Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn


Nostalgia Ultra
I know what you mean ha she went into fitness. That ass definitely no longer representing africa

Smh wow, I did some more digging and read that she did porn to pay for college and quit immediately once she made the money for her tuition. Explains why she had such few scenes, but stupid decision nonetheless to think her past wouldn’t come back to haunt her professional career. She went completely off the grid, but whatever lol live and you learn I guess


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Smh wow, I did some more digging and read that she did porn to pay for college and quit immediately once she made the money for her tuition. Explains why she had such few scenes, but stupid decision nonetheless to think her past wouldn’t come back to haunt her professional career. She went completely off the grid, but whatever lol live and you learn I guess
Well, she went to Howard... the meal plan alone is about 20k....ain’t that much porn in the world to put yourself through Howard at those rates.


Rising Star
Smh wow, I did some more digging and read that she did porn to pay for college and quit immediately once she made the money for her tuition. Explains why she had such few scenes, but stupid decision nonetheless to think her past wouldn’t come back to haunt her professional career. She went completely off the grid, but whatever lol live and you learn I guess

I was at Howard when she was at that bih. She told us that she was an actress but we just gave her the side eye. I'm pretty sure she didn't graduate. Well, at least I stopped seeing her around.


She would make 10 grand a month on only fans....but she could not have a low profile...
She's so goofy for not doing it, she still has the looks, but maybe staying out of the game is what kept her looking good after damn near 20 years since starting porn.





Rising Star
Yeah. I was always a big Courtney Divine fan. She's still looking good too. The only thing is now she's 38 as opposed to 20 with bookoo miles on the coochie. Maybe she did find some old cat to wife her. If she worked for Russell or Andre Harrell back in the day she must've gotten passed around and then discarded. According to what I've seen and heard Russell was hard on the hoes. She was probably young and dumb and didn't play her cards right.


Potential Star
Yeah. I was always a big Courtney Divine fan. She's still looking good too. The only thing is now she's 38 as opposed to 20 with bookoo miles on the coochie. Maybe she did find some old cat to wife her. If she worked for Russell or Andre Harrell back in the day she must've gotten passed around and then discarded. According to what I've seen and heard Russell was hard on the hoes. She was probably young and dumb and didn't play her cards right.

Well based on where I got this information she was supposedly in a secret lesbian relationship with Kim Kardashian.

I will let yall go down that rabbit hole if you want.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I checked out this thread too. In the words of Snoop, "I had to back up off of it and sit my cup down."

It's to early to be reading shit like this. Lol.
I know Im still skimming through but basically
Kim K messed with Courtney for 3yrs or so and she met her through a party and the two hit it off. She let her sisters smash courtney too so all 3 of them been with kim K side piece. They also said that courtney had a coke problem and Kim K was taking care of the chick moving her 15 mins away from her so she can see her more often. Also Khloe used to fuck with erica mena who also used to mess with draya michelle. Im halfway through I'll come back if its more good stuff.


Rising Star
what about it
I'm looking for these 2 performers one had a stage name Delores.. She performed vol...9..13..22.. her beauty was so natural until it messed with my head...i always wondered if she did any other projects outside of the 3 vids with the cheerleader series... the other 1 had a stage name of cookie she was in volume 26 and Vol 29 of the Nate Woodburn cheerleader series I always wondered what she did after she retired