Nah, I can't do it. I wont buy his stock or cars.It’s time for people to set aside their personal feelings and go out and get this paper. stock is over $320
I wasn’t referring to Tesla stock specifically. I was advocating for a general strategy of investing in the market over the next two years before a bubble forms.Nah, I can't do it. I wont buy his stock or cars.
I wasn’t referring to Tesla stock specifically. I was advocating for a general strategy of investing in the market over the next two years before a bubble forms.
exactly they've been complaining for decades, they finally got their wish.Based off the elections, it would seem that this is what America wants
K narrative with Karen Hunter. But folks need the access to whiteness.Fuck bluesky and making them cac rich. You have Isaac Hayes III with his platform and Spoutible.
Karen has repeatedly made it clear that she is not interested in that kind of crowd. However, she has quietly built a strong platform.K narrative with Karen Hunter. But folks need the access to whiteness.
Fuck bluesky and making them cac rich. You have Isaac Hayes III with his platform and Spoutible.
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