Draya Trappin ...


Rising Star
OG Investor
its real

....well damn, the gift that keeps giving....


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch

Niggas love going raw in semi retarded bitches and then act stupid when the kid comes out half semi retarded.

The Pontiff knows all that gliitters is not gold. Dont let your seed be a victim of all the wonderful neglect she plans on giving your child.

She'll end up with another rich dummy (aka an NFL player) and relieve him of half his earnings he spent his whole life earning in 2 years.

All for the sake of good sex and clout. I bet her and her ex husbands spelling contest were epic.

Her :How you spell House?
Him: H-o-u-z-z
Her: Naw, Dummy thats were I spend your money on furniture. Its H-o-w-s-e .
Him: Damn, thanks honey my CTE must be kicking in today.