English colonialists must be pissed! young, lovely, 100% female crew! Kenya Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner flight from Nairobi to Kinshasa DRC


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Hey bruh ease up a little. I understand you putting Nzinga on blast but why are you shitting on Kenya? Irrespective of Ethiopia's all black female flight crews being at it longer, Kenyan black female pilots should be lauded for their accomplishments too. Btw I don't think a 787 Dreamliner qualifies as a "jalopy" aircraft. :hmm:
The motherfucker is probably a cac. Over the years, the thing that has
roiled his ass, is whenever I celebrate our liberation from, and the eviction
of cacs out of, Africa.

The fact that I was rubbing this beautiful Kenya Airways flight in the face
of English colonialism is what the fuck has set him off.

I do not know if you remember how angry he got when I recounted to all
how the turning point in the Chimurenga, (Zimbabwe's war of liberation)
occurred when the forces of Joshua Nkomo shot down Rhodesia Air flight
825 that was going from Kariba on the Zambia border, to Salisbury (now
Harare), with a Soviet supplied surface to air missile. The guerillas on the
ground finished off the fucking cacs who unfortunately did not die in the
crash. It was after that this that cacs realised that we were not playing with
their asses that they start their surrender negotiations in earnest. I remember
the day like it was yesterday, and how I and my classmates jumped up for
joy, and ran out of the technical drawing class to go dance and sing.


Remnants of Rhodesia Air Flight 825 shot down by the guerillas of
Joshua Nkomo in 1979

This motherfucker here was livid when I brought up the excellent memory
of that glorious day.
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Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Based on the tenor of your responses I would say it is you who "arose from the wrong side of the bed". Disagreement can be a valuable thing if kept in perspective and it can lead to consensus, but I gotta say you have made that very difficult by your expressed faux psychoanalytical opinions and comments that have for the most part been mean spirited, full of vitriol and sarcasm and aimed at me and a group of women who accomplished something noteworthy but in your view should not be celebrated because of their country's governmental mismanagement.

As for you despising the church I suppose you have your reasons. Just hope they're better and more germane than those you've expressed so far. :hmm:
Please read my explanation of why the mother fucker is angry.
We do not want cacs in Africa. That is why he is angry. His parents
are probably among the cacs we kicked out of Zimbabwe, South
Africa, Zambia, Namibia or one of those countries


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Mwanza Tanzania is not a little fishing town. It is the second biggest city
in Tanzania, and is extremely beautiful. It might look little from 38, 000
feet, but so does Nairobi, a mega city in East Africa.





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The motherfucker is probably a cac. Over the years, the thing that has
roiled his ass, is whenever I celebrate our liberation from, and the eviction
of cacs from Africa.

The fact that I was rubbing this beautiful Kenya Airways flight in the face
of English colonialism is what the fuck has set him off.

I do not if you remember how angry he got when I recounted to everyone
how the turning point in the Chimurenga, (Zimbabwe's war of liberation)
occurred when the forces of Joshua Nkomo shot down Rhodesia Air flight
825 that was flying from Kariba on the Zambia border, to Salisbury (now
Harare), with a Soviet supplied surface to air missile. The guerillas on the
ground finished off the fucking cacs who unfortunately did not die in the
crash. It was after that this that cacs realised that we were not playing with
their asses that they start their surrender negotiations in earnest. I remember
the days like it was yesterday, and how I and my classmates jumped up for
joy, and ran out of the technical drawing class to go dance and sing.


Remnants of Rhodesia Air Flight 825 shot down by the guerillas of
Joshua Nkomo in 1979

This motherfucker here was livid when I brought up the excellent memory
of that glorious day.

Wow! Very interesting and something that would make many of us proud if only we knew the history you've put out there. Props!


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
This fucker here...or just think that white owned/black managed taco bell in yur hood..that can only survive with a black team.


All the airliners in the world, all 24,000 of them, are made in only 2
places: USA and Europe. That is it. The Russians have designed and
made many; the Chinese are now starting to make their own, but
all of these have been ignored by everyone, save for the unimportant
and insignificant airlines of the likes North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and
even Mexico, at one time. No one flies China Airs, Sukhoi SJ 100s or
Ilyushins. The airliners out there all Boeing and Airbus. It is a waste of
time to engage in polemics about what could be. We celebrate the only
simple joys we can muster. Kenya Airlines is not a Taco Bell on a street
corner. It is one of the biggest and most successful airlines in the world,
that flies all over Africa, to the US, Europe and Asia. It is a major operation
and is, with Ethiopian Airlines, probably one of the the two most important
African airlines, especially with the collapse of South African Airways.

Please stop the hate
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
The captain can give me a blowjob. I love her lips.
‘I also love how she kept her make up in place after a long flight. The male pilots that fly my Atl to Lagos routes be looking rough on landing. Lol.

king reckless

Rising Star
I do not lower you. You are already where you are when you think that
everything and everyone should pander to your whim. As a start of your
own amelioration
, you might want to ask us why we have no love of the
English, instead of trying to insert your own preferences and prejudices.
You. Just. Described. Nzinga.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
The captain can give me a blowjob. I love her lips.
‘I also love how she kept her make up in place after a long flight. The male pilots that fly my Atl to Lagos routes be looking rough on landing. Lol.
You just might be in luck. Our own Gametheory is in Nairobi right now;
perhaps he can communicate your important need to Capt Koki Mutungi;
after all it is her job to serve the customers.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All the airliners in the world, all 24,000 of them, are made in only 2
places: USA and Europe. That is it. The Russians have designed and
made many; the Chinese are now starting to make their own, but
all of these have been ignored by everyone, save for the unimportant
and insignificant airlines of the likes North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and
even Mexico, at one time. No one flies China Airs, Sukhoi SJ 100s or
Ilyushins. The airliners out there all Boeing and Airbus. It is a waste of
time to engage in polemics about what could be. We celebrate the only
simple joys we can muster. Kenya Airlines is not a Taco Bell on a street
corner. It is one of the biggest and most successful airlines in the world,
that flies all over Africa, to the US, Europe and Asia. It is a major operation
and is, with Ethiopian Airlines, probably the two most important African
airlines, especially with the collapse of South African Airways.

Please stop the hate

Truth hurtz sometimes..Elite worldwide/colonialists/stockholders, including the english still growin rich from African labor..just like@taco bell/ole times.




Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Truth hurtz sometimes..Elite worldwide/colonialists/stockholders, including the english still growin rich from African labor..just like@taco bell/ole times.

Take you negative talk somewhere else. This is not the time or the plae
for you to sow your hatred of Africa



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
They are coming; Zambian teenager, Besa Mumba, is on the way up to become a



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
The first officer in this video, Paula Kahuho-Mwarari, is an engineer and a pilot;
She has become a captain of a 737 in her own right. Well done young lady. She
is now a line captain teaching and training her own first officers to captaincy



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
A lot of beautiful pilots in Kenya Airways. I am not sure Gametheory will
want to come back


1. Captain Emmy Chepkwony who flies the B737


3. First Officer Louisa Imbuga (B737)


4. First Officer Kellen Macharia


5 Captain Fiona Ngumi


6. First officer Evelyn Mwongeli


9. Captain Mercy Aluvale


10 Captain Peris Wanjiru Gichanga