I.was thinking of this video the last time I was in this thread but I forgot the title. It's a radio show with gillie da kid and wallo about prison. The title is misleading I think he talks about alpo but there was no rape. It's hilarious in the beginning but the way wallo describes prison it ain't no joke
There are a lot of innocent people in jail/prison that would disagree.Simple, don’t go there.
There are a lot of innocent people in jail/prison that would disagree.
I once heard that if you wanna find out who is innocent in prison. You can go and ask all the wrongly incarcerated inmates in any jail to step forward. We all watch the First 48, most innocent people are exonerated in the investigative stage. Yes a few innocent people slip through the cracks but watching the First 48 alone, most people accused on the show are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
I'll do you one better. @killagram bruh, how many times were you innocent the 3x you caught felonies? I'll still wear my free Killamayne shirt lol.