English colonialists must be pissed! young, lovely, 100% female crew! Kenya Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner flight from Nairobi to Kinshasa DRC


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
This was never supposed to happen. These dumb and primitive Africans were supposed
to fail, and crawl back crying to England to return and run everything for them!!

The body on that first officer... Gametheory what can you tell me about her?
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Rising Star
This was never supposed to happen. These dumb and primitive Africans were supposed
to fail, and crawl back crying to England to return and run everything for them!!

The body on that first officers... Gametheory what you tell me about her?

zingie, you work far too hard trying to convince the world what a fucking imbecile you are! Trust me; we already know.

As always, you remain the single most out of touch motherfucker on BGOL. This ain't news, negro! .... Ethiopian Airlines has been doing all Black female crews for ions. They pioneered the idea long before Kenya Air with their raggedy ass, fly-a-jalopy, third-hand planes ever thought of it. For an African, you sure can be relied upon to not know Jack Shit about Africa, again and again. How does that happen, zingie? Fuck Kenya and their airline. Africa's version of Spirit Airlines. Wouldn't fly KA for free! When Kenya starts doing tire necklaces on those eurocac perverts in Mombasa fucking African babies, that they know full well about, then talk to me about fuck-ass Kenya. And even then they will still suck.



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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
zingie, you work far too hard trying to convince the world what a fucking imbecile you are! Trust me; we already know.

As always, you remain the single most out of touch motherfucker on BGOL. This ain't news, negro! .... Ethiopian Airlines has been doing all Black female crews for ions. They pioneered the idea long before Kenya Air with their raggedy ass, fly-a-jalopy, third-hand planes ever thought of it. For an African, you sure can be relied upon to not know Jack Shit about Africa, again and again. How does that happen, zingie? Fuck Kenya and their airline. Africa's version of Spirit Airlines. Wouldn't fly KA for free!



Hey bruh ease up a little. I understand you putting Nzinga on blast but why are you shitting on Kenya? Irrespective of Ethiopia's all black female flight crews being at it longer, Kenyan black female pilots should be lauded for their accomplishments too. Btw I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:


Rising Star
Hey bruh ease up a little. I understand you putting Nzinga on blast but why are you shitting on Kenya? Irrespective of Ethiopia's all black female flight crews being at it longer, Kenyan black female pilots should be lauded for their accomplishments too. Btw I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:
Let's talk about it ..... You know anything about Kenya being the world's hot spot for europeans who wanna fuck little African toddlers and babies? The beaches in Mombasa are ground zero for these assholes and it's nothing to see cacs cuddled up with little Black kids there. The shit is overlooked by the parents of the kids cause they need the income and the Kenyan government knows all about it, right up to Kenyatta, but does not act, but instead provides a safe haven for the pedos to do their sick thing, for fear of alienating europeans, and impacting their tourism industry based profits. You ask me what my beef is with Kenya? No, I think I should be asking you why you don't share my sentiment!


Rising Star
I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:

A Dreamliner they don't even own? What a bragging right! KA is 2 billion in debt, in bankruptcy court in Kenya trying to restructure their debt so they don't go the way of South African Airlines (which they inevitably will), and you're applauding? Oh wait, I forgot, I'm on BGOL where everybody shoots from the hip!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey bruh ease up a little. I understand you putting Nzinga on blast but why are you shitting on Kenya? Irrespective of Ethiopia's all black female flight crews being at it longer, Kenyan black female pilots should be lauded for their accomplishments too. Btw I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:

the rothchilds run kenya..... its kept in chaos so the demons

can run rampant for now...

sooner or later them fiat notes wont protect them anymore,

and they the parasites will be hunted down, the same way,

they have people hunted down...

But chea, the Rothchild parasitic family run kenya....


Rising Star
the rothchilds run kenya..... its kept in chaos so the demons

can run rampant for now...

sooner or later them fiat notes wont protect them anymore,

and they the parasites will be hunted down, the same way,

they have people hunted down...

