to do with this stupid you're posting.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Literally, there were lines directly from Michelle Malkin. I don't care what you say your sources were. It's literally prime sourcing from right-wing media sites. It's just like the Biden story. It's being used to obfuscate on Trump to draw an erroneous comparison between his FEDERAL CRIMES vs alleged cronyism.

Yes. The story you're posting is bullshit that has nothing to do with Trump. Shit isn't relevant.

And didn't say the story was bullshit. I say you using this bullshit to obfuscate on trump is bullshit. Clearly, that's not difficult for you to understand.

So your theory is that I just pulled a Michelle Malkin article out of my ass, found some random left wing and Black newspapers that quoted the same facts and used it for the purpose of vindicating Donald Trump on BGOL? I guess by that logic all of my posts about living on Treasure Island these last 5 years, the civic meetings I've attended and community activism I've been involved with were all just a ploy to Make America Great Again.

I want you to say that out loud just so you can hear how insane it sounds.

The reality is that two rival news sources independently covered the same story for different reasons and still managed to agree on the facts. I didn't even know about the Michelle Malkin article until you pointed it out. That makes the story more credible, not less.

There isn't a scenario under the scene where any of that every touches Pelosi because they aren't her companies. Clearly, you're not silly enough to equate thirty-party alleged cronyism to Trump's federal crimes, obstruction, and very much likely conspiracy against the U.S that's going to be involved in an impeachment trial?

It's a dumb ass comparison and Pelosi is completely insulated from any of the shit you're posting. Go find something else better. There is no possible world where Nancy Pelosi personally gets any real attention from this... much less politically or criminally prosecuted as what's likely pending for Trump.

Pelosi is making a clear political calculation on this. That part is not hard to figure out. And she's going to impeach.... she's just doing to delay at is much as possible and it doesn't have anything to do with this stupid you're posting.

Completely insulated except that Pelosi and her family stand to make untold millions if these developments go through as planned.

Also, what do you think will happen in 2020 if the mainstream news comes out with a story that the most powerful democrat in the country allowed poor Black people to be unknowingly poisoned and then kicked them out of their homes so that her nephew's company can sell the land? Keep in mind that Lennar is headquartered in a swing state and has done a lot of similar developments in Pennsylvania, another swing state.

Then there's the off chance that this pisses the people of San Francisco off so badly that they don't reelect her in 2022.

Are you daft enough to think that none of this influences the caution that Pelosi is proceeding with?


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
So your theory is that I just pulled a Michelle Malkin article out of my ass, found some random left wing and Black newspapers that quoted the same facts and used it for the purpose of vindicating Donald Trump on BGOL? I guess by that logic all of my posts about living on Treasure Island these last 5 years, the civic meetings I've attended and community activism I've been involved with were all just a ploy to Make America Great Again.

Randomly searching using lines multiple lines from your post takes you here.

Lines from your original post link to this article:

This is a 10-year-old article that's being re-circulated on right-wing sites.

It's not a theory. That's a fact.

I want you to say that out loud just so you can hear how insane it sounds.

The reality is that two rival news sources independently covered the same story for different reasons and still managed to agree on the facts. That makes the story more credible, not less.

Check above.

And furthermore, it wouldn't matter if the article was posted on dailykos. It's a non-story that doesn't even remotely compare to 1st party federal crimes by the POTUS. The story is both silly by comparison and equally ridiculous as reasoning for Pelosi not initiating a political process.

Completely insulated except that Pelosi and her family stand to make untold millions if these developments go through as planned.

Also, what do you think will happen in 2020 if the mainstream news comes out with a story that the most powerful democrat in the country allowed poor Black people to be unknowingly poisoned and then kicked them out of their homes so that her nephew's company can sell the land? Keep in mind that Lennar is headquartered in a swing state and has done a lot of similar developments in Pennsylvania, another swing state.

Then there's the off chance that this pisses the people of San Francisco off so badly that they don't reelect her in 2022.

Are you daft enough to think that none of this influences the caution that Pelosi is proceeding with?

How can you implicate her in any type of crime? You couldn't. She insulated. It's a non-story in politics like the Biden story cooked up by Guiliani. Nobody would care.

Pelosi is already on the record saying she's retiring after this House Term. She gives no fucks about 2022 and the Speaker of the House is never going to lose their local race. Have a whole fucking seat.

The reasons for Pelosi not pulling the trigger right now are clear. Your theory is both stupid and shows your completely rudimentary understanding of politics. Furthermore, the Speaker isn't on the ticket. State races during a GE will have nothing to do with the fucking speaker just like Mitch McConnel personally has ZERO impact on state-wide races during the GE. No story no matter how positive or negative about a Speaker of the House isn't flipping a fucking swing state with Donald Trump on the ballot.

Don't even call me daft. You're not even remotely on my intellectual level. Don't flatter yourself.
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Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Randomly searching using lines multiple lines from your post takes you here.

Lines from your original post link to this article:

This is a 10-year-old article that's being re-circulated on right-wing sites.

It's not a theory. That's a fact.

Check above.

