ESPN TV: Max Kellerman NEW co-host First Take first show was TODAY, thought? UPDATE: MAX LEAVING!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Max Kellerman is close to agreeing to a deal to co-host “First Take”

ESPN appears to have decided on Skip Bayless’ replacement, and not everyone at the network sounds thrilled.

Colin Cowherd, who went from ESPN to Fox Sports, reported on Periscope on Tuesday that Max Kellerman is close to agreeing to a deal to co-host “First Take” with Stephen A. Smith.

Kellerman currently hosts “SportsNation” alongside Michelle Beadle on ESPN in the afternoons. Beadle has had multiple social media run-ins with Smith over his controversial opinions on domestic violence.

According to Cowherd, who was on “SportsNation” with Beadle before Kellerman, she is “pissed off” over the decision.

“It’s a done deal, well, pretty much,” Cowherd said. “Kellerman is leaving for ‘First Take.’ … Beadle likes Kellerman, that’s not going to play well for Beadle, she’s going to be upset. … This stuff is all done. They are like $100,000 apart in the negotiations. He’s leaving ‘SportsNation,’ and Beadle is pissed off.”

It’s unclear if Cowherd is speaking with direct knowledge of Beadle’s feelings or just putting two and two together in the rambling feed that was posted on The Big Lead.

Bayless followed Cowherd from ESPN to Fox Sports for a deal that will reportedly pay him more than $5 million a year.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Colin Cowherd made a foray into Periscope this afternoon. In the snippet above, he was asked about SportsNation, the television show that he was previously on with Michelle Beadle. He brought up a topic that we reported on last week, which was that replacing Skip Bayless on First Take was Max Kellerman’s job to turn down, and advanced that further.

“Michelle Beadle’s a friend,” Cowherd answered. “Max Kellerman’s leaving that show, he’s gonna be on First Take. It’s a done deal. Well, pretty much … Nobody knows [who is going to replace him on SportsNation]. Beadle likes Kellerman. That’s not gonna play well for Beadle. She’ll be upset. These blogs don’t know what’s going on. This stuff’s all done. … It’s already a done deal. They’re like $100,000 apart in negotiations. He’s leaving SportsNation and Michelle Beadle’s pissed off.”

Now, there are a few things to unpack here. While Cowherd answered this off-the-cuff, it is, by nature of his history, a topic he has knowledge of. While he didn’t specify whether he spoke to Beadle directly or not (and changed tenses in the middle from “will be upset” to “is pissed off”), think about it from her perspective. If you are happy with a co-worker, and he gets effectively poached for a job within the same company, what signal does that send about your program’s relative importance?

When these negotiations are ongoing for months, and your own show’s future line-up is in limbo, that would logically be a tough pill for a competitive person to swallow. It takes a lot of time and effort to establish chemistry on these shows, and starting over is onerous.

Anyways, for our purposes, it is probably unknowable exactly how unhappy Beadle would be with these developments, if they indeed happen – and it’s not like you can quantify that sort of thing anyway. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and ESPN declined to provide a statement.

The Big Lead’s editor-in-chief, Jason McIntyre, is a contributor to Colin Cowherd and Jason Whitlock’s weekday FS1 program, Speak for Yourself. `


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fuck that worthless bitch and that trash show.

I thought they would go a more polarizing root with Will Cains bitch ass. But it appears they wanna add some depth to the show if they are going with Max. I find him a bit annoying at times... Well informed on a lot of topics but annoying in anything other than small doses.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fuck that worthless bitch and that trash show.

I thought they would go a more polarizing root with Will Cains bitch ass. But it appears they wanna add some depth to the show if they are going with Max. I find him a bit annoying at times... Well informed on a lot of topics but annoying in anything other than small doses.


I have actually met Max and i think he will be fine hell he might be "blacker" than SAS in some respects because of his support of athletes his political and social leanings and hip hop background.

He will drive SAS NUTS!

I am happy they didn't go Will Cain and I think he messed himself up cause he went EXTRA when he auditioned, he came off even more smarmy and clan-ish than Skip. That dude just had one of the mist punchable faces I have ever seen.

Max CAN be a bit much but that is why I think the thing the producers keep missing is having a STRONG knowledgeable female voice as moderator.

Cause too much Max as with SAS is just exhausting and an immediate turn off, too be fair I don't watch either of their shows much but the clips I've seen so far this COULD work but I think they are going to have to switch Molly. or she just gonna have to woman-up and start being more forceful during the debates to challenge and cut them off.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
I aint got a beef with Beadle but seems petty if she doesn't Kellerman not to take job solely based on her feelings on SaS.

Kellerman will bring a different vibe to the show as he is not as polarizing/argumentative and is big on analytica


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I have actually met Max and i think he will be fine hell he might be "blacker" than SAS in some respects because of his support of athletes his political and social leanings and hip hop background.

He will drive SAS NUTS!

I am happy they didn't go Will Cain and I think he messed himself up cause he went EXTRA when he auditioned, he came off even more smarmy and clan-ish than Skip. That dude just had one of the mist punchable faces I have ever seen.

Max CAN be a bit much but that is why I think the thing the producers keep missing is having a STRONG knowledgeable female voice as moderator.

