Don McGahn Rebuffed White House Request to Say Trump Didn’t Obstruct Justice


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Yeah I've got no idea why people keep forgetting this everytime they say nothing is going to happen to Trump....

lol... Obception

People don't understand this process. Dannyblue is probably the smartest person in his family so he thinks he's smart. He's always talking wild aggressively and doesn't even get the most basic facts of the topic.

Trump being named explicitly as Individual 1 (the unindicted co-conspirator) in the Cohen SDNY indictment literally means that the POTUS could not be indicted. However, Donald Trump, the private citizen, has a sealed indictment waiting for him as soon as he's not POTUS. If he loses in 2020, his ass is toast.

and Dead at Obception :lol:


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Did Pelosi do it herself you fucking momo? Did she personally direct any of it. No. Trump has indictments waiting for him for federal crimes he personally committed.

You're comparing possible cronyism and a thirty-affiliation by Pelosi to federal crimes specifically by the POTUS during an election year. You're an idiot.

Okay, so suppose Donald Trump's nephew was a member of a drug cartel. Trump uses his political influence to shield this cartel from prosecution and make sure their drug deals go through. Would that be a crime or just possible cronyism?

After all, Trump didn't sell the drugs himself. Trump didn't personally direct the sales. How could he possibly be complicit?


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Randomly searching using lines multiple lines from your post takes you here.

Lines from your original post link to this article:

This is a 10-year-old article that's being re-circulated on right-wing sites.

It's not a theory. That's a fact.

Check above.

And furthermore, it wouldn't matter if the article was posted on dailykos. It's a non-story that doesn't even remotely compare to 1st party federal crimes by the POTUS. The story is both silly by comparison and equally ridiculous as reasoning for Pelosi not initiating a political process.

How can you implicate her in any type of crime? You couldn't. She insulated. It's a non-story in politics like the Biden story cooked up by Guiliani. Nobody would care.

Pelosi is already on the record saying she's retiring after this House Term. She gives no fucks about 2022 and the Speaker of the House is never going to lose their local race. Have a whole fucking seat.

The reasons for Pelosi not pulling the trigger right now are clear. Your theory is both stupid and shows your completely rudimentary understanding of politics. Furthermore, the Speaker isn't on the ticket. State races during a GE will have nothing to do with the fucking speaker just like Mitch McConnel personally has ZERO impact on state-wide races during the GE. No story no matter how positive or negative about a Speaker of the House isn't flipping a fucking swing state with Donald Trump on the ballot.

Don't even call me daft. You're not even remotely on my intellectual level. Don't flatter yourself.
cook that nigga

Dannyblue is probably the smartest person in his family so he thinks he's smart.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Again, impeachment is a waste of time. It will fail and energize the racists. There's enough sensible people to vote him out of office in 2020. It's just a matter of if we actually show up. I know NY will always vote democrat.....


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Okay, so suppose Donald Trump's nephew was a member of a drug cartel. Trump uses his political influence to shield this cartel from prosecution and make sure their drug deals go through. Would that be a crime or just possible cronyism?

After all, Trump didn't sell the drugs himself. Trump didn't personally direct the sales. How could he possibly be complicit?

We don't need to create hypothetical criminal situations for Donald Trump. He's a fucking unindicted criminal. There is no parallel between him and Pelosi. Trump using his political influence to shield his family would be a non-story if that was the only he did. Politicians do that all the time and there is no inherent crime in peddling influence. That's an ethics issue..not a criminal one. Peddling influence is unfortunately legal in many situations U.S. politics. Lobbying is essentially legalized influence peddling. However, using your political influence is obstruct an investigation is ALWAYS illegal. Using your campaign finance arm to settling personal domestic abuses to avoid political penalty and then disguising that payment is ALWAYS a federal crime. You don't know the distinction between cronyism and federal crimes. You have zero evidence to support the claim you're insinuating. And this is not a new story. There was no real investigative journalism here. You can't break a story that was told 10 years ago. There is nothing meaningful there and especially related to impeachment and the reasoning behind filing impeachment papers or no. It's just a stupid theory (that pelosi won't pull the trigger because she fears personal retribution for real estate deals that her family members are involved in) based on a long series of logical fallacies because you don't understand politics or the law.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I think the most frustrating thing about watching this shitshow unfold is how fucking inept these dudes are... but they keep getting away with it :smh:

It's amazing. These dudes are some Mr. Bean caliber ass niggas but nothing ever happens to them.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Again, impeachment is a waste of time. It will fail and energize the racists. There's enough sensible people to vote him out of office in 2020. It's just a matter of if we actually show up. I know NY will always vote democrat.....

