Why are people paying for sports packages when literally there’s sites where you can watch every single game for free, not only that you can watch 4 or more games at the sametime on the same screen.. you think it’s smarter to pay several hundreds of dollars for only a few games instead of not paying for shit and seeing every game for free?
do you think it’s smarter to pay 20-30 dollars a month per company for some streaming site like max, Netflix, Disney, etc when you literally can see all their content for free on certain free streaming site? So it’s smarter to pay thousands of dollars a yr for streaming companies than to watch the same exact thing for free?
literally the convo is about why do dudes pay to see nude content of women that they can see for free on websites and I ask why do people pay for sports packages and stream sites when you can see all of it for free to.. literally it’s the samething