Gassed all the way up. (Who Lyin to em?)

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What stopped me from liking “thick” chicks was those burnt toast thighs. I used to love me a short round. The more I saw those dark thighs and taints the less inclined I was to smash. I still like my women dark and stacked but the thigh meat is a huge turnoff for me.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Her ass crack was all dark. :smh: How can you smash that, let alone put your face near that?:smh:

It’s social media! Thirsty loser beta low orbit dudes be gassing em! You are a fatass lady! You look bad and you’re unhealthy and will probably have a stoke or heart attack by 40!