Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They spent an entire episode turning Goliath into David. Danni, had every advantage and they yanked them.

I get why they did it. But the way they did it cheapens the whole show. There's no rhyme or reason for Dernersi and her people not to do reconn first. Just like the Dhorhki charging into the dark towards White Walkers. Come sense says you let them come to you through your defenses.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She’s been mad careless with them lately. You’d figure she fly them higher..........

Why was she flying them in the first place? Where's the soldiers that scouted everything out first? How do you go to war and put your most powerful weapons out before anything else? Especially, after they already showed you from last time they had those dragon killer weapons? Writing has fell off badly on the show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
If Cersei doesn't get the worst death possible on the show by the time it's done then you know the show is officially trash!

That's a nasty ass white woman! She doesn't even have to act just let it naturally come out.

She was good in 300 though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1) Podrick Payne is Pimp of The Year. Dude walked off with 2 chicks.

2) Sansa is the new Cersei. She’s out there playing chess. Don’t sleep.

3) Danny looks like she’s going mad.

4) They killed our girl. I hope my boy Grey Worm puts in work.

Sanasa is the new Little Finger who taught her.

Cersei was born into a powerful family and is ruthless but never smart.