Drayonis warned us more than a decade ago


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."

I remember my fourth grade teacher saying she doesn't get onnthe brides at the fair she only gets on rides at Disney world and Busch gardens and I can't say I blame her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're an idiot brotha duece,
don't play with "death" around fellow bgol members, you should know better.

Even in a thread where Ninjas are playing with death on shitty fairground rides.

I'm sorry Drayonis and I'm sorry to the BGOL family.

I shall refrain from posting for the remainder of the weekend.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Man this ol funky wooden headed hoe tried to tell me let the kids ride the rides, they kids! BITCH! Let yo kids ride them motherfucking death traps! When they turn 18, they can ride a fucking comet or meteor for all I care, but I'm not a statistic over some bullshit, and let me die first! I don't want to bury my child! btw she is a single mom, and I did wipe my dik across her face. Don't judge me, bro. I told her that's why she was single. She cussed me out. A lot.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This is real

And she’s an idiot



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor

You cannot blame Six Flags attendees for this…. over the last few months on the management has been falling short. If I was the owner of Six Flags, I would have a quick review of my management and maintenance staff because this shit can’t get extremely expensive is the wrong type of accident happens.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
You cannot blame Six Flags attendees for this…. over the last few months on the management has been falling short. If I was the owner of Six Flags, I would have a quick review of my management and maintenance staff because this shit can’t get extremely expensive is the wrong type of accident happens.