Flat Earther Just Discovered The Earth Is Not Flat After All.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Honestly I'm surprised he was able to take off using some sort of steam powered
Wtf did I just watch

Was he in the parachute or the rocket crash at the end?

What you witnessed was his flattened reality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think his plan was to get up high enough to be able to film I guess....over the side of the flat disk he thought we lived on....because he didn't believe any of the oh I don't know....thousands of pieces of footage that show otherwise....
Stupidity...and gravity are undefeated.

How was this supposed to prove that the earth isn't flat?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
BARSTOW, Calif. (AP) - A California man who said he wanted to fly to the edge of outer space to see if the world is round has died after his home-built rocket blasted off into the desert sky and plunged back to earth.

So, this was as poorly a conceived idea as I have ever heard of. But really, the only complaint I have is that it wasn't a three-man ship and he took trump and mcconnell with him.

Not to mention, from outer space the earth looks like, wait for it, a fucking disc.
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BGOL Investor
The news reported that he did it this way, to get actual pictures of the Earth from above (to prove it was flat).

I have 1 word - DRONE?

Just as effective (more perhaps) and would have been a hell of lot cheaper than building that rocket.
DRONE?? How about "AIRPLANE"? Any commercial flight takes anyone MANY times higher than he flew today. Still not as high as he'd need to be to get a CONVINCING shot of the curvature/sphericity of the Earth, but I believe that he might have come back down in fewer pieces.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm guessing the rocket. The parachute descent seemed survialable.

Surprised he died, didnt look that bad.

Dumb muthafucka.

Except he didn't descend attached to the parachute

BARSTOW, Calif. (AP) - A California man who said he wanted to fly to the edge of outer space to see if the world is round has died after his home-built rocket blasted off into the desert sky and plunged back to earth.

So, this was as poorly a conceived idea as I have ever heard of. But really, the only complaint I have is that it wasn't a three-man ship and he took trump and mcconnell with him.

Not to mention, from outer space the earth looks like, wait for it, a fucking disc.

The craziest part is there are some cats here STILL arguing for and believing in Rocket Man's view points of "flat earth" :smh::lol:
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oolong tea

Rising Star
Damn. This guy could've helped financially strapped businessmen send satellites into orbit. Someone so smart he stupid.

Iron Man

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Daredevil and Flat Earth theorist Michael "Mad Mike" Hughes died Saturday in a rocket crash. Hughes, 64, wanted to prove the Flat Earth theory by taking photographs of the Earth from a homemade rocket.

Saturday's rocket launch was to be featured on the Science Channel, which was chronicling Hughes' attempts to launch himself high enough in a homemade rocket to take pictures of the curvature — or lack thereof as far as Hughes was concerned — of the Earth. This particular launch was only supposed to take Hughes 5,000 feet in the air, according to Discovery.

According to the article cbsnews, he only wanted to go 5,000 feet in the air. :dunno: Dumb ass should have booked a window seat of a commercial airliner cruising altitude is 30,000 feet could have taken a ton of photos of the earth saved money and his life. Some people who claim to be smart sure are dumb.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Daredevil and Flat Earth theorist Michael "Mad Mike" Hughes died Saturday in a rocket crash. Hughes, 64, wanted to prove the Flat Earth theory by taking photographs of the Earth from a homemade rocket.

Saturday's rocket launch was to be featured on the Science Channel, which was chronicling Hughes' attempts to launch himself high enough in a homemade rocket to take pictures of the curvature — or lack thereof as far as Hughes was concerned — of the Earth. This particular launch was only supposed to take Hughes 5,000 feet in the air, according to Discovery.

According to the article cbsnews, he only wanted to go 5,000 feet in the air. :dunno: Dumb ass should have booked a window seat of a commercial airliner cruising altitude is 30,000 feet could have taken a ton of photos of the earth saved money and his life. Some people who claim to be smart sure are dumb.

I’m shocked he made it 64 years before he killed himself, not smart thinking at all.

And 5000 feet?

The nigga should’ve just bought a drone and saved some money and his life.

But then again, he probably would’ve killed himself trying to prove that lava wasn’t hot. :(


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member

That contraption took a lot of time and money to design and build.

If the motherfucker wanted to die there are a whole lot of cheaper options.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Geez, if he didn't die in he descent, I bet he wish he did. He was sitting there conscious the entire time probably, maybe, not sure if those g-forces on such a fast take off could kill a man by itself. But when it hit it top arch and was on the way down, "hey i'm not slowing down, hey, hey, I'm not slowing down, HEY, HEY WTF, GOT DAMN SHIT, FUCK. Guys the parachute isn't deploying" "Mike, your parachute is with us buddy and its shredded...you're fucked"
You're right. Without a pressurized suit he was more than likely unconscious after a few seconds.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
The news reported that he did it this way, to get actual pictures of the Earth from above (to prove it was flat).

I have 1 word - DRONE?

Just as effective (more perhaps) and would have been a hell of lot cheaper than building that rocket.
Or plane. Or helicopter. Or weather balloon.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor, originating in Usenet newsgroup discussions around 1985. They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool via death or sterilization by their own actions.
The project became more formalized with the creation of a website in 1993, and followed up by a series of books starting in 2000, authored by Wendy Northcutt. The criterion for the awards states, "In the spirit of Charles Darwin, the Darwin Awards commemorate individuals who protect our gene pool by making the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives. Darwin Award winners eliminate themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving our species' chances of long-term survival."[2]
Accidental self-sterilization also qualifies; however, the site notes: "Of necessity, the award is usually bestowed posthumously." The candidate is disqualified, though, if "innocent bystanders", who might have contributed positively to the gene pool, are killed in the process. The logical problem presented by award winners who may have already reproduced is not addressed in the selection process due to the difficulty of ascertaining if a person has or does not have children.
People who have somehow miraculously survived their suicidal idiocy can be given an "Honorable Mention" if their attempted act of self removal is deemed worthy (and humorous), i.e. they tried their best.
The Darwin Awards books state that an attempt is made to disallow known urban legends from the awards, but some older "winners" have been "grandfathered" to keep their awards. The Darwin Awards site does try to verify all submitted stories, but many similar sites, and the vast number of circulating "Darwin awards" emails, are largely fictional.