George Michael dead


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Goodbye George


Fam, this is my favorite by him. The fucking writing is amazing


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Damn the soundtrack of my youth is going away quickly
Gotta enjoy your life while you can
RIP. Dude had monster hits

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Who's dying from AIDS in 2016?
I'm sure He's had HIV since the 80's. So damn near 40 years living with that eventually will catch up. It ain't like Magic who immediately started that crazy cocktail shit he's been on. They didn't have that back then for George. What 53 year old dies of Pneumonia, one with a low T Cell count like Eazy E


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Context of racism/white supremacy!

I'm sure He's had HIV since the 80's. So damn near 40 years living with that eventually will catch up. It ain't like Magic who immediately started that crazy cocktail shit he's been on. They didn't have that back then for George. What 53 year old dies of Pneumonia, one with a low T Cell count like Eazy E


Google "Anselmo Feleppa" ...


Rising Star
i been mad at this ninja ever since he won the AMA Favorite Soul/R&B Album beating out Keith Sweat.

Make it Last Forever went triple platinum in 1988...Keith Sweat WAS Black music that year.

ah well...
It's all politics. Michael Had at least 8 Grammy nominations for Bad that year and didn't win one. George Michael swept up though, it was Sony's turn that year. Just record label politics.