If I never hear another Drake song again
Nothing of value is lost
Them girls in ya lobby right now would beg to differ playboy
If I never hear another Drake song again
Nothing of value is lost
Fuck Drake bruh......The hundreds of bullsh*t podcasts making endless videos on this topic
Drake should sue them too for a cut of the profits
Fuck Drake bruh......
My baby is right
I don't give a single solitary sh*t why he doing this I just want it done
Yall acting like others haven't tried and failed before.
So if he is successful...
you guys aint really understanding whats going on; @playahaitian @REDLINE @keone @nawlinsn931 @ViCiouS @largebillsonlyplease @BlackGoku @godmc @D24OHA @Costanza @Tdot_firestarta @blackbull1970 @DC_Dude @APOPHIS and everyone fucking else; this dude Drake has spiraled like wowEuphoria just vaulted to now top what 3 diss ever; dude he told us everything that was gonna happen and it has happen
; this dude career is over!! we have never seen this shit before ever...
Blah blah blah all the stuff you dropped been said before too. I never said that part didn't happen.
It's how I see it from the other perspective and a lot of dudes on here fake tough talk, take it like a man - when they ain't even that online.
We got dudes crying off posts on here calling for customer service. Dudes copping pleas and justifying gay activities too.
To be clear Not YOU fam
But all this - well I woulda done this or that l? rings hollow to me on a lot stuff I'm seeing.
If EVERYONE was so stand up? We wouldn't be in the f*ck up place as a society.
What Drake did I easily see MOST people doing to in the same position.
That part has to stop fam......That's the point though we ALL THINK we know. We dont.
There are/were a hundred variables.
This is like Dr strange in endgame
All the probability but only one path to success
NO ONE in real time PREDICTED this NO ONE
Drake made mistakes we all would of made in his position.
I'm not that guy.
I could pull threads on here with members BEGGING for legal advice concerning marriage, business, child support, crime, contracts.
Who has much more to lose with much less than Drake
Suddenly in this thread acting master strategists.
Yeah okay
Drake messed up and still messing up
I get it especially post election we need a distraction
I wish folk went out to vote with this much energy or volunteer to mentor young men since they claim care so much.
All these