Cause too much Max as with SAS is just exhausting and an immediate turn off, too be fair I don't watch either of their shows much but the clips I've seen so far this COULD work but I think they are going to have to switch Molly. or she just gonna have to woman-up and start being more forceful during the debates to challenge and cut them off.
Cain tried to be a Bayless clone it seems
I think he is actually pretty good for what they are trying to do.
Max says some shit sometimes that's crazy.
How is he gonna handle Stephen A?
Interesting nonetheless


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right now a group of white women on discussing brothers and the NBA. The fuck is going on. These hose make bachelor reference, erectile dysfunction references all type of bullshit references. Get these hoes off my tv.
You see that shit?
Talking about Wade following Bron "like a puppy dog"?
Comparing Manzel to OJ?
Side note Apple's mom was on. She seems cool


Rising Star
I was hoping Max was going to stay in LA. Max and Marcellus is one of the best radio shows/podcasts on ESPN. Sportsnation is cool but Max and Marcellus are a great duo together. Plus Max is on the road a lot with his other contractual obligations to HBO.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Cain tried to be a Bayless clone it seems
I think he is actually pretty good for what they are trying to do.
Max says some shit sometimes that's crazy.
How is he gonna handle Stephen A?
Interesting nonetheless

If they wanted Skip 2.0 then YES...

but I think Disney was like this guy acts so smart and you can TELL he not even having fun he comes off like a complete asshole AND worse he believes his bullshit and is very condescending and you could SEE he wasn't a dumb ass and THAT aint help and again he gave off a REAL racist vibe

not saying he is

but DAMN even the First Take producers apparently got uncomfortable (and that is saying A LOT)

Skip was like the grinch...

you KNEW he really didn't believe that trash

he was a troll it was still irritating

BUT because sometimes it STOPPED being fun and I think besides money

he started realizing that, people were now just associating him with the WORST of modern sports media.

And then SAS wasn't helping not being in the studio and SAS just spouting not troll stuff but not SMART stuff...

the show has POTENTIAL still to actually be good and smart and fun

but not much.

I think Max got this and legitimately unlike SAS knows ALL sports enough to have an intelligent exchange.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I aint got a beef with Beadle but seems petty if she doesn't Kellerman not to take job solely based on her feelings on SaS.

Kellerman will bring a different vibe to the show as he is not as polarizing/argumentative and is big on analytica


interesting side note

when Beadle decapitated SAS

Kellerman admitted openly soon after that he had a small domestic violence situation with his now wife when they were younger, he was suspended.

And Beadle welcomed him back with open arms.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
I cannot understand anyone being upset at another person for making a move up that will make them more money and give them a higher profile - If they are upset they are not a friend.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If they wanted Skip 2.0 then YES...

but I think Disney was like this guy acts so smart and you can TELL he not even having fun he comes off like a complete asshole AND worse he believes his bullshit and is very condescending and you could SEE he wasn't a dumb ass and THAT aint help and again he gave off a REAL racist vibe

not saying he is

but DAMN even the First Take producers apparently got uncomfortable (and that is saying A LOT)

Skip was like the grinch...

you KNEW he really didn't believe that trash

he was a troll it was still irritating

BUT because sometimes it STOPPED being fun and I think besides money

he started realizing that, people were now just associating him with the WORST of modern sports media.

And then SAS wasn't helping not being in the studio and SAS just spouting not troll stuff but not SMART stuff...

the show has POTENTIAL still to actually be good and smart and fun

but not much.

I think Max got this and legitimately unlike SAS knows ALL sports enough to have an intelligent exchange.

I agree with this

Was watching his and hers with guests hosts
Dwight Howard is trash now?
Sports media is becoming unwatchable for me
Used to be one could come to get insight
Now it's just haters with a platform


Rising Star
Platinum Member
i fuck with max. don't know why they replaced him on around the horn to be honest.
do not watch sportsnation.
probably won't have him on first take either but good for him
Max got his walking papers over contractual demands. Best thing ever happen to ATH was Max leaving and Reali taking over. He was perfect for the role and never seems to take himself too seriously like Max can at times.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
i fuck with max. don't know why they replaced him on around the horn to be honest.
do not watch sportsnation.
probably won't have him on first take either but good for him

It was money. He left for his own on some fly by night sports channel. Came back when that fell through and has worked his way back up.


BGOL Legend
Max got his walking papers over contractual demands. Best thing ever happen to ATH was Max leaving and Reali taking over. He was perfect for the role and never seems to take himself too seriously like Max can at times.

That was silly on his end. he was cool on ATH though he never took himself seriously on there he just added another personality. However it doesn't mean that reali isn't better as the host because he is.

It was money. He left for his own on some fly by night sports channel. Came back when that fell through and has worked his way back up.

oh ok so he was feeling himself.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They weren't going to have to black commentators on First Take. They should have let Stephen A. do something else and bring Bomani in to replace him.

that is a dream for us all that will NEVER happen


Bomani should have his OWN show period. but he good where he is till that day comes.

There has to be someone smart enough to make a PTI type show but with a younger more controversial and current take on stuff.
Essentially Bomani podcast, LeBatard radio show, Jalen and Jacobi, (the best parts of) His & Hers, but to be fair a LITTLE Will Cain and Ahmid El Hassan


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Max got his walking papers over contractual demands. Best thing ever happen to ATH was Max leaving and Reali taking over. He was perfect for the role and never seems to take himself too seriously like Max can at times.

Tony is a real good brother...and deserves all the best. He made the most out of a difficult situation too.


I actually watched Max solo show when he left...not good.

BUT the concept was and funny thing is, it was a BIG HIT and many have copied it since on the quiet.,_Max

But he WAS really good on the radio when he found his OWN voice and stopped trying to be some Howard Stern fanboy. And made Sports Nation his own

Peace to ryan ruocco he deserves a shot at something big too soon.

The few times I heard Max and Marcillius I liked them on the radio.

Could it be we all missing something here?

the common denominator?

Maybe its SAS that is the problem.