Get This...Lesbians are now being labeled as transphobic and "terfs" for not dating transwomen


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
This is very entertaining

These niggas got titties and a BBL so they could get some pussy....

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Trans women are full of the toxic masculinity that they accuse men of. Now women, who should have nipped this shit in the bud in the beginning, are going to feel the brunt of this.

Trans women taking their jobs. Their scholarships. Their medals.

Trans women are not women. They never have been and they will never be.

Trans women have the entire world shook. Scared to tell them the truth or face the wrath.

The only reason the Trans woman attack on the world has traction is because their group contains White males, the most insecure being on this planet. A group who knows they cannot win without cheating.

Now they have the ultimate cheat code. Just like feminism, Black and Latinos are made to believe they belong to this club, but it's a fallacy.

Blacks and Latinos flock to support whites when Whites are affronted, but that support is not, never had been and never will be reciprocated

And the Black and Latino people never learn.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Second verse, same as the first.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The term TERFs, is not new and is a segment of gay society that does not like or want trans-people around. Reddit had a slew of subs dedicated to those groups but got shut down.

Transwomen and biological lesbian women are going to be the thing that turns the transgender issue on it's ear, because you are not going to even attempt to force a woman who identifies as a lesbian to deal with anybody who has a dick, no matter how that person identifies, if that lesbian does not want to deal with them.

Genitalia matters, I think this, not the sports issue is what is going to get people talking and thinking more.
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Aka Illegal Danny
I'ma start flipping it and calling these mf's "heterophobic".

I mean, what are the rules??

Here's the rules as I understand them

1) Outside of social media most trans people don't give a fuck about pronouns as long as you don't call them an "it", "tranny", "heshe" or "crossdresser"

2) Most trans people understand and accept that if you won't date them somebody else will.

3) The few outspoken trans folks who don't follow these rules end up on cable news.

4) bonus rule. It's a dirty secret, but most gays and lesbians are just as transphobic as straight people are.


Rising Star
If you don't want to date a trans woman all you have to say is

"I don't date women who've had work done"

Problem solved.

Of course, there is the alternative:

Get you fucked up, over-entitled, tranny ass out of my face before you get kicked where your
nuts used to be with a size 14. Game over.


Rising Star
Here's the rules as I understand them

1) Outside of social media most trans people don't give a fuck about pronouns as long as you don't call them an "it", "tranny", "heshe" or "crossdresser"

2) Most trans people understand and accept that if you won't date them somebody else will.

3) The few outspoken trans folks who don't follow these rules end up on cable news.

4) bonus rule. It's a dirty secret, but most gays and lesbians are just as transphobic as straight people are.

1) I use pronouns as dictated by the O.E.D., and could not care less about what some dude with his dick chopped of claiming to be a chick wants to be called. Born with a dick? You ain't a chick.

2) Don't give a rat's ass what they understand, except that I ain't buying their bullshit.

3) Few, my ass. All these trannies seem hell bent on insisting we pretend they are real women. Fuck that. It is a travesty. A perversion. Some typical white shit.

4) Fags hate dykes. Dykes hate fags and men. Fags and dykes hate trannies. Proof that even a broken clock is right twice daily. And transphobia has nothing to do with not wanting to be bothered with yet another vile psychological construct created by white folks who just can't be happy with a nice piece of pussy and a weed pipe. To hell with 'em, I say. I am sick of trannies. Does not mean I fear them. They just disgust the fuck out of me.