Film Debate: Martin Scorsese - Marvel Movies Are Just ‘Theme Parks’ more directors weigh in UPDATE: Oliver Stone joins in


Rising Star
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@largebillsonlyplease @ansatsusha_gouki @tallblacknyc @ViCiouS @slam @fonzerrillii @rage @godofwine @GAMBINO

ya'll go head...

I'll catch up.​
he prob don't like all those corny ass happy endings... Outside of winter soldier, killermonger, and thanos( ebony maw) most of their bad guys sucked... Pretty much all the endings are happy and some are corny... Thanos changed the game with no happy ending, winter soldier was pretty much a spy movie with people with super powers, and killer monger was a nig that was tired of the sellouts... When you take away those guys the rest of the bad guys in their movies are like ehhh... A bad guy was beating due to a dude breakdancing wtf... Kid rollercoaster shit


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
They (Marvel) making too much money.....Endgame had alot of drama on top of being a blockbuster....and it's not for everybody if your not fully invested

I understand superhero movies isnt for everyone but still you have folks for decades that's been wanting to see a really good superhero movie.

Hell,some of these superhero movies aint your typical superhero movie like Winter Soldier, Civil War,Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy,Black Panther and etc


Mr. Pool
Cats are in here losing their goddamned minds.

“The Godfather was no Back To The Future.” :smh:
at least back to the future is a classic that has withstood the test of time/fads/and is still talked about like 35 years. People aren’t really talking about the phase 1 movies like that anymore. Lol cats want more bang pow, good guy beats bad guy fantasy bs. I get the need for that and I enjoy escapism as much as the next guy. But give me Oldboy, reservoir dogs, boondock saints, Friday, give me brick, boogie nights, carlitos way, where are those movies? Not saying there isn’t room for comic book movies clearly that’s not the case it’s just a shame that people are being dumbed down by the non stop comic movies, books like Harry Potter and twilight, a song of ice and fire being considered good literature, main stream media and social networks keeping everyone with their face planted firmly in front of their smart phones. But what do I know? lol I’m just saying I miss great movies that move me and make me want to change myself or the world. I don’t get that from marvel


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
at least back to the future is a classic that has withstood the test of time/fads/and is still talked about like 35 years. People aren’t really talking about the phase 1 movies like that anymore. Lol cats want more bang pow, good guy beats bad guy fantasy bs. I get the need for that and I enjoy escapism as much as the next guy. But give me Oldboy, reservoir dogs, boondock saints, Friday, give me brick, boogie nights, carlitos way, where are those movies? Not saying there isn’t room for comic book movies clearly that’s not the case it’s just a shame that people are being dumbed down by the non stop comic movies, books like Harry Potter and twilight, a song of ice and fire being considered good literature, main stream media and social networks keeping everyone with their face planted firmly in front of their smart phones. But what do I know? lol I’m just saying I miss great movies that move me and make me want to change myself or the world. I don’t get that from marvel
S hit why was big trouble in little China better than any mortal kombat movie or series ever released... That movie was made in the 80s and still look better than all them joints from the 90s and new millennium... Juss 1 good mortal kombat please... Movies were juss better back than... Sometimes cheaper is better cause you actually got to rely on good content when your budget cant buy all the bells and whistles


Rising Star
Old bastard Probaly has wet dreams about someone putting a ciggarette out on his face.

I tell you what.. Make a movie about how the government fucks us all over.. How the banks run shit and how the media is complicit in covering all this up. What?
What happen? You can't make that movie? Why? Those are the real gangsters running shit right?

Stay in your safe boring gangster lane and let the rest of us enjoy the trip to fantasy land where many things are possible you old fart.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Old bastard Probaly has wet dreams about someone putting a ciggarette out on his face.

I tell you what.. Make a movie about how the government fucks us all over.. How the banks run shit and how the media is complicit in covering all this up. What?
What happen? You can't make that movie? Why? Those are the real gangsters running shit right?

