Female cop fired after shooting Black man in the leg with his own gun during traffic stop.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
First thing you're taught is to not put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
She's a dumb-ass... Most people know that Glocks have no safety.

A lot of cops carry Glocks, so she should have known.
And that holster he has is specifically for covering the trigger guard. Once she started fiddling with it trying to remove the gun, it was only a matter of time before it discharged cuz she obviously had no idea what she was doing


Rising Star
Platinum Member
He was lucky he wasn't carrying appendix when that dumb ass cop attempted to remove his gun. That particular holster is designed to cover the trigger guard and her fumbling around trying to remove it caused her to break 1 of the primary gun safety rules in having her finger inside the trigger guard area. All she had to do was remove the gun and holster as one instead of trying to remove it from its housing.
You don't need to put your hand in the trigger housing to pull it out of the holster..that was either complete incompetence or intentional..either way she shouldn't be in law enforcement anymore..if she is she needs to be like prez..behind a desk


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You don't need to put your hand in the trigger housing to pull it out of the holster..that was either complete incompetence or intentional..either way she shouldn't be in law enforcement anymore..if she is she needs to be like prez..behind a desk
I mean it's got the lil thing on the trigger that has to be pressed in before the trigger will go.

which just means she was pulling his gun off him with her finger fully on his trigger

Take a quick look at the video I posted, when you get a chance
Especially between the 4:15--6:45 mark
This youtuber explains exactly whats happens
He slows down & pauses the vid, to show how stupid this cop was at handling the gun

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Finger on the trigger confirmed..case closed
Take a quick look at the video I posted, when you get a chance
Especially between the 4:15--6:45 mark
This youtuber explains exactly whats happens
He slows down & pauses the vid, to show how stupid this cop was at handling the gun



Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
You don't need to put your hand in the trigger housing to pull it out of the holster..that was either complete incompetence or intentional..either way she shouldn't be in law enforcement anymore..if she is she needs to be like prez..behind a desk
Most holsters yes. That one in particular is designed to lock around the trigger guard to minimize the overall footprint


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
thats why i dont buy glocks i need a safety on mines...
Your brain is your safety. Following proper gun safety at all times especially the rule of treating the firearm as if it's loaded at all times is enough of a safety to prevent negligent discharges. You typically need to break 2 rules before an incident like that happens and if you follow the primary rule, then all of the others becomes common sense


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Take a quick look at the video I posted, when you get a chance
Especially between the 4:15--6:45 mark
This youtuber explains exactly whats happens
He slows down & pauses the vid, to show how stupid this cop was at handling the gun

More cops are nonproficient in handling firearms than ppl realize. A lot of them only do the bare minimum in training just to keep their badges


Rising Star
Platinum Member
shouldn't need a safety if you have a solid holster and practice proper gun safety. you literally have to break 2 gun safety rules to discharge your weapon and a good holster will properly secure the weapon so discharges are minimized as well.
or you could just buy one with a safety.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a fuckin ticket for running a red light...there's no reason to pull out a licensed to carry holder to take his weapon..you simply give em a ticket and keep it movin - unless of course he's automatically seen as another scary armed black dude. Folks don't even notice my safe...

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Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
or you could just buy one with a safety.
Your brain should always be your safety. If you prefer to have one then cool but the majority of quality pistols do not have that switch on them. There are other safety components built-in but at the end of the day properly following gun safety rules should always be the primary safety before relying on any physical features on a firearm.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Your brain should always be your safety. If you prefer to have one then cool but the majority of quality pistols do not have that switch on them. There are other safety components built-in but at the end of the day properly following gun safety rules should always be the primary safety before relying on any physical features on a firearm.
Do you always keep a round chambered while you're carrying?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Lest we forget

Totally different situations

One was murder

One was a incident

Both variables had a female cop who should have been playing with her cats or baking cookies with their kids.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i dont even let them disarm me during traffic stops when i let them know i have a gun.
you have a right to refuse to be disarmed.
They'll give that whole "oh its for our safety" speech.
Naw mf....for my safety, i want to keep my gun on me. I'm not gonna make any sudden movements and keep my hands in plain sight,
but i'm not giving you my weapon.
And the purpose is......just like they run a background check on you when they have your ID, they run a background check on your weapon too once its in their possession.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If he's legally carrying there is no reason they should be disarming him in the first place. But since these cops are too PUSSY nowadays they always "fear" for their lives.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Y'all peeped the X comments? :eek2: It's some majority cacs against their own cac bitch. :lol:
i dont even let them disarm me during traffic stops when i let them know i have a gun.
you have a right to refuse to be disarmed.
They'll give that whole "oh its for our safety" speech.
Naw mf....for my safety, i want to keep my gun on me. I'm not gonna make any sudden movements and keep my hands in plain sight,
but i'm not giving you my weapon.
And the purpose is......just like they run a background check on you when they have your ID, they run a background check on your weapon too once its in their possession.



Dirty Civilian
Platinum Member
More cops are nonproficient in handling firearms than ppl realize. A lot of them only do the bare minimum in training just to keep their badges
I have a cousin and an old schoolmate who are cops. I put in more training time than both of them combined. I saw my cousins duty weapon once, fool had dorito crumbs lodged in front of the barrel hood.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Of course. Defeats the purpose of carrying to leave your chamber empty. Defense situations can happen too fast to be chambering a round and I would never train myself to be fiddling with safeties on a handgun. The word for today is trigger discipline.
I don't have to "fiddle" with it , just click it off with my thumb.
I carry Glocks and Sigs because they DON'T have safeties. The word for today is trigger discipline.
i hear you. Nobody has ever accidently discharged a weapon while the safety is on... meanwhile....

https://www.xinsurance.com/blog/con...mon are accidental,well as many more injuries.

But how common are accidental discharges?

More than a few of those cases involve accidents. The National Safety Council reports that about 1% of all gun deaths are preventable, unintentional discharges. That figure may sound small, but it amounts to about 535 accidental gun deaths a year, as well as many more injuries