Yeah the powers that be is going to stop this bullshit he better be careful
Boss, you on a place that bans trannies and gay content. To the alphabet gang, this is stormfront.Stormfront Agrees with you 100%.....
Stormfront openly recruited for Neo Nazi and other anti government groups.... whats the BGOL equivalant..... Boss?Boss, you on a place that bans trannies and gay content. To the alphabet gang, this is stormfront.Some of you cats funny as shit and don't get how censorship rolls downhill.
Anyone daring to log in on BGOL is 100 percent free speech by their actions despite what they type.
Looks like it didn't failI said his hostile takeover failed. Didn't say anything about the value of the stock nor do I care.
People are sleeping on the Jack Dorsey connection. Twitter would not be able to handle both of them dumping shares while simultaneously while building their own platform.
Depends on the final price. No one is going to run up the price above that.If they sell it’s hit 60+ then settles back at $40 or less. As posted above Twitter will become a shot show times 10. Only way that stock hits 70 or more if he can float rumors of letting Trump back on, or the upcoming election cycles with racists running openly Cac.
First thing this CAC will do is unban Trump once the ink is dry... Just in time for the Mid-terms...
this makes no sense they want more regulation, the harassment makes the noise.
Jason Johnson been a damn bootlicking shill for years now still talking dumb garbage.
Only way I'll stop using twitter is if they ban porn.if he allows trump back on twitter I am killing my accounts. You know it’s going to be plenty of bullshit going on on that site right now and I want no part of it I stick to Facebook and TikTok.
Mergers and acquisitions..aka hostile takeoversOh shit here comes trumpty dumpty!!!
Twitter Nears a Deal to Sell Itself to Elon Musk (Published 2022)
The company’s 11-member board met with Mr. Musk to discuss his offer to buy the social networking service and take it private. An agreement could come as soon as
Right in time to run for president. Everyone else should leave the platform
Mergers and acquisitions..aka hostile takeovers