FBI agents remove boxes from home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, apparently people expect more arrest


Transnational Member

The black women tried to throw her black boyfriend under the bus and now the Hispanic guy. It is these straw donor schemes that he had no hand in. This Andy Duong gave straw donations to Biden and Kamala, and many other people.

The corporate media slanted coverage against her is obvious. They are trying to blame the mass shooting on the lack of police which makes no sense. Her not accepting grant money from the state got them shaken up after Biden gave California $50 billion to spend as they see fit. This COVID recovery funds was a disguised crime bill.

Something is fishy with corporate media coverage. I have experienced the same phenomena when I caught something being done to me.


When Biden proposed giving states this money in 2020, this is what I predicted would happen. They would funnel this money to cities as grants for nonsense like retail crime.

The U S. is corrupt no way I would set up a company here. Nobody has time to waste in court trying to get paid plus the terrorism. I am joining the rest of the world that have strategically aligned themselves against the U.S.
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Transnational Member

This definitely complicates whether this is corruption or a coverup by the Biden administration. Rejecting this grant and having a budget shortfall where you are cutting police would make higher-ups nervous. Marilyn Mosby case is eerily similar. I hope Biden is not using federal law enforcement for his political purposes permanently tainting their image. Oakland budget shortfall and cuts to public 'safety' would have played out across the country if it wasn't for this massive COVID recovery monies.

Law enforcement provides little value for me since it is heavily biased towards the white community. I definitely want law and order that is applied equally and sensibly. White people got them chasing porch pirates or car break ins when they leave cash on the dash wasting their time. Many of these issues can be resolved by the community.

This is why you need independent media like BGOL to push back on corporate media spin. They want a Cop City and Oakland flooded with police on every corner.
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