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US Air Force set to fit warplanes with Star Wars style ‘Death Star’ rays by early 2020s to zap enemies in air and on ground

Sci-fi style laser guns now on verge of becoming everyday military hardware after Boeing wins contract
16th December 2016, 10:12 am

STAR WARS style combat is poised to become a reality in just a few years’ time as Pentagon military bosses award contracts to phase in laser guns.

Aircraft-mounted laser weapons on the US stealth jets will be able to toast opposition missile systems, air-to-air fighter jets, drones, ships and ground forces in an instant.

Warplanes’ system tracks incoming targets, determines an aim point and focuses the beam on the enemy

Scenes like this from Star Wars: Death Star will be a reality in a few years
Boeing has today received a $90 million (£72million) to fit the laser firing pods to US Air Force planes.
The innovation is set to be the biggest shake up of aerial warfare since the Nazislaunched the first jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262, during World War 2.

Centuries old use of explosives on the battlefield could soon be replaced with scenes akin to Star Wars.

This is because intense heat and light energy incinerate the opponent rather with explosives or bullets.

The technique is set to save billions of dollars because it will replace costly missiles and other firearms.

Technology firm Stellar Science has been tasked with advanced laser modelling and simulation before laser weapons are fitted onto warplanes.

As reported, Security giants Northrop Grumman are developing hi-tech fighter aircraft which will be fitted with the technology.


The US Marines are also developing a system, see above, using lasers and Stinger missiles to ward off drones and artillery.

But is is not just not the US which is joining the new era - Britain is is developing a laser weapon with a prototype ready by 2019.

As reported, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the £30million scheme will create a British laser weapon that works in all weathers and in water.

The British weapon will be designed by weapons company MBDA UK to protect ships from missiles and soldiers from enemy mortars.


would be like GI Joe except there wont be any pilots bailing out :roflmao2:

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