But chea, the Rothchild parasitic family run kenya....
The thing that pisses me off most about Africans is their very own two tier system of racism against their own. It takes a tsunami of wrongdoing for them to even look for fault in a goddamn cac, yet they, at the drop of a dime, will unleash the hounds of hell on a fellow African for next to nothing! While cacs are ass fucking their toddlers, they're busy burning a hungry, starving Black African in a pile of tires for stealing an apple!

The little chick I posted here in the past that I brought to Ghana from Madagascar, arrived shook, because the week prior to her flight, she witnessed a mob near Antananarivo beat a hungry African man to goddamn death for stealing and eating somebody's motherfucking duck! Them negroes on some other shit!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow!!! I just don't understand connecting all Kenya woes and shortcomings to the accomplishments of an all female flight crew.
The article was about them not about Kenya on the whole, yet the detractors on the Board who can't fly a paper airplane can't separate those who fly the real deal from the alleged misdeeds of the government. Their outrage and unrelenting criticism is misplaced imo.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was never supposed to happen. These dumb and primitive Africans were supposed
to fail, and crawl back crying to England to return and run everything for them!!

The body on that first officers... Gametheory what you tell me about her?

Damm I watched this on YouTube last night.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And in true African fashion, I guarantee everyone of them is wenching hard. :smh: :lol:

Your guarantee is based upon what? Your personal knowledge of any or all of them??? Oh, I see, just your penchant for making accusations without any proof. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Please keep in mind that you were never ASKED to understand! I'm reporting my POV to the level of my articulation, not to the level of your understanding. I trust that I'm allowed to have an opinion here, whether it mirrors yours or not. I paid my fee.

When I said I just don't understand it was not meant to convey that I don't understand what you're saying just that I couldn't understand how you could so easily misconstrue and conflate the focus of the article with your obvious distaste for Kenya on the whole. And of course your are allowed to have and state an opinion no matter how inane.


Rising Star
When I said I just don't understand it was not meant to convey that I don't understand what you're saying just that I couldn't understand how you could so easily misconstrue and conflate the focus of the article with your obvious distaste for Kenya on the whole. And of course your are allowed to have and state an opinion no matter how inane.
Maybe you forget that you came to MY post to reply, and if you find it inane, I'd say that speaks volumes in other ways about how much you value your weekend time. An hour invested in responding to the ramblings of some detached old man in the Caribbean. Life must be boring in the place you live, or, you possibly simply arose from the wrong side of the bed and you're just seeking a victim for your bottled up truculence. Either way, I'll still wish you a pleasant Sunday, and please don't kick the dog. (Oh, and as for me, I'm retired. I despise the church. I really DON'T have anything better to do on Sunday morning.) Cheers!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maybe you forget that you came to MY post to reply, and if you find it inane, I'd say that speaks volumes in other ways about how much you value your weekend time. An hour invested in responding to the ramblings of some detached old man in the Caribbean. Life must be boring in the place you live, or, you possibly simply arose from the wrong side of the bed and you're just seeking a victim for your bottled up truculence. Either way, I'll still wish you a pleasant Sunday, and please don't kick the dog. (Oh, and as for me, I'm retired. I despise the church. I really DON'T have anything better to do on Sunday morning.) Cheers!

Based on the tenor of your responses I would say it is you who "arose from the wrong side of the bed". Disagreement can be a valuable thing if kept in perspective and it can lead to consensus, but I gotta say you have made that very difficult by your expressed faux psychoanalytical opinions and comments that have for the most part been mean spirited, full of vitriol and sarcasm and aimed at me and a group of women who accomplished something noteworthy but in your view should not be celebrated because of their country's governmental mismanagement.

