Dr umar just married two women on IG live ..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Uh ,huh. Right.
Allow me to address each of your answers directly.

#1. Umar Johnson has at least two biological children of his own that he DOES NOT SEE NOR TAKES CARE OF and refuses to pay child support to provide for. So you can miss me with that bullshit.

#2. "Noble & Courageous act"? :lol:
First off, he cannot LEGALLY marry more than one woman at a time in America, so this bullshit "ceremony" is a farce and he knows it.
Second, a man is supposed to provide for and protect his wife and children. Umar ain't got NO JOB and NO INCOME to provide for these women.
I'm guessing they're gonna live off of the work of those ladies and the continued "donations" from his sheep followers.
Third, where are they going to live? Umar ain't got NO HOME to live in. I'm guessing he's gonna alternate between both of them in their homes or apartments. (Or at that "school".) :rolleyes:

#3. The fact that many monogamous relationships fail also negates the fact that many, many more actually DO manage to succeed.
And my post was never about nor a condemnation of polygamy. It's about exposing the lies and activities of a well known con man, liar and wanna be cult leader who continually preys on The Black Community.

#4. Dude, this is not a marriage.
It can't be because it's completely illegal.
At best, it's an "open relationship". Nothing more.
It's a dog and pony show that Umar put on to showcase his personal "achievements" to his followers. Basically he's flaunting the fact that (in his mind) he's "big enough" to have two women at the same time.
Also; loneliness and desperation are two terrible conditions to live with. I'm sure if you sit down and talk to those women you'll come to see that they're both probably lonely & desperate women willing to do just about anything to get and keep a man.
Even this bum... :rolleyes:

#5. Dude, stop it.
You know goddamn, good and well that NONE of Umar's relatives showed up for this latest episode of the "Umar Clown Show". :rolleyes:
Other than his father, NONE of Umar's family have yet to come forward in any capacity to publicly support him in ANY of his endeavors. And even then; Umar's father only "tacitly" supports him. Most of the time he's busy shucking and jiving trying not to accept blame for fucking his sons mind up so badly when Umar was a child.

#6. It's not just in America.
The "Nuclear Family" model is the universally preferred means of marriage and raising a family.
This is the traditional and LEGAL stance pretty much across the entire globe.
Are the countries where polygamy is openly practiced?
- Yes.
But this is more the exception. Not the rule.

#7. Bullshit.
Independent of religion, a judge or even a Justice of the Peace MUST be present in order for a marriage to be recognized as legal.
I can GUARANTEE you there was no such legitimate person present who officiated this "union".
Again; at best, this can only be legally recognized as an "open relationship".

#8. Again, Uh, huh. Yeah, right.
Save that "correct software" horseshit for soft in the head people.

This creep is Warren Jeffs.

Warren also studied his own heritage and was an expert on all things Mormon in America.

'Ole Warren felt he too was "blessed & deserving" of having multiple wives and children.

And just like Umar; Warren lied to, abused, misled and stole from his followers as well.
In the end, this is Warren's final outcome....

Umar clearly is walking down the same path.
If you believe him to be "noble and courageous" because he's involved with two women, then I seriously wonder about what your definition of manhood, fatherhood and greatness is... :smh:

Excellent response!



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I thought Polygamy was cool around these parts?
Nope. They watch dick sucking movies all day; they openly exalt sodomy;
they feely and frequently profess to licking women's anuses.

Whose culture
and whose values are these?


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Uh ,huh. Right.
Allow me to address each of your answers directly.

#1. Umar Johnson has at least two biological children of his own that he DOES NOT SEE NOR TAKES CARE OF and refuses to pay child support to provide for. So you can miss me with that bullshit.

