Dr. Dre’s oldest daughter, LaTanya Young, says she’s homeless, living out of her car

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
How long should a parent be expected to look after an able-bodied adult. This chick is pushing 40 with an entire family of her own and she has yet to find her niche in life that will keep her gainfully employed, living indoors, and enjoying hot meals. That's not Dre's problem. She's admitted that he was helping her up until last year. What people keep glossing over is that the reason he cut her off is because she kept running to the press telling his personal business, like she's doing RIGHT NOW. This ain't nothing but a smear campaign to try and shame some money out of Dre. She's hoping that the Twitter contingent of "well he got money, so he should just give it to her" will force his hand. Fuck that.

And furthermore, if you that broke, how the fuck you got 4 kids? Ain't nothing sexy about poverty. While she's wasting time riding dicks, she could have been learning a motherfucking trade! FOHWTBS.
The article also says she living out a rental car. WTF!

Guess she resorting to running up credit cards.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess the baby daddy/daddies have the same thought process like some of you niggas.

I will seed her up, her daddy will take care of the kids and if he doesn't the public will shame him to take care of him.

Best baby daddy


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
That’s some cold shit. Karma is catching up with Dre with his ex.

When you reckless and have kids by a bunch of women you don't wanna be with this is the result.

If she was directly raised by Dre and was out here like this I'd sympathize with him more. But he never raised her and only started sending money after a DNA test. Dr. Dre been a self hating coon and doesn't have a great history with women.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
She is a grown-ass woman....

Her choices have her in this position so it's her consequence..

Here is an idea.....maybe the baby daddy's should be paying her

Yep she’s grown for one so she should be handling her own responsibilitie, second like you said if she has 4 kids she should be seeking financial support from the dad/dads

she needs to think about what she's doing first because handing someone money really won't help them if they continue to indulge in bad terrible habits like renting an SUV for three weeks for $2300 for a delivery job paying you a small fraction of that.

Move out of California is the first thing.

Dre's song that he found out was his a few years ago said that Dre gives him a monthly stipen of $5000,which isn't shit in California but you can survive on that because people do it all of the time....

$5000 to go along with the money he makes from his JOB should have him living comfortably


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It sounds like he has helped her out...but some of ya'll think he has some duty to provide for her as long as she lives. I know parents with a lot less money than Dre who have done more.....and all it did was keep their kids fucked up, irresponsible and mad when their parents didn't do even more than that.

We fail to understand how sometimes we are crippling our kids.... My uber eats folk drive small lil cars that they could probably pay for in cash for what she is paying to drive a rented SUV for just three weeks....she is the one looking stupid to me, not him...

She thinks she is supposed to live like her dad lives and it don't work like that.

I have a friend whose dad has a really nice house on the bay. When I got married it turned out that friend was my wife's cousin. My wife would say how she was surprised the friend wasn't down at the bay house all the time....The wife knew her uncle like an uncle....I knew him nigga to nigga...LOL...and we talked about all kind of shit......lol..and as far as he was concerned that was HIS bay house....and if she wanted one, then she could get a law degree like him (which he would pay for) and buy her own shit....but when he wanted to go to his shit, he didn't want to have to find out if his daughter was down there first. When he went, she might be invited and if he wanted alone time with the wife or himself she might not....but he didn't bust his ass to give his shit to someone who ain't even working.....and that is just how some people think about their grown hcildren.
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
You would know. One probably fucked your mother and here we dealing with you.

No your women tell us when we fuck them. How yall aren't attracted to them and prefer white women. :lol:

Jamaica is the out of wedlock capital of the universe bredren.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
I hate people that live in other peoples pockets. They are nothing but total drainers. At 40 shorty should have figured out her life.
Here's the part that people are ignoring: He was helping her, and she kept going out and running her dick suckers about his personal biz to the media. She was told to stop, and she did it multiple times after she was warned. When did it become hot not to follow up on warnings? She was told "Don't do that!", and apparently she didn't hear the "Don't" part.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Here's the part that people are ignoring: He was helping her, and she kept going out and running her dick suckers about his personal biz to the media. She was told to stop, and she did it multiple times after she was warned. When did it become hot not to follow up on warnings? She was told "Don't do that!", and apparently she didn't hear the "Don't" part.

So it's fuck her and the grand kids for life, I'm rich. Now we see why "your" islands look the way they do. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's the part that people are ignoring: He was helping her, and she kept going out and running her dick suckers about his personal biz to the media. She was told to stop, and she did it multiple times after she was warned. When did it become hot not to follow up on warnings? She was told "Don't do that!", and apparently she didn't hear the "Don't" part.

He wasn't just helping her, he was paying her rent and expenses......

So during that time why wasn't she stacking cake since she had no bills to pay...

But then the free ride ends and instead of being grateful she in all her entitled wisdom runs to tell a sob story.

Also questioning why he can pay his ex-wife 300k a month while she is homeless....Well, it ain't like he wanted to pay his ex-wife anything.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Apparently she didn’t get his memo about how to keep her generational wealth.:yes:

You guys abandoned your families in the islands to come sweep Jews and Italians floors in NYC, what Dre is doing is the norm for you bredren. 86% out of wedlock rate in Jamaica, sheesh. :smh:

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You guys abandoned your families in the islands to come sweep Jews and Italians floors in NYC, what Dre is doing is the norm for you bredren. 86% out of wedlock rate in Jamaica, sheesh. :smh:
Well, we do steal and copy everything from
ADOS, so it all makes sense. Show us the way Dre, show us how ADOS do!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's a grown ass woman. Unless she's mentally unstable, no fucks would be given. Dre ain't seen her in 18 year but been giving her money up until January 2020....and she's talking to the press....fuck out of here. Some of y'all are going to have weak ass children.


Transnational Member

I touched a little on Dr. Dre in this post, my thing is a person getting a deal with Apple or HP that contract manufacture everything out overseas, depleting manufacturing jobs that her daughter could have worked at. Get your deal with these companies and stay away from colleges or discussing school.

These companies than hit us again, when they overprice their cheaply made products further reducing our standard of living. This high delta attracts more outsourcing, almost like slavery. You have to keep the delta between price and cost to stop outsourcing.

I think he cut off ties because he knew. Her working at a manufacturing job is the antithesis of what he is promoting for Corporate America that contract manufacture everything overseas. Many of these people mess with the minds of young adults with college or blames their lack of pay on grades. I have met alot of these people, they are very cold blooded and dangerous.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How long should a parent be expected to look after an able-bodied adult. This chick is pushing 40 with an entire family of her own and she has yet to find her niche in life that will keep her gainfully employed, living indoors, and enjoying hot meals. That's not Dre's problem. She's admitted that he was helping her up until last year. What people keep glossing over is that the reason he cut her off is because she kept running to the press telling his personal business, like she's doing RIGHT NOW. This ain't nothing but a smear campaign to try and shame some money out of Dre. She's hoping that the Twitter contingent of "well he got money, so he should just give it to her" will force his hand. Fuck that.

And furthermore, if you that broke, how the fuck you got 4 kids? Ain't nothing sexy about poverty. While she's wasting time riding dicks, she could have been learning a motherfucking trade! FOHWTBS.

For the rest of your life. Doesn’t have to be monetary, more like guidance and advice. My parents had the same mindset once you 18 your out. I had to learn how to file taxes/buying a house/credit/ interest rate/student loans I was like fuck salley Mae. Didn’t know Salley was going to fuck my credit up.

Made out just fine but it took me longer. But I’m constantly guiding my daughter through life. Dre daughter needs serious guidance from her father and the streets not going give one cent about her!