Cover it up how? She literally said she was tricking and doing hard drugs.Haha nice! Good find, knew I was on to something. She was trying way too hard to cover up her past.
Cover it up how? She literally said she was tricking and doing hard drugs.Haha nice! Good find, knew I was on to something. She was trying way too hard to cover up her past.
Kianna Jayde
Shanay Miles || Makeup By Shanay, LLC.
Works at Freelance Makeup Artist 2012 to present
Studied Arts & Sciences- Psychology atBaltimore City Community College
Past: Woodlawn Senior High and Milford Mill Academy
Lives in Baltimore, Maryland
From Baltimore, Maryland
Starting my own Pornstar Holida Card business:
- this with a stack of OF money, no dad can deny
ShaVonne Thompson -
Anyone have anything else on her: ?
Gay incels took over.This is why nobody is really contributing substance to this thread anymore.
It's definitely why I'm not.
Damn son..Login • Instagram
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Penelope Stone
Riding food truck success, Holy Grill opens restaurant
Almost four years ago, Ella and Adiel Nahmias opened a glatt kosher food truck called The Holy Grill, serving Israeli food in the Garment
Anyone got any of her scenes?Is this that former pornstar jayla or whatever her name is? Lol bet she sucked the producer and organizer of this showcase to get that
Mann the one I love is on a hard drive, head was incredible lol her other shit is on spankbang and the other tube sites, just too lazy to pull it upAnyone got any of her scenes?
Was she lying ? Are we considered human ? Alas, the System tells us that the answer is a definite no...
moriah fucked up BIGTIME.She was fucking Zion for 2 years and instead of trying to get pregnant she either couldnt or was using him to pay for her surgeries and then some other bitch came in and cashed Zions NBA lottery ticket which should've been hers.She fumbled the bag so badly that now the way shes acting she probably wont be able to get another NBA player this bitch is crazy.
I remember reading that when women get their feelings hurt they turn into kamikaze pilots and will destroy themselves as long as they destroy the guy that hurt them. And she's proving it true.
Because she doesn't even care anymore at this point. She just wants to destroy his career and reputation and all because she wasn't able to finesse him with fake adulation.
And as for the, this dude is stupid comments, he's 22 with over $150 million dollars dropped on him with a weak support system. So of course he's going to make terrible decisions. Because no one fully knows what they're doing in their early 20's or even really knows themselves.
Nah lol was trying to jog my memory to remember if she had a black sounding name or some hood shit, it’s ménage a rozJayla Foxx?
When I made that comment about him and Ja being dumb, I was going beyond maturity. These guys lack basic common sense, yet they’re praised for their ability on the court. You can even hear it in their interviews whenever they talk to the press. It’s like modern day Mandingo slaves that were bred to fight, just big and strong with the intellect of a caveman.Your value isn't determined by what your enemies say but what you say. Also if the "system" is composed of hideously anti-Black people then it doesn't have any say in the matter either. And Christy wanted to try to drag black people down the level of adult film performers to make herself feel better.
I remember reading that when women get their feelings hurt they turn into kamikaze pilots and will destroy themselves as long as they destroy the guy that hurt them. And she's proving it true.
Because she doesn't even care anymore at this point. She just wants to destroy his career and reputation and all because she wasn't able to finesse him with fake adulation.
And as for the, this dude is stupid comments, he's 22 with over $150 million dollars dropped on him with a weak support system. So of course he's going to make terrible decisions. Because no one fully knows what they're doing in their early 20's or even really knows themselves.
Duh, that's exactly what it is. What do you think society is doing with black men? Emasulating and pigeon holing us. If we are smart and capable being gay is presented as an option , this way family structure is destroyed, if we're not smart and capable academically, commercially and economically , we are encouraged to go into sports and if that fails , we are bred to be the raw material to feed the prison industrial complex...When I made that comment about him and Ja being dumb, I was going beyond maturity. These guys lack basic common sense, yet they’re praised for their ability on the court. You can even hear it in their interviews whenever they talk to the press. It’s like modern day Mandingo slaves that were bred to fight, just big and strong with the intellect of a caveman.
Some real dark truths man, I know. I was more so focused on why no one ever challenge these guys when they talk or do dumb shit in general. it’s like an open secret not to say anything about the extracurricular activities these guys take part in unless it affects the NBA or it’s brand, like what Ja Morant did. If you take away the basketball ability, a lot of these dudes are ignorant af off the court and have a hood mentality / outlook on everything.Duh, that's exactly what it is. What do you think society is doing with black men? Emasulating and pigeon holing us. If we are smart and capable being gay is presented as an option , this way family structure is destroyed, if we're not smart and capable academically, commercially and economically , we are encouraged to go into sports and if that fails , we are bred to be the raw material to feed the prison industrial complex...
The best hope for the black race is in America, blacks here have what it takes to truly have Wakanda levels of excellence, and that is why it is so essential that the black man, the pillar of the black family is totally and completely destroyed. A black dominated world is not an option today, just like it wasn't when the Crusades took place to drive the Moors back to Asia.Some real dark truths man, I know. I was more so focused on why no one ever challenge these guys when they talk or do dumb shit in general. it’s like an open secret not to say anything about the extracurricular activities these guys take part in unless it affects the NBA or it’s brand, like what Ja Morant did. If you take away the basketball ability, a lot of these dudes are ignorant af off the court and have a hood mentality / outlook on everything.
