FOX Sports LAWSUIT: Emmanuel Acho beat Joy Taylor, Skip Bayless creeping in workplace misconduct lawsuit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Leak the nudes! I need to see her almond joys




Goddamn! Fine ass!!!
The entire staff was..

Can’t blame em, shit! And…she has the whore nose job. Anytime you see that nose, that’s a whore.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I'm not seeing the big deal. Some white chick gets pissed off at work and snitches about a relationship? Her gripe had nothing to do with the sister so what did she bring it up for? I definitely don't believe that she turned down 1.5 million to fuck. I think she was jealous of what Joy was getting. All that said, when brothers get caught up in "me too" shit, it is all over the news and it ruins their lives. I hope that CAC gets the same treatment. This thread is only mentioning the brother.

Unpopular opinion: With rare exceptions, women sportscasters should be former pro athletes. Most of these broads look silly up there acting like they know what they are talking about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not seeing the big deal. Some white chick gets pissed off at work and snitches about a relationship? Her gripe had nothing to do with the sister so what did she bring it up for? I definitely don't believe that she turned down 1.5 million to fuck. I think she was jealous of what Joy was getting. All that said, when brothers get caught up in "me too" shit, it is all over the news and it ruins their lives. I hope that CAC gets the same treatment. This thread is only mentioning the brother.

Unpopular opinion: With rare exceptions, women sportscasters should be former pro athletes. Most of these broads look silly up there acting like they know what they are talking about.

You would have to read the full suit. It has a lot more details than whats being discussed. She alleges she told Joy that her fuck buddy executive grabbed her ass at a party. Joy tells her to get over, because they both owe their jobs to him. She also alleges that Skip made several advances toward. Even after telling him she wasn't interested multiple times. She accused him of grabbing her hands and trying to kiss them, as well as pressing his body up against her breast for extended periods.

She says she complained to human resources multiple times, but nothing came of it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Unpopular opinion: With rare exceptions, women sportscasters should be former pro athletes. Most of these broads look silly up there acting like they know what they are talking about.
Same could be saI’d about non pro athletes who clearly don’t know about the game and not insightful… lot of commentators would be cut off by that rule especially the cacs who be on a lot of media shows past few decades


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Really nothing to see here.
I done smashed plenty chick's I worked with.
Shit go down all the time.
people would say she got an unfair advantage over other deserving sportscaster for her position.. than you have allegations of people “ a married man” offering payment for sex, not only is it inappropriate but illegal, than you have the allegations of someone plotting to use bribery and extortion to leverage their inappropriate situation… whole lot of illegal practices and nightmare pr scenarios


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
cant wait for the old white sports caster bitches to come out the wood work that fucked themselves to the top too and act outraged

" this is gonna set women in sports back decades blah blah blah ..."



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not surprised that Skip is a paying pervert, most old white men with money and power are. And it's not limited to media. This goes on in every facet of corporate america. Regarding should be of no surprise that a woman with severe daddy issues, abuse issues, fake girl power proclamations and literally dresses like a whore on day time television would possibly be involved in manipulation and shady practices...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not surprised that Skip is a paying pervert, most old white men with money and power are. And it's not limited to media. This goes on in every facet of corporate america. Regarding should be of no surprise that a woman with severe daddy issues, abuse issues, fake girl power proclamations and literally dresses like a whore on day time television would possibly be involved in manipulation and shady practices...

Skip wasn't gonna give that ho 1.5million dollars. lol

Not saying he didn't offer her some shit. But 1.5million?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not really sure but I think I hate this mofo :dunno:

You may not be sure but I am. My first and lasting impression of him was, and is, that he's an arrogant Nigerian bred know-it-all asshole who in an effort to appear so erudite would spout a hundred words when ten would suffice. Marcellus Wiley knew Acho was a backstabbing piece of shit and said as much after leaving Speak For Yourself. Acho just has that unlikeable, phony, scheming "can't trust him" vibe about him imo. :hmm:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

"Ohhh Joy!! uh-uh uh-uh Joy!!! I can't hold it any longer!!! Yes, Yes, YEEEEES!!! All over that pretty ebony face!!"

"My precious JOY, make sure you wear something EXTRA skimpy when you approach Skip. Meanwhile, I'll work an angle for Skip to add you to his show!!'

"Such JOY in the way you swallow. So glad I pushed Skip to let you in on the show!!" HOT DAMN, GIRL!!!"