Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.

Now that is impressive


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
OG Investor
Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.

Well, we know how she paid for med school. :lol:


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thta's great; completely happy for her and I hope people don't try to do silly shit to fuck up her spot.

Makes you think though; damn, we all know that to be an MD, let alone a surgeon, you have to be a damn braniac. I wonder what was going on with her to get her to go into porn. Could have really done it to pay for undergrad or maybe she got caught up in some shit and took that fork in the road for a while, but obviously she always had the mental chops for medicine. That's one porn-unsung I'd watch, lol.

Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Apparently, this woman is partly responsible for her success! Black women doing big things! :cool:

Dr. Linda Barry


Christine Castater is a fourth-year student who is a core member of the WISIG. She’s something of a nontraditional student, having started medical school at age 35. She says she had several preconceived ideas about surgery and surgeons, so she hadn’t considered the field. It wasn’t until she did her surgical rotation in her third year that she realized surgery was right for her.

“I’m an artist. I like working with my hands, and I like to see tangible results from the things I do,” Castater says. “I felt that surgery was a better fit for me because I’d be able to do things to actually fix people instead of just managing patients’ diseases over time.”

Once she decided on surgery, she sought out Dr. Barry for advice and became active with the WISIG, so she could help younger students.

“Looking back, I think if I’d had exposure to real information about surgery or if I’d had women mentors in surgery, it might have been on my radar screen sooner than my third year,” Castater says.


Rising Star
Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.

WOW!!.You talking about a complete 360 turnaround !!..Very Impressed!!


Rising Star
360 bruh?

think about that for a second....

turn around in a complete 360 degree circle and where are you?

Bruh, you know what i meant!!.:hmm::hmm:.when you do a 360, that's a circle..and once you complete it..you back at the the beginning..right??..as for her, she did a 360 and back at the beginning of her life and now shes starting over!!..you know what i mean homie!!..


Lover of huge titties
Platinum Member
Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.

My homegirl is a Dr. at Highland Hospital here in Oakland. I'm going to have to ask her about Dr. Castater.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just saw this chick (Tyra Moore) in Hollywood at Target today about 20 minutes ago. She looked AMAZING and tall. I knew immediately who she was thanks to BGOL. She got on the elevator, I told her good morning and laughed to myself because I knew.
How was Dem titties looking??


Potential Star
How was Dem titties looking??

Bruh..... this woman hasn't aged at all. She had on a t shirt and some leggings with sneakers like she came from the gym. Titties were on point they are G's, ass was FAT. She's tall, and "slim thick" like if WNBA players looked like that we'd actually tune in.

I knew she couldn't be a civilian out here in these streets. An old white man behind me looked at her and said "god damn she's nice" under his breath. He ain't lying. I wonder what she does now that she's out the game. It def ain't bio-chemistry.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Bruh..... this woman hasn't aged at all. She had on a t shirt and some leggings with sneakers like she came from the gym. Titties were on point they are G's, ass was FAT. She's tall, and "slim thick" like if WNBA players looked like that we'd actually tune in.

I knew she couldn't be a civilian out here in these streets. An old white man behind me looked at her and said "god damn she's nice" under his breath. He ain't lying. I wonder what she does now that she's out the game. It def ain't bio-chemistry.

Isnt she also in the medical field..? probably also with a White dude too :rolleyes::lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh..... this woman hasn't aged at all. She had on a t shirt and some leggings with sneakers like she came from the gym. Titties were on point they are G's, ass was FAT. She's tall, and "slim thick" like if WNBA players looked like that we'd actually tune in.

I knew she couldn't be a civilian out here in these streets. An old white man behind me looked at her and said "god damn she's nice" under his breath. He ain't lying. I wonder what she does now that she's out the game. It def ain't bio-chemistry.
Let me find out....


Rising Star
I didn't think it was her (I thought it was someone that looked similar, but not her), especially after it was posted on here some years back, that she was in the med field and was getting married, and some simp took it upon himself to contact her dude and "warn him" (like he didn't already know). But that distinctive tat her arm is a dead giveaway, and in this pic, she looks the same!!!

Charlie Angel

Dr. Christine Castater is a surgeon in Oakland, California and is affiliated with Highland Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and has been in practice for less than 3 years. She is one of 21 doctors at Highland Hospital who specialize in Surgery.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It would be great if the media did more stories on ex pornstars like Charlie Angel instead of the ones that end up in and out of jail on crack or meth. Then you would have better looking women doing a couple scenes a year to help pay for college or to help start a business.