Get This...Lesbians are now being labeled as transphobic and "terfs" for not dating transwomen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
once you normalized the abnormal cough cough gay marriages cough cough

you opened the cage and all the psycho sexual dysfunction is out the bag now,

you got a president talkin bout making the whole fuckin nation, take a backseat to sexual

dysfunction by making it "HIS PRIORITY" you got men wanting rights to use the same bathroom

as our young sisters, daughters, neices etc....some of these abnormal beings are literally

still attracted to women so you can see that fuckin shit bomb ready to explode..


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Like I said b4 fags and fags in dresses really don’t like females.. they just use them to try to get their sympathy to push their plight of fuckery.. they will quickly turn their back on them when they get to push their agenda.. they hate that females get what they desire dick


Platinum Member
These niggas got titties and a BBL so they could get some pussy....

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Here's the rules as I understand them

1) Outside of social media most trans people don't give a fuck about pronouns as long as you don't call them an "it", "tranny", "heshe" or "crossdresser"

2) Most trans people understand and accept that if you won't date them somebody else will.

3) The few outspoken trans folks who don't follow these rules end up on cable news.

4) bonus rule. It's a dirty secret, but most gays and lesbians are just as transphobic as straight people are.

Not one single solitary lie told.

Not a one.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
How weak do you have to be to feel pressured into relationships with trans for fear of being labeled transphobic? I can't believe thats real.thats gotta be made up.

If that's true then incels just need better social shaming tactics.
Trans women are attempting to create a world where they force people to live in their fantasy, where you can't say no them.

They tried this same shit with straight men talking about you’re transphobic if you don’t want to date a man in a dress that wants you to believe he is a woman, they were even saying they don’t feel like they should tell men that their tranny selves were born men..smh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
who you fuck is all about what you as a person likes and consents to.
trans people have all rights to change their bodies, names pronouns. but every one else has all rights not to want fuck them.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
1) I use pronouns as dictated by the O.E.D., and could not care less about what some dude with his dick chopped of claiming to be a chick wants to be called. Born with a dick? You ain't a chick.

2) Don't give a rat's ass what they understand, except that I ain't buying their bullshit.

3) Few, my ass. All these trannies seem hell bent on insisting we pretend they are real women. Fuck that. It is a travesty. A perversion. Some typical white shit.

4) Fags hate dykes. Dykes hate fags and men. Fags and dykes hate trannies. Proof that even a broken clock is right twice daily. And transphobia has nothing to do with not wanting to be bothered with yet another vile psychological construct created by white folks who just can't be happy with a nice piece of pussy and a weed pipe. To hell with 'em, I say. I am sick of trannies. Does not mean I fear them. They just disgust the fuck out of me.

Post of the year candidate right here! Btw where all the fake outrage for Jussie Smollett? Let’s see if they can cancel his jail sentence!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why, oh WHY do these people constantly seek out attention so they can be validated by the public? If they were truly about wanting to be free to live the way they wanted why do they constantly demand our approval? I don’t give a damn how you live. If I see you’re grown ass, hairy self in a dress I’m just gonna ignore you. But no they constantly up in everyone’s face demanding attention and getting mad if you don’t play into their fantasy.


Rising Star
Why, oh WHY do these people constantly seek out attention so they can be validated by the public? If they were truly about wanting to be free to live the way they wanted why do they constantly demand our approval? I don’t give a damn how you live. If I see you’re grown ass, hairy self in a dress I’m just gonna ignore you. But no they constantly up in everyone’s face demanding attention and getting mad if you don’t play into their fantasy.

Most gays and trannies hate themselves and have mental issues.

Shit I did not know that gay men that sleeps with transgenders. Do it because they have internalize homophobia. They sleep with trannies because after they bust that nut they can feel better about themselves that they really not gay. It’s helps mask there penis fetish. Because even there biology and human instinct know that sleeping with men is wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why, oh WHY do these people constantly seek out attention so they can be validated by the public? If they were truly about wanting to be free to live the way they wanted why do they constantly demand our approval? I don’t give a damn how you live. If I see you’re grown ass, hairy self in a dress I’m just gonna ignore you. But no they constantly up in everyone’s face demanding attention and getting mad if you don’t play into their fantasy.