Fred Hampton on Racism & Capitalism


Rising Star
growing up society had me so mind fucked.. I thought.. socialism was communism..

but socialism is just communities running themselves

without outside influence..

thats a BIG fuckin no no to the parasites that pimp the masses through capitalism..

and if most people truly understood, that capitalism, was created by the wealthy to ensure THEY stay wealthy while

ensuring the poor stay poor at their expense. and whats crazy is the poor are the back bone of capitalism with the poor,

capitalism cannot exist, because there is nobody to CAPITALIZE off of....
aka nobody to PIMP....

That sounds very woke and righteous but here are the facts:

Capitalism is the reason Black Americans are the richest, most educated black people in the world, EVER. More Black people have risen from poverty under capitalism than any other system that has ever existed.

Black and Brown people around the world live under systems where there in absolutely no opportunity to escape poverty, while their leaders are their cronies insanely rich.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
That sounds very woke and righteous but here are the facts:

Capitalism is the reason Black Americans are the richest, most educated black people in the world, EVER. More Black people have risen from poverty under capitalism than any other system that has ever existed.

Black and Brown people around the world live under systems where there in absolutely no opportunity to escape poverty, while their leaders are their cronies insanely rich.
This is the dumbest post I've read here in months. 100% unadulterated stupidity. What's your source, Stormfront?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With all of the fake profession claims on nBGOL, I see why “economist” is one that I’ve never seen. This thread is clear proof of why it can’t be claimed.


Rising Star
OG Investor
fred seemed like a cool guy, but he was no economist.

being smart doesn't mean he was in all areas. he was grossly wrong here.

many Black folks in all parts of the world,
conflated colonialism and capitalism.

so they ended up hating everything from western white folks and took in aocialism/commmunism from eastern whife folks. those who lived through this times can be forgiven for not knowing.

we live in now, and we see the failure of socialism.

Fred was a socialist/marxist/communist, whatever you wanna call it. All the panthers were. many caribbean and african nations tried that, even though many were market based economies before colonialism.

they all had disastrous results just like the european, south american, and asian countries did.

the communists had agents alll over these Black nations and our leaders were suckers for it.

manning johnson, george Schuyler , and a few others tried to warn us.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fred seemed like a cool guy, but he was no economist.

being smart doesn't mean he was in all areas. he was grossly wrong here.

many Black folks in all parts of the world,
conflated colonialism and capitalism.

so they ended up hating everything from western white folks and took in aocialism/commmunism from eastern shire folks. those who lived through this times can be forgiven for not knowing.

we live in. ow, and we see the failure of socialism.

dre's was a socialist/marxist/communist, whatever you wanna call it. the panthers were. many caribbean and african nations tried that, even though many were market based economies before colonialism.

they all had disastrous results just like the europe'an, south american, and asian countries did.

the communists had agents alll over these Black nations and our leaders were suckers for it.

manning johnson, george Schuyler , and a few others tried to warn us.
Got a thread full of people talking about the stock market and another with cryptocurrencies and the same people talking “fuck capitalism”.

Marxist (socialist/communist) ideology is winless and will always be, especially for the main people promoting it.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
growing up society had me so mind fucked.. I thought.. socialism was communism..

but socialism is just communities running themselves

without outside influence..

thats a BIG fuckin no no to the parasites that pimp the masses through capitalism..

and if most people truly understood, that capitalism, was created by the wealthy to ensure THEY stay wealthy while

ensuring the poor stay poor at their expense. and whats crazy is the poor are the back bone of capitalism with the poor,

capitalism cannot exist, because there is nobody to CAPITALIZE off of....
aka nobody to PIMP....


and I didnt even realize how young he was before he was murdered by satans bitches..

Yeah, coming up any fucking time during the cold war lead to some serious propaganda being pushed on us. Now there is propaganda in a different form. But the same thing stands true. Those who push it want us to think in binary terms. They don't want us looking at other options.

A blend of capitalism and socialism is best. Think of it as walking on a tightrope with a safety net. Capitalism allows those who wish to take risks to take them and be rewarded for that. If they fall, social safety nets help them not get fucked up. With proper use of both capitalism and social safety nets, coming up is much, much easier. Social safety nets also help those who don't take risks. A life of complacency can be lived of the safety nets.

It's funny to me because the socialism only/capitalism evil types love the innovation and cool shit that really only come from capitalism(winners/losers) type societies, but won't admit it. At the same time, the free market/hardcore capitalism types love the socialism for the rich, but won't admit it.

Since you're in crypto, see my response below.
Got a thread full of people talking about the stock market and another with cryptocurrencies and the same people talking “fuck capitalism”.

Marxist (socialist/communist) ideology is winless and will always be, especially for the main people promoting it.
The stock market and crypto are highlighting what is wrong with RIGGED capitalism. In crypto, what's been happening? We went from the wild west to 'lawmakers' introducing their tilted capitalism rules. By itself, crypto was the perfect blend of socialism/capitalism.

Communities could control the ledger and money without government fucking it up, but private owners were also free to operate within that world and get rich. Shit was like the truest form of both socialism and capitalism, but the government comes in to fuck it up and 'legitimize' it. :smh:First time in history PEOPLE had control over money and value.

What just happened with the stock market? They intervened on behalf of the rich and the government did nothing. MSM already moved past the story.

I'm not against capitalism, but the system is rigged. The good new is that we know it's rigged. Big ass "BRIDGE OUT" sign, yet folks keep getting rekt.

I'm not on that marxist shit, but I am with keeping the game as fair to the little guy as possible.

I think some people who say 'fuck capitalism' are more saying 'fuck rigged capitalism.' Stop changing the rules when people who ain't supposed to win start winning. Marxist on some other bullshit though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I only wish more of his speeches would have been recorded. His age, his fire and ability to bridge the divide between race and class would have been an invaluable tool in developing the minds of young Black men in this era.

We still fight, we still do the work with others, but we seem to lose the Black struggle in the midst of the umbrella strategy.

Fred never lost that viewpoint.

"Free Em ALL"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Happy born day to the great ancestor.

Always pisses me off when I think about how much this brotha accomplished at just 21 years old, the trajectory his life was leading towards and how much more he could have accomplished if his light wasn't snuffed out by a sellout sambo, J. Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO

He would've been 81 years old today smh


Rising Star
Happy born day to the great ancestor.

Always pisses me off when I think about how much this brotha accomplished at just 21 years old, the trajectory his life was leading towards and how much more he could have accomplished if his light wasn't snuffed out by a sellout sambo, J. Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO

He would've been 81 years old today smh

His father died in 2008 and his mother died in 2016.



Rising Star
Just sharing a few threads on capitalism since I did a search:

You take these trolls too seriously. What capitalistic society doesn’t have a caste system?
[when it's your first time engaging with Costanza]
