Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Shit is Jon going to survive her? What's stopping her from killing Jon?

Oh. She's going to try to kill John and all the Starks. She has to... they're the only real threats left. You think she's going to roast an ENTIRE city....which much of her army down there too and then not kill the one person who can claim the crown??? Jon better get to her first but I dont think he can... probably only real possibility is Arya doing it
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Star Playa
BGOL Investor
“Daenerys Targaryen. Burner of people. Crusher of cities. Crazy ass bitch.”

Arya got more lives than a cat. She’s like one of Bay-Bay’s kids.

This episode was crazy as shit. I still don’t count out Sansa sneaking her way to Dragonstone next week to take out Dani.

And just think. If Jon would have just gave her the D, things might be different.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not even sure if he will survive. Then again A song of fire and ice and Jon is Fire and Ice literally.

Writers didn’t bring him back from the dead, make him next in line and make everyone want him to be king, spend 3 seasons setting this all up to kill him off and put Arya on a throne she has no claim to in the last episode.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Disagree man! That's not who she was/is the show shit the character into that role to make it fit the narrative.

Dawg. Her advisors were keeping her in line, man. I think people loved her character so much that they just couldn't see it. It's always been there...since season 1..... she was already wanting the power...she was trying to tell Drogo to go for the Iron Throne....and Drogo just wanted to eat good and fuck. She's long had the thirst for power... and she's already showed us multiple times she can be ruthless as fuck. She's just finally fully embraced it. I think it's great because it's right in line with reality.. absolute power corrupts absolutely... Dany had a plethora of ways that all of this could be avoided but she had to have the Iron Throne her way...even when Jon had the real claim to it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw Jamie and Cersei dying together and I saw Danaerys going apeshit on Kings Landing. I knew that shit was coming.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The mountain when he took off the helmet



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dawg. Her advisors were keeping her in line, man. I think people loved her character so much that they just couldn't see it. It's always been there...since season 1..... she was already wanting the power...she was trying to tell Drogo to go for the Iron Throne....and Drogo just wanted to eat good and fuck. She's long had the thirst for power... and she's already showed us multiple times she can be ruthless as fuck. She's just finally fully embraced it. I think it's great because it's right in line with reality.. absolute power corrupts absolutely... Dany had a plethora of ways that all of this could be avoided but she had to have the Iron Throne her way...even when Jon had the real claim to it.

Nothing you've written explains what we saw..nothing at all!


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Jon gotta kill Greyworm.

Dany going to try to take out the Starks.

Ayra will come in and kill Dany.

Tyrion gotta go too. They turned the smartest men (Varys and Tyrion) into some of the dumbest this season.

Good episode as far as action but the writing was kind of lacking.