Who is this crazy talkin whore?Every saint has a past ...
Every sinner has a future
She also has an Onlyfans and was obviously tricking.
So when some of you here think that a woman's past defines her or makes her unworthy of living a wholesome life down the line, not the case...
Jessica i think has been found,a few pages backsomeone please find me Jessica dawn and Jamie Sullivan![]()
The best hope for the black race is in America, blacks here have what it takes to truly have Wakanda levels of excellence, and that is why it is so essential that the black man, the pillar of the black family is totally and completely destroyed. A black dominated world is not an option today, just like it wasn't when the Crusades took place to drive the Moors back to Asia.
In the 50s and 60s, the program for the destruction of our potential was a secret operation with the most blatant initiative being COINTELPRO, it was an overwhelming success, led to them taking Martin and Malcolm.
After it was exposed in 1971 they changed tactics, why go after the most militant ones of us , when they can simply target the family unit by flooding our communities with drugs, destigmatizing homosexuality and strengthening the prison industrial complex, 28 states have 3 strikes laws till today. There are people behind bars for life because 3rd strike was a petty crime.
In the last 20 years they added dumbing us down with sports and entertainment, where even the hetero ones among us are taught not to love or respect our women, cause women are nothing but bitches and hoes and CREAM.
We now have literal generations of fatherless men, men who at peak levels of maturity would have the emotional intelligence of teenage boys.
Is there hope? I don't know. Kanye tried to speak the truth, he was cancelled, others couldn't even come as far as he did.
Let me stop.
Penitentiary chances, the devil dances then eventually answers smhThe best hope for the black race is in America, blacks here have what it takes to truly have Wakanda levels of excellence, and that is why it is so essential that the black man, the pillar of the black family is totally and completely destroyed. A black dominated world is not an option today, just like it wasn't when the Crusades took place to drive the Moors back to Asia.
In the 50s and 60s, the program for the destruction of our potential was a secret operation with the most blatant initiative being COINTELPRO, it was an overwhelming success, led to them taking Martin and Malcolm.
After it was exposed in 1971 they changed tactics, why go after the most militant ones of us , when they can simply target the family unit by flooding our communities with drugs, destigmatizing homosexuality and strengthening the prison industrial complex, 28 states have 3 strikes laws till today. There are people behind bars for life because 3rd strike was a petty crime.
In the last 20 years they added dumbing us down with sports and entertainment, where even the hetero ones among us are taught not to love or respect our women, cause women are nothing but bitches and hoes and CREAM.
We now have literal generations of fatherless men, men who at peak levels of maturity would have the emotional intelligence of teenage boys.
Is there hope? I don't know. Kanye tried to speak the truth, he was cancelled, others couldn't even come as far as he did.
Let me stop.
I think that a lot of the one and done girls from late 90s early 00s would not have done porn if they had known the internet would make it so easy to find their scene. They probably knew that there would be some guy that had an old worn out vhs tape he recognized them from but nothing like this . The chicks that get into it in this day and age I don't give any benefit of doubt. They should have no doubt about being branded for life. But I'm guessing in another ten years or so the stigma of doing adult movies will be no existent. Every other girl I know has an only fans.I agree. I'm curious to know who the porn actress-turned-teacher is but I respect that you didnt post it.
As for releasing their identities, I'm not sure its always malicious. There are certainly people who do it for malicious reasons, like Pornwikileaks, but I think a lot of the fans are just curious since these girls sorta popped up, did a few scenes, and left.
About the careers as teachers, it reminded me of a fucked up Facial Abuse scene I saw where the chick said she wanted to get into human services and work with kids. The dude behind the camera said if she did that, he'd expose her since he didn't believe she was fit to work around children since she did porn.
I think that a lot of the one and done girls from late 90s early 00s would not have done porn if they had known the internet would make it so easy to find their scene. They probably knew that there would be some guy that had an old worn out vhs tape he recognized them from but nothing like this . The chicks that get into it in this day and age I don't give any benefit of doubt. They should have no doubt about being branded for life. But I'm guessing in another ten years or so the stigma of doing adult movies will be no existent. Every other girl I know has an only fans.
Pls tell me how to thin out and kill a bloodline? You can murder people , you can sterilize them or you can simply make them uninterested in biological reproduction. Homosexuality is #3, and is now the norm. Go look at the average tv show, see how many straight black men there are vs. gay black men. What message is that sending?The theory that destigmatizing homosexuality was a plot to destroy the black family makes no sense whatsoever. There are more white homosexuals than black, so wouldn't that particular effort hurt the white community more?
Besides, that theory completely ignores the evolution of sexual mores in America over the past 70 years or so.
COINTELPRO? Yes, you're right about that. The drugs? There's a valid argument there. Prison industrial complex? Absolutely.
The homosexuality thing? Bullshit.
I don't think the "sports and entertainment" thing holds water either. Not really, anyway. There's nuance to that particular issue.
As for Kanye? Hahahahaha... that's a whole 'nother discussion.