As for you despising the church I suppose you have your reasons. Just hope they're better and more germane than those you've expressed so far. :hmm:


Rising Star
aimed at me and a group of women who
I never even MENTIONED any Kenyan women. Not once! Yeah, you're just bored or lonely. Sorry, but I'm not willing to spend my weekend rocking some guy's cradle. Chatter till you turn blue. Bye!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never even MENTIONED any Kenyan women. Not once! Yeah, you're just bored or lonely. Sorry, but I'm not willing to spend my weekend rocking some guy's cradle. Chatter till you turn blue. Bye!

Still with the personal attacks??? The trademark of one who cannot admit an error or accept another's point of view. Continue to wallow in your closedmindedness and if I may, go get yourself laid even if you have to pay for it because you are in dire need to have removed the stick of incivility that is firmly lodged in your ass. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
Still with the personal attacks??? The trademark of one who cannot admit an error or accept another's point of view. Continue to wallow in your closedmindedness and if I may, go get yourself laid even if you have to pay for it because you are in dire need to have removed the stick of incivility that is firmly lodged in your ass. :rolleyes:
Oh you gonna swear at me too? Listen sirbitchassedness, you probably have me twisted with the whore who birthed you. I would say your father, but so few of your ilk have a clue who that is. Plus, I'll tread carefully as it might be me. I spent most of my life in the US so your mom might be a pleasant memory. You seem to have some strange fixation on me this morning, and unable to peel yourself away. I have no idea who the fuck you are, so come clean. What are you after? A dick pic? Your ass is in love! If you want me to fuck you in the ass, I'm not going there. Plus, who knows, I may still have some of your mom's shit on the tip. That thought is almost incestuous in a twisted way. Tell you what, sport. If you go away nicely and stop with the replies and messages, I'll consider allowing you to lick my unwiped ass after an unhealthy diarrhea shit following a day of heavy dairy consumption. But the agreement is, you can't come tell the board, ok? Shit, what do I care? Tell the world! Deal, bitch? Look I'm afraid I'm gonna have to block & ignore your bitch ass for at least a month. I'm feeling "uncomfortable" with your advances, and my girl is not digging this whole thing either. Try nzinga, he fucks goats. I'm sure he might find your narrow ass better than goat pussy. SHUTTING YOU DOWN. Good luck, Tiger!


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Oh you gonna swear at me too? Listen sirbitchassedness, you probably have me twisted with the whore who birthed you. I would say your father, but so few of your ilk have a clue who that is. Plus, I'll tread carefully as it might be me. I spent most of my life in the US so your mom might be a pleasant memory. You seem to have some strange fixation on me this morning, and unable to peel yourself away. I have no idea who the fuck you are, so come clean. What are you after? A dick pic? Your ass is in love! If you want me to fuck you in the ass, I'm not going there. Plus, who knows, I may still have some of your mom's shit on the tip. That thought is almost incestuous in a twisted way. Tell you what, sport. If you go away nicely and stop with the replies and messages, I'll consider allowing you to lick my unwiped ass after an unhealthy diarrhea shit following a day of heavy dairy consumption. But the agreement is, you can't come tell the board, ok? Shit, what do I care? Tell the world! Deal, bitch? Look I'm afraid I'm gonna have to block & ignore your bitch ass for at least a month. I'm feeling "uncomfortable" with your advances, and my girl is not digging this whole thing either. Try nzinga, he fucks goats. I'm sure he might find your narrow ass better than goat pussy. SHUTTING YOU DOWN. Good luck, Tiger!



