Food: Why Fast-Food Companies Are Going All In On Chicken Tenders


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
People will watch these videos and still eat out regardless.

A lot of people can't cook and are too lazy to do so.

They have videos like these they could learn how to cook their own food on youtube that are simple and easy to make.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No surprise kfc got 1 of the top tenders..they slept on crazy as a chain.. I actually like their chicken sandwich better than chik fi la… I really don’t cop none of their shit but on the few occasions where I tasted it definitely liked it


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
It easy to make on your own if you know how to cook because there's plenty of YouTube videos to teach you how do so.

Exactly. So many step-by-step tutorials available online. Failing that - just ask friends or family for recommendations or recipes, or ask them if they can teach you some meals.

One of my grandma's best friends back in the day made some "world famous" apple strudel. Her and her husband would make them on a weekly basis for 60+ years. Share them with tons of friends and family. Strudel was first class delicious. A handful of people even asked her if she wanted to go into business with them, or find a way to do business with local bakeries. She and her husband were happy just sharing them with their loved ones. My pops would often stop by their place and give them a bunch of apples, flour, and sugar just to help them cut costs. * She would make them on a baking tray and in the shape of a snake. So each strudel would be around 25 pieces, and she'd make 3 - 5 strudels weekly.

All that said ... she taught a number of people how to make it too. They wanted to see "the pro in action", lol.

And on a side note ... one of the best things with homemade cooking or baking is you can play around and modify your own recipes, or the ones you're trying to follow. See what works and what you prefer. Add or reduce certain ingredients, etc. Then you've basically got your own go-to meals you can make for yourself or your family.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

I like going to a nice restaurant once in awhile... I rarely order stuff that I can make myself.

But you right about time

Convenience is addictive

Well said. One of the best feelings at a restaurant is trying stuff that you'd undoubtedly never make at home.

On the flip side ... one of the worst experiences is ordering something and having it be a complete letdown. Then looking around at others' dishes at your table and wishing you ordered what they did instead, lol. Been there before.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Well said. One of the best feelings at a restaurant is trying stuff that you'd undoubtedly never make at home.

On the flip side ... one of the worst experiences is ordering something and having it be a complete letdown. Then looking around at others' dishes at your table and wishing you ordered what they did instead, lol. Been there before.


Just like making it at home and then completely f**king it up.

To me the coolest thing about cooking at home besides economics is making food for family eating together and that feeling that YOU made that happen.

I'm not THAT judgemental.

You can afford to order food? Go head
You like to cook at home? Go head
You want to go to a nice restaurant? Go ahead

Whatever makes you happy.

the deeper conversation of health and finance can be had but I feel like we all KNOW that at this point.