Stay in your safe boring gangster lane and let the rest of us enjoy the trip to fantasy land where many things are possible you old fart.
Hey he made wolf of wall street... The most straightforward cacfest on film... The backstabbing, the drug use, the corruption, the vice usuage, the dysfunctional family, that movie was legendary representation of white people... That an American beauty was some great cac documentaries pushed as films


Rising Star
Hey he made wolf of wall street... The most straightforward cacfest on film... The backstabbing, the drug use, the corruption, the vice usuage, the dysfunctional family, that movie was legendary representation of white people... That an American beauty was some great cac documentaries pushed as films

Oliver stone over this guy.

Gangster 1-hold him!

Gangster 2-i got him Jimmy!

Jimmy-did you just.. Whyd you say my name?! Now we gotta kill him

Gangster 2-oh shit.. Sorry man.

Jimmy-fuck it.. I was gonna do it anyway.
You see this pipe I'm holding Mr director extraordinaire?

Martin-look guys.. Please

Jimmy-look at the pipe! Whats it say?

Martin-it says marvel.. Oh no.. Look I didn't mean nothing..


Gangster 2-hehehehe he's leaking bad Jimmy! Real bad!

Martin-oh God nooo...

Jimmy-Yea he is.. You know how long I waited for those movies to come out you
Piece of shit. I used to sit in my pops barber shop and read em in between sweeping hair. You think I'm foolish for liking the comic book characters and movies?

Martin-no I didn't mean anything..

Jimmy-Yea you did.. You did! Well.. I got two uncles.. Uncle Lee and uncle Kirby.. And they told me to give you a message.
Their waiting for You..

Martin-whoa.. Waiting for me? Where..

Jimmy-on the other side asshole!

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

Gangster 2- hahaha haha! Get em Jimmy! get em!

Jimmy-Yea I got him.. (spits on Martin's caved in face) marvel forever asshole..
Cmon Mikey let's get the fuck outta here..

Mikey-hey.. You said my name..

Jimmy-your gonna be next if you don't move your ass. Cmon. Ma's cooking lasagna.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are theme park movies but people love theme parks. And has time went on, the theme park movies have gotten much better. Jurassic Park CGI was incredible, it paved the way for these comic book movies to look so real.


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
Martin is a bitch ass cac but I get his point. I was watching The Aviator just the other night and it had me thinking, where is this level of filmmaking today? If i’m flipping through channels and come across Goodfellas or Casino i’m in. But I rarely ever re-watch 99% of that comic book shit. It’s like everything released now is a video game.
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International Member
I understand the casino endgame comparison. They not the same types of movie. They are both great. You don’t have to pick one over the other. People like mcu movies not just because they might be a theme park. They like them because they are good movies. Unless scor has the same comments about cheesy action movies I’ll have to say he is just hating on the success of mcu. I’ll still watch the Irishman.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
yeah casino was better than endgame

Joe pesci grabbing random broads head to suck off>>>>> every scene that thanos wasn't in

Joe pesci getting Sharon stone to top him off >>>> Tony Starks talking to his dad

Nigga that's your personal preference :roflmao2:

Robert De Niro throwing Sharon Stone out and Pesci getting buried alive were probably better than both of those scenes you mentioned btw.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nigga that's your personal preference :roflmao2:

Robert De Niro throwing Sharon Stone out and Pesci getting buried alive were probably better than both of those scenes you mentioned btw.
I didn't say the pesci scenes was the best I was saying juss those scenes alone was better than endgame... I could go easily go on to the better scenes but that would be to easy

Iron Man

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's being prejudice, the same can be said about Star Wars, Transformers franchisees, but those properties were done by his director buddies. All the films Scorsese directed I can not find a film with at least one major black actor that starred with a positive role or favorable outcome in that role.



BootyEnthusiast; Ass-preneur
BGOL Investor
I disagree with Scorsese completely. Just because a movie is a big budget blockbuster doesn't mean it's devoid of cinematic value. Many of the superhero movies have exactly the characteristics and qualities he is saying they lack. You mean to tell me that Heath Ledger's performance as the joker didn't “convey emotional, psychological experiences?” His portrayal of that role is universally applauded and is both critically and commercially acclaimed. Winter Soldier and Civil War were both far from popcorn theatrical releases with simplistic recycled formulas. Black Panther was an amazingly layered story full of complexity and scale that imho stands out remarkably in its own brilliance.