#2. "Noble & Courageous act"? :lol:
First off, he cannot LEGALLY marry more than one woman at a time in America, so this bullshit "ceremony" is a farce and he knows it.
Second, a man is supposed to provide for and protect his wife and children. Umar ain't got NO JOB and NO INCOME to provide for these women.
I'm guessing they're gonna live off of the work of those ladies and the continued "donations" from his sheep followers.
Third, where are they going to live? Umar ain't got NO HOME to live in. I'm guessing he's gonna alternate between both of them in their homes or apartments. (Or at that "school".) :rolleyes:

#3. The fact that many monogamous relationships fail also negates the fact that many, many more actually DO manage to succeed.
And my post was never about nor a condemnation of polygamy. It's about exposing the lies and activities of a well known con man, liar and wanna be cult leader who continually preys on The Black Community.

#4. Dude, this is not a marriage.
It can't be because it's completely illegal.
At best, it's an "open relationship". Nothing more.
It's a dog and pony show that Umar put on to showcase his personal "achievements" to his followers. Basically he's flaunting the fact that (in his mind) he's "big enough" to have two women at the same time.
Also; loneliness and desperation are two terrible conditions to live with. I'm sure if you sit down and talk to those women you'll come to see that they're both probably lonely & desperate women willing to do just about anything to get and keep a man.
Even this bum... :rolleyes:

#5. Dude, stop it.
You know goddamn, good and well that NONE of Umar's relatives showed up for this latest episode of the "Umar Clown Show". :rolleyes:
Other than his father, NONE of Umar's family have yet to come forward in any capacity to publicly support him in ANY of his endeavors. And even then; Umar's father only "tacitly" supports him. Most of the time he's busy shucking and jiving trying not to accept blame for fucking his sons mind up so badly when Umar was a child.

#6. It's not just in America.
The "Nuclear Family" model is the universally preferred means of marriage and raising a family.
This is the traditional and LEGAL stance pretty much across the entire globe.
Are the countries where polygamy is openly practiced?
- Yes.
But this is more the exception. Not the rule.

#7. Bullshit.
Independent of religion, a judge or even a Justice of the Peace MUST be present in order for a marriage to be recognized as legal.
I can GUARANTEE you there was no such legitimate person present who officiated this "union".
Again; at best, this can only be legally recognized as an "open relationship".

#8. Again, Uh, huh. Yeah, right.
Save that "correct software" horseshit for soft in the head people.

This creep is Warren Jeffs.

Warren also studied his own heritage and was an expert on all things Mormon in America.

'Ole Warren felt he too was "blessed & deserving" of having multiple wives and children.

And just like Umar; Warren lied to, abused, misled and stole from his followers as well.
In the end, this is Warren's final outcome....

Umar clearly is walking down the same path.
If you believe him to be "noble and courageous" because he's involved with two women, then I seriously wonder about what your definition of manhood, fatherhood and greatness is... :smh:
That is a white man's culture you are promoting and defending.

Umar openly called his women "African"; you can see where his
values come from.

You think I agree with laws that promote homosexuality and
criminalise polygamy?


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I do not agree with this, but since white men like doing DPs, even with
2 penises in the same anus or vagina at the same time, I suspect that
all of you would object less to polyandry than to polygamy



Rising Star
Platinum Member
He is definitely delinquent in the care of his children, but that does not mean
that his polygamy is a bad thing.,
Motive and context is what matters. Some men hide behind polygamy to justify their modern day pimp/ho relationship where the women generate all the money and he serves as a masculine figurehead that benefits from their efforts. I wouldn't look at this side eyed if Umar had a successfully operating school, a stable income and a place to call home. Absent any of that he's just a sorry nigga lookin to get taken care of. And he knows the type of women that are willing to support his trifling ass. I'll bet any man worth his salt could knock Umar's hoz with little to no game. All they have to do is offer more security and resources than Umar has and those raggedy hoodrats would be gone post haste! This is some hood gutter love wrapped in fake black consciousness and everyone with half a brain can see it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He said a couple of days ago that the wedding wouldn't be real, that it was just apart of the fashion show... What the hell is "African vanilla" ??? :lol:


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
2 biological sisters and their husband in Nigeria. The African way is the best.