And furthermore, it wouldn't matter if the article was posted on dailykos. It's a non-story that doesn't even remotely compare to 1st party federal crimes by the POTUS. The story is both silly by comparison and equally ridiculous as reasoning for Pelosi not initiating a political process.

How can you implicate her in any type of crime? You couldn't. She insulated. It's a non-story in politics like the Biden story cooked up by Guiliani. Nobody would care.

Pelosi is already on the record saying she's retiring after this House Term. She gives no fucks about 2022 and the Speaker of the House is never going to lose their local race. Have a whole fucking seat.

The reasons for Pelosi not pulling the trigger right now are clear. Your theory is both stupid and shows your completely rudimentary understanding of politics.

Don't even call me daft. You're not even remotely on my intellectual level. Don't flatter yourself.

Since when is poisoning homeless people not a federal crime? Also, if this is such a non story how come Democracy Now is approaching Treasure Island residents to interview them about the conditions they live under? This is not just some rightwing propaganda. It's a case of rival news sources independently covering the exact same facts for vastly different reasons.

In the case of the Bayview News, it's being covered because friends and relatives of these reporters are being thrown out of their homes while they get sick and die. They want answers. Hell, I want answers!

But since rightwing media is using this story to attack Pelosi we're all just supposed to keep quiet about it? Supposed to act like this has nothing to do with what's going on in the White House? GTFOH

And no, this is in no way comparable to a crackpot theory about Biden put forth by a non-journalist. This is the result of hours of pain staking research and residents brave enough to risk their homes to tell the truth about what's going on here.

Pelosi is no more likely to be implicated in her crime than Trump is. I doubt that either of them will be perp walked on the white house lawn, however the damage to her reputation, political legacy and the party she represents could be enormous.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Since when is poisoning homeless people not a federal crime? s.

Did Pelosi do it herself you fucking momo? Did she personally direct any of it. No. Trump has indictments waiting for him for federal crimes he personally committed.

You're comparing possible cronyism and a thirty-affiliation by Pelosi to federal crimes specifically by the POTUS during an election year. You're an idiot.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
White House asked McGahn to say Trump didn't obstruct justice, but McGahn declined, source says

(CNN)The White House requested that former White House counsel Don McGahn publicly state that President Donald Trump didn't obstruct justice, but McGahn declined, an administration official told CNN on Friday.

The timing of the White House's request -- which was made through top White House lawyer Emmet Flood, according to the official -- is unclear.
The official and a separate source familiar with the matter said that McGahn previously told special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators he didn't believe Trump obstructed justice.
The Wall Street Journal first reported the White House's appeal to McGahn.


So if true.. this is another count of obstruction


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Pelosi is no more likely to be implicated in her crime than Trump is..

Pelosi hasn't committed a crime. You're speculating on cronyism. You don't know whether or not a crime is there that she's connected to.

Trump has committed a crime. He's named as an indicted co-conspirator by the SDNY in Cohen's indictment. Do you know that means? If he was out of office tomorrow, he'd have his indictment unsealed by SDNY. The only thing legally protecting him from that are his executive powers under the U.S. Constitution. Whether or not he's impeached or not, that's coming down the pipeline if he's out of office in 2020.

Your above statement is another example of your utter stupidity.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
They will start proceedings when Mueller & McGahn both get on record. They need it cause Republicans in the Senate gotta be made a farce. Once both of these guys get on record stating things about Trump.....


Completely agree....

Nothing is going to happen until Both testify and Trump's camp know it..

That's why we are getting the delay tactics.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
They will start proceedings when Mueller & McGahn both get on record. They need it cause Republicans in the Senate gotta be made a farce. Once both of these guys get on record stating things about Trump.....


They're probably gonna need to make that decision on their own (without getting McGahn or Mueller on record) unless they don't plan on doing it soon. Trump/Barr will tie that up in the courts as much ass possible. I don't think Mueller is going to leave the DOJ solely to testify to Congress and Barr isn't going to let him testify. McGahn can also stall it out with Trump's support.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Pelosi hasn't committed a crime. You're speculating on cronyism. You don't know whether or not a crime is there that she's connected to.

Trump has committed a crime. He's named as an indicted co-conspirator by the SDNY in Cohen's indictment. Do you know that means? If he was out of office tomorrow, he'd have his indictment unsealed by SDNY. The only thing legally protecting him from that are his executive powers under the U.S. Constitution. Whether or not he's impeached or not, that's coming down the pipeline if he's out of office in 2020.

Your above statement is another example of your utter stupidity.

Yeah I've got no idea why people keep forgetting this everytime they say nothing is going to happen to Trump....

Obstruction on obstruction. It's like Inception.

lol... Obception


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
They're probably gonna need to make that decision on their own (without getting McGahn or Mueller on record) unless they don't plan on doing it soon. Trump/Barr will tie that up in the courts as much ass possible. I don't think Mueller is going to leave the DOJ solely to testify to Congress and Barr isn't going to let him testify. McGahn can also stall it out with Trump's support.

yeah i hate to say it... but it's leaning that way..

They cant continue to drag this out