Now I'm not going to get caught up in the argument debating whether or not a movie based on a comic is better than a Scorsese classic because to me that's not the point. The point I would make is even though one of the movies made by Marvel, DC or any other comic property is not considered a bonafide classic, does not simultaneously mean that the movie doesn't have value and therefore isn't "cinema."

Cinema is not a binary experience. It doesn't have to be a choice between one or the other. A movie can be both compelling and commercially appealing.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I disagree with Scorsese completely. Just because a movie is a big budget blockbuster doesn't mean it's devoid of cinematic value. Many of the superhero movies have exactly the characteristics and qualities he is saying they lack. You mean to tell me that Heath Ledger's performance as the joker didn't “convey emotional, psychological experiences?” His portrayal of that role is universally applauded and is both critically and commercially acclaimed. Winter Soldier and Civil War were both far from popcorn theatrical releases with simplistic recycled formulas. Black Panther was an amazingly layered story full of complexity and scale that imho stands out remarkably in its own brilliance.

Now I'm not going to get caught up in the argument debating whether or not a movie based on a comic is better than a Scorsese classic because to me that's not the point. The point I would make is even though one of the movies made by Marvel, DC or any other comic property is not considered a bonafide classic, does not simultaneously mean that the movie doesn't have value and therefore isn't "cinema."

Cinema is not a binary experience. It doesn't have to be a choice between one or the other. A movie can be both compelling and commercially appealing.
The joker isn't a marvel character...his comments was aimed at Disney universe


BootyEnthusiast; Ass-preneur
BGOL Investor
The joker isn't a marvel character...his comments was aimed at Disney universe

Yeah they were asking about Marvel, but when I read the entire interview, my impression was he was talking about superhero movies and that genre in general and not just one studio's films. It's like when people are talking about Mixed Martial Arts but call it UFC. Even if he was just talking about Marvel movies....I still stand by my points without referencing the examples of the Joker. I actually just rewatched Civil War based on this thread (and because I'm a big ole comic book fan boy) and even the antagonist in Civil War, Zemo was a layered character with an incredible depth.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I found it odd how he said Marvel

Maybe it's because he doesn't feel that way about Joker, it's obvious that it was Scorsese inspired and darker


Rising Star
IJS I go to the movies to be thrilled, entertained, explosions, action, excitement..... movies like wolf of wallstreet although I enjoyed it I'd never go see it in theaters, so yes I go to amusement parks for the thrills, rides, excitement not to sit on a fucking bench

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I love comic movies but just like all movie genres some are better than others. Loved captain America 1 , winter soldier, and infinity war but Imo endgame sucked.

Just like I love Scorsese movies like gangs of New York, casino, and good fellas but the departed sucked IMO


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Samuel L. Jackson Responds to Martin Scorsese’s Marvel Comments

Samuel L. Jackson has responded to Martin Scorsese’s comments that Marvel films aren’t real cinema.

“I mean that’s like saying Bugs Bunny ain’t funny. Films are films. Everybody doesn’t like his stuff either,” Jackson told Variety‘s Angelique Jackson at the grand opening of Tyler Perry’s new studio in Atlanta, Ga. “Everybody’s got an opinion, so I mean it’s okay. Ain’t going to stop nobody from making movies.”

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If people can believe in the Bible then why not give the people what they want? All the fantasy they can be entertained by.

It’s crazy how many people want to sympathize with a fictional character such as the joker

And when these fucking white boys shoot up schools, churches, movie theaters we are suppose to emphasize their bullshit situations.

I just feel like these movies give license for cacs to commit real acts of violence that we’ve continually see in this country.

Motherfuckers are calling this bullshit a masterpiece but will call it a tragedy when a white boy goes out and does this shit for REAL.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
He's being prejudice, the same can be said about Star Wars, Transformers franchisees, but those properties were done by his director buddies. All the films Scorsese directed I can not find a film with at least one major black actor that starred with a positive role or favorable outcome in that role.

in Gangs of New York, wasn't Larry Gillards character hung?

I always thought Larry Gillard and Anthony Anderson were the weirdest castings in any of Martins movies.

As soon as Departed starts, one of the first sentences narrated by Jack mentions "niggas". I know this was a remake of Internal Affairs, but was there a similar sentence in that movie?