Real talk bra. I get that shit alllllll the time like WTF is that your wearing OMG you smell so damn good. Your prices are crazy low. And you said yours is thicker than Kummba? Damn dog that"s hard to believe If the bra"ssay uur the bomb then I belive them.
Yea man I have a thread in the business section, well it was not sure if still there when Iw as in the flea markets selling and all that..... Finally made a post and gave away free samples here... Since here cats been showing love.....
This is a REAL TOUGH crowd and by far getting ton of support. Brothers here made me realize we have a serious network here...
My logo was created from a member here, and right now atleast 3 cats buy and resell.... I drop ship for another..... Its definitely real....
Yea I do volume and I believe in longevity, when I get a customer I have them for life