My title says Drake takes SHOTS at Pusha T. In the verse the man says Pusha SNITCHED on him basically. He says Pusha T got HOT because of HIM.
How is that NOT throwing shade at Pusha T? The line right after is to people who thought he couldn't come back on Pusha. In your words "give up on a nigga".
Look at this thread and people saying Drake should just take the L.
Drake STILL talked about this damn thing on Lebron's show long after it was suppose to be squashed by J Prince.
What is there to acknowledge? Drake IS NOT acknowledging he took the L from Pusha T. His camp out there saying how he had a song to ruin Pusha T.
I ask you this? Why is Drake bringing this up again unless it is to throw shade at Pusha? It sure isn't some accepting a loss especially after him bragging about Raptors winning the title. This is Drake feeling he has to get in the last say on this Pusha thing and nothing less. He is throwing shade.
The title of the track says it all. Omertà” is defined as
“secrecy sworn to by oath,” and is a term often connected to the Italian mafia