Entertainers When They Were Kids (Video)


Rising Star
crazy how a lot of people successful as their crafts have been doing it since kids, must have had good parents/mentors to identify a talent and push/develop it.


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
Lol! I've seen Dr. Dre's shit a thousand times and never knew that was him 'til now.
The child's in this video is Ronald Blair Wilkerson III. The show is called Child's Play and aired on CBS Sept 1982 - Sept 1983. Dre was born in 1965 which means he was around 18 when the kids show was taped - he was already a DJ with the World Class Wreckin Cru.

Dre in the shiny red suit in 1984 (DJ Yella far left in the shiny white suit)

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Keep posting. By the way, I just realized how much some assholes in the audience use to hate on Apollo's amateur night. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Beyonce clip singing home. She wasn't really a strong singer at all (was she really only 7?) but stage presence as definitely in effect. She had all the lil vocal techniques and stage movement down.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Prince at age 11 this was all over the.news headlines last . month. I thought this would've had its own thread
