GiftedHands, this brotha is tackling all kinda hustles in Memphis and North Mississippi...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wish the brotha more success and power. I love the pic of the kids in the gametruck. @killagram I was bout to say Memphis, North Miss area I know you know the brotha since u do a lot of handy work. Check this Killa, I'm visiting my dad's folks in the summer he lives in Nashville. I'm gonna try and sneak a solo trip to Memphis, West Mem AK, and I believe Walls, Miss. Any piece of advice for a nigga that likes to ride around, blow my trees, slap my beatz, mingle with decent to cute looking chics? Oh yea I wanna hit up one of the parks at the Miss river and get some bbq while I'm there and I mean bbq that will blow a nigga away. My food expectations are higher for Southern Black folks, don't disappoint me Tenn.

Shit.. Nashville got some banging ass shit going on.. But you got to try Gus chicken in Memphis. know when you touchdown...i got some tips for ya.. Brah

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It takes 100 ways for a black man to be successful....I have 6 real businesses.. I run everyday...Jay even trying to hang tvs on walls...i know he charging 75 a pop.. Brah

You better be pulling in well over 6 figures annually fam.

Get that shit.


Platinum Member
Game truck
Table, tents and chairs

Man this is refreshing to see...because I’ve been thinking about getting a few tents to rent out....with table and chairs

Just saw this pic...realized I missed a few company

Check this out

My boy does it out of NY.
He has a ton of them, think like 40 he last told me, also does rental chairs, tents and has a game truck for vid games.

His bouncy houses, average I think like $350 and up for 4 hrs. You need to have an LLC and insurance for accidents.

Depending on location, determines how much you can charge. He wanted me to do it in Houston, but the prices aren't the same. The average charge is like $125 and up for a day.

The costs of the houses vary new, and can be like $3,500 and better. So costwise, I probably wouldn't make my money back for a year or more.

Also don't allow kids in there with their shoes on.

And personally, depending on the adults age, not sure if that would take off, that shit can be tiring.

Also another idea is to get a space in a shopping strip and get a bunch of the houses and the slides and stuff. Charge for pizza parties, birthdays, and if someone just wants to come with kids. Like $5-7 for individual rugrats any other time.
They have one out by where I live. Went twice with my son. They have many weekly events they post on FB and do pretty good as far as reviews and repeat customers.

Just a few ideas.


Platinum Member



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You living well below your means too or put a lot back? My pops just moved outta Cali and lowkey I’m thinking about doing the same to Maximize my bread.

Well below my means... don't have to work for the next 10 years... If I don't want.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i looove it ! thats the only way i know ! hustle hustle hustle ! multi streams , study, learn , grow! it aint given to nobody