FLAT EARTH!!!: Yes Niggas I'm Still Here... The Re-Up... Get Yo' Popcorn...


Rising Star
OG Investor
First of all, many of you know I kicked the Flat Earth Theory off on BGOL LAST YEAR... Let me just say that a few intelligent people have contacted me via PM and told me that they've actually researched the facts, and are somewhat leaning (if not absolutely agreeing) towards FLAT EARTH.

If those people choose to reveal themselves they will have my full support. Otherwise, you will never hear their names from my lips... I don't get down like that... What's between me and you, is BETWEEN ME & YOU... That's how I roll....


I will sometimes draw from previous flat earth questions posed to me in other threads that I never responded to (I apologize, I'm on call 24 hrs a day sometimes, when I have to go, I HAVE TO GO while leaving threads and forgetting about them)...

So first you need the premises (again):

1) The world is not globular, it's flat.

2) Until VERY recently, the U.S. has been rocking with ONE doctored Earth pic from space: "The Big Blue Marble"...

3) Cacs can't get their ass out of earth's orbit without camera trickery...

4) ANTARCTICA is not the SOUTH POLE, it is the WHITE ICE SUB-DEGREE CIRCUMFERENCE AROUND the fish tank that keeps you in-bounds...


5) There is a dome above Earth, that NASA cannot penetrate, no matter how much they lie...



I'm bombarding your right brain with symbolism and shit you already knew (but you forgot) through these pics, don't fight it... We Are On FLAT EARTH NIGGA!!!


With a dome on top, even you Bible niggas can't deny, I ain't a Christian, however... ("God created the firmament") Genesis 1:7 "...And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so."]

What is the firmament???

Wikipedia: The firmament is the structure above the atmosphere, conceived as a vast solid dome.[1] According to the Genesis creation narrative, God created the firmament to separate the "waters above" the earth from the "waters below" the earth.[2] The word is anglicized from Latin firmamentum, which appears in the Vulgate, a late fourth-century Latin translation of the Bible.

Keep fucking around though...

Remember the Illuminati Card Game??? (That was another thread I introduced back in 2008):


Yeah keep fucking around with all of these similarities and congruencies as if your intuition AIN'T warning you to slow your roll on criticism of this shit... Hold on though, the Climax is coming for your ass...

Get ready for a logical wall-breaker if you're not too dumb to accept it... Stay with me... Still attacking the right side of your brain right now... Attacking your intuition... Ya'll muhfucas are too westernized and indoctrinated, let me continue to massage the right side of your brain...

Often in these movies they'll tell you the truth while hiding it...

Remember "The Truman Show" with Jim Carrey???


He was raised in an artificial society watched by reality TV while in a studio... He dared to sail and find the extremities of his physical environment (which was artificial movie weather by the producer) until he finally reached the outer wall... A part of the fake dome he was in...



But prior to that, a movie director had watched his whole life using any method possible (weather) to keep him from getting to the walls and edges of the dome...


See the quote in the above pic? Dude actually said that in the movie... THESE CRACCAS TELLING YA'LL WHAT'S UP BUT YA'LL WANT TO ARGUE WITH ME!!!! YA'LL ARE FUCKING ST00PID!!! THE FUCKING EARTH IS FLAT!!!

The reality you've been given is that THE EARTH IS GLOBULAR... now read dude's quote again...

Ok Ok OK, let's calm down now... (wipes sweat from brow)...

Are you ready for the Climax???

In order for you to understand the climax, you have to have an open mind...

Don't hate... Appreciate...

I'm giving you an opportunity to receive knowledge on shit you've seen a thousand times...

If only you are willing to change your FUCK ASS perspective....

Are you ready???

Ok, then let's Go!!!

First, a question: How far do they tell us the Sun is from Earth???

Answer: Round it up, and it's basically 93 million miles....

Question, If the Sun is that far away, why are SUN RAYS spreading out like this as if the Sun was closer???


Where is the Sun??? Is it really 93 million miles away? OR IS IT CLOSER??

YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO PEOPLE, just accept it and open your mind to some potential truth... This is 2016, Niggas are tired of living under LIES!!! USE THE FUCKING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS GIVEN TO YOU BY THE CREATOR!!! LEFT AND RIGHT-BRAIN!!!

I'm available right now, what you want???
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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
verb: ignore; 3rd person present: ignores; past tense: ignored; past participle: ignored; gerund or present participle: ignoring

refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.


Rising Star
What if there was another Earth underground inhabited by a superhuman race. What if the North and South poles had openings where you could enter this Earth? What if Hitler was in Tibet looking for this super race. What if there's reports of people actually going to this inner earth?


Rising Star
If you accept the Flat Earth then where is this Flat Earth. Is the Flat Earth within a universe, Galaxy, Solar System or what?

So if you remove the dome then what? We the outside come rushing in or will the inside go rushing out?

Why are humans participating in the cover up of our domed, flat planed existence? We are the in-mates.

What is the nature of those beings that live outside of the confinement?