Man if impeachment isn't for Donald Trump who tf is it for bruh? Trump's cultist base is immovable but if Dems fail to act on the mandate they were given in the midterms it will definitely sap turnout in '20.

More importantly... if impeachment isn't on the table here after all this open fuckery we may as well close shop on the notion of democracy in this country


BGOL Investor
Danny acting like a typical cac, Fighting on even when your dumb ass argument has been destroyed


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Man if impeachment isn't for Donald Trump who tf is it for bruh? Trump's cultist base is immovable but if Dems fail to act on the mandate they were given in the midterms it will definitely sap turnout in '20.

More importantly... if impeachment isn't on the table here after all this open fuckery we may as well close shop on the notion of democracy in this country

They just have to do it right. They have to have public hearings so the public is on their side first. The only thing is, this isn't 1973. There are too many TV and entertainment distractions and news distortions. People won't necessarily know what is going on with the hearings so the dems would need good social media messaging and someone who can summarize with soundbites the local news can cover and that would make good headlines. Dems SUCK at messaging.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man if impeachment isn't for Donald Trump who tf is it for bruh? Trump's cultist base is immovable but if Dems fail to act on the mandate they were given in the midterms it will definitely sap turnout in '20.

More importantly... if impeachment isn't on the table here after all this open fuckery we may as well close shop on the notion of democracy in this country

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Impeachment is definitely for Trump but you have to understand that the Repubs are the master of spinning shit. Meuller and McGhan both need to testify first. They need to subpoena a good amount of the white house members that testified to Meuller and need to get Trump's tax returns so they can slap him with fraud after he gets voted out of office and finally leaves in 2021. Impeachment is a waste of time. They need to keep exposing Trump for who he is and how dangerous he is. It will def work if they can get Meuller and McGhan in there.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
We don't need to create hypothetical criminal situations for Donald Trump. He's a fucking unindicted criminal. There is no parallel between him and Pelosi. Trump using his political influence to shield his family would be a non-story if that was the only he did. Politicians do that all the time and there is no inherent crime in peddling influence. That's an ethics issue..not a criminal one. Peddling influence is unfortunately legal in many situations U.S. politics. Lobbying is essentially legalized influence peddling. However, using your political influence is obstruct an investigation is ALWAYS illegal. Using your campaign finance arm to settling personal domestic abuses to avoid political penalty and then disguising that payment is ALWAYS a federal crime. You don't know the distinction between cronyism and federal crimes. You have zero evidence to support the claim you're insinuating. And this is not a new story. There was no real investigative journalism here. You can't break a story that was told 10 years ago. There is nothing meaningful there and especially related to impeachment and the reasoning behind filing impeachment papers or no. It's just a stupid theory (that pelosi won't pull the trigger because she fears personal retribution for real estate deals that her family members are involved in) based on a long series of logical fallacies because you don't understand politics or the law.

The story may have broke 10 years ago, but the investigations conducted by Black and alternative media sources have been ongoing. with this ridiculous "congestion" toll proposal the mainstream San Francisco papers are starting to take notice too. As people get angrier and developers get more desperate this is going to turn ugly very quick. nothing the mainstream media loves more than ugly.

So what does this have to do with Trump? The more that the government and media focus on his sins the more they ignore the Democrat's. If he gets impeached the focus completely shifts and people will start to see just how truly dirty a lot of these high ranking Democrats really are.

They don't want any of that dirt to come out before critical election. instead they want the sheep to blindly vote for whoever seems to have the best chance of getting rid of the orange guy.