Rising Star
Fuck yeah! Woke up in a good mood.... was gonna spend my morning giving zingie the biz, drinking my cocoa and enjoying a new hot sunny day, and as always some cocksucker rises from the dirt to ride my every move till nightfall. My situation with zingie is a bit different, I really like zingie but he's being punished, but that other flaky mofo I don't even know. One good thing about me.... I never ever carry long term grudges. That's for hoes. If that talking dick came to Belize I'd be happy to buy him lunch, beer and a Honduran hooker. Plus I'm not a young man. By next week I won't remember any of this and wonder why I'm ignoring some guy. It ain't serious, but sometimes you gotta pretend it is to get your point across. I don't dislike anybody on the board except maybe Flawless. He's a big mouth weaselly fucker. I'm certain Masterbaker thinks I don't like him cause I always seem to disagree with everything he says but I admire the hell out of him. He has a level of temper control I can only dream of. I have never seen an unkind peep come from his direction. Muthafucka seems to dream of food the way I dream of 20 year old pussy though. More power to him. Takes all kinds to make a world. Am I ranting again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh you gonna swear at me too? Listen sirbitchassedness, you probably have me twisted with the whore who birthed you. I would say your father, but so few of your ilk have a clue who that is. Plus, I'll tread carefully as it might be me. I spent most of my life in the US so your mom might be a pleasant memory. You seem to have some strange fixation on me this morning, and unable to peel yourself away. I have no idea who the fuck you are, so come clean. What are you after? A dick pic? Your ass is in love! If you want me to fuck you in the ass, I'm not going there. Plus, who knows, I may still have some of your mom's shit on the tip. That thought is almost incestuous in a twisted way. Tell you what, sport. If you go away nicely and stop with the replies and messages, I'll consider allowing you to lick my unwiped ass after an unhealthy diarrhea shit following a day of heavy dairy consumption. But the agreement is, you can't come tell the board, ok? Shit, what do I care? Tell the world! Deal, bitch? Look I'm afraid I'm gonna have to block & ignore your bitch ass for at least a month. I'm feeling "uncomfortable" with your advances, and my girl is not digging this whole thing either. Try nzinga, he fucks goats. I'm sure he might find your narrow ass better than goat pussy. SHUTTING YOU DOWN. Good luck, Tiger!

All that because I disagree with your view on the OP's topic??? You just validated the view that when a person cannot argue a point civilly they revert to personal attacks to disguise the fact that they really can't dialogue intelligently. Just read what you wrote here and then try to reconcile that with your previous comments that while erroneous in my opinion were at least worth considering.

Now because we disagree you're talking about "fucking me in the ass and wanting me to lick your unwiped anus and calling my mother a whore. Sorry my man, but when you go from grandiose to the gutter you've irretrievably lost the argument and given us all an insight as to who and what you really are. :smh:


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Hey bruh ease up a little. I understand you putting Nzinga on blast but why are you shitting on Kenya? Irrespective of Ethiopia's all black female flight crews being at it longer, Kenyan black female pilots should be lauded for their accomplishments too. Btw I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:
Thank you for the defense, but before Ethiopia ever had an all-black crew
Emelia Earhardt did several solo cross country tours. Many female Russian
pilots flew for their country in the second world war. However, I am not
celebrating them.

I am not celebrating "women". I am highlighting and rejoicing my own kind.
Fuck the Ethiopians; they think they are better than other black people, and
that is why you never ever see me say too much about them. I do not care if
they fly to, land on, Mars, and come back to Earth to be celebrated as the first
humans to achieve the feat. I am not celebrating people, who when you get
down to the gist of it will tell you that they are different from you and, would
rather be white.

As for the idiot you are responding to, he knows that he is on my ignore list
and I do not see a single thing he says
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Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
currently in Nairobi but I've always wanted to go to Kinshasa.

All my Congolese connects did not connect
Get me the phone number of the first officer.. I want to exercise
a close and personal examination of those hips of hers


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
As if. You lower us when you use colonizers as a measuring stick for standards. You need to understand.
I do not lower you. You are already where you are when you think that
everything and everyone should pander to your whim. As a start of your
own amelioration, you might want to ask us why we have no love of the
English, instead of trying to insert your own preferences and prejudices.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
The English told us when we kicked them out that we would never
amount to anything; and we would crawl back to and beg them
to return.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
And in true African fashion, I guarantee everyone of them is wenching hard. :smh: :lol:
African women are dignified. What is afflicting you is envy. Any man who advertises
that has a predilection for anal sex tells me every sad thing I need to know about him