Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
A lot of these females I've heard of but at the same time I'm kind of dating myself my years where I could probably tell you everybody name was 85 to 2000 the series they stick out in my head most are neat wood burns any City Cheerleader search and TT boy Black Street Hookers.. to me nothing is come close to touching those just in terms of the natural beauty of the females at that time

Yep ink and plastic was not that prevalent, especially the ink.


wannabe star
Anyone got updates on:
Angelina stoli/ Victoria sweet = Monica castellanos
Taylor ray
Sativa rose = Tanya Macias
Marquette jewel = Tiffany Seidel
Mercedes cash
Camilla Bored

I know I got some names but can’tfind any pics..just want to see how these chicks look now


Rising Star
Yep ink and plastic was not that prevalent, especially the ink.
man you hit it on the head I always wondered if I was born in this area where the natural Hue of the body does not hold up to and plastic I always wondered if I would have been tatted up like I see some of these young dudes.....


Rising Star
Yep ink and plastic was not that prevalent, especially the ink.
I have to totally agree with you nowadays plastic in ink override God's natural beauty these young people are blessed with I always wonder if I were born in this era would I be tatted up like some of these young people..... but on the other hand we used to ridicule Dennis Rodman for his so-called tons of tats..... compared to what's going on now Dennis Rodman tattoos were small change


but at the same time ain't nobody putting a gun up to their head and saying do this I just come to the conclusion that it got to be something besides the money that turns their curiosity to do a degradation film like that it might be some slight arousal going on until the shit start getting super super real
I don't feel bad for them. I do if they were lied to, but what they did is essentially watch war footage of soldiers getting shot and fucked up, and then signing up for the marines (on their own free will and with other options available to them) while a war is going on, and then getting pissed that they got shot at and fucked up.

You'd have to be literally mentally challenged to not know that was coming.

black hoes / prostitutes don't represent black women, just like gang members and rappers don't represent black men.

Plus I love all types of women and definitely would fuck skyy, but this is her around the time she did ghettogag shit.

If you wanna be considered top tier, you gotta tighten up a bit and not look like you eat thanksgiving plates every night.




Had one of the most memorable scenes of all time. Those who know, know...
If you're into degradation, thats probably a top 10 scene lol.

You're talking about her crying during a gangbang, and everyone's calling her a whore, so she runs backstage and then the director talks her into letting him fuck her in the ass while she's crying backstage? lol

then they bring her out and finish the gangbang anyways

It's around the 28:00 mark


wannabe star
If you're into degradation, thats probably a top 10 scene lol.

You're talking about her crying during a gangbang, and everyone's calling her a whore, so she runs backstage and then the director talks her into letting him fuck her in the ass while she's crying backstage? lol

then they bring her out and finish the gangbang anyways

It's around the 28:00 mark

Well damn...I hope there isn’t ANOTHER “memorable” scene lol


Rising Star
If you're into degradation, thats probably a top 10 scene lol.

You're talking about her crying during a gangbang, and everyone's calling her a whore, so she runs backstage and then the director talks her into letting him fuck her in the ass while she's crying backstage? lol

then they bring her out and finish the gangbang anyways

It's around the 28:00 that gangbang shit never did a damn thing for me more than one dick in the scene is too much but I got a feeling has had to be lit on something I wouldn't be surprised if she took just a little sniff of some heron


Rising Star
I'm just coming to the conclusion that if they became household names during their tenure in the adult cinema business they probably will never be able to clean that up as opposed to the two girls I'm looking for who only did 5 video shoots between the both of them I could probably see them both walk down the street and wouldn't even blinking eye thinking they were in the adult cinema game


BGOL Investor
If you're into degradation, thats probably a top 10 scene lol.

You're talking about her crying during a gangbang, and everyone's calling her a whore, so she runs backstage and then the director talks her into letting him fuck her in the ass while she's crying backstage? lol

then they bring her out and finish the gangbang anyways

It's around the 28:00 mark

Damn... I remember when I first saw this seen I assumed it was a role playing thing cause nobody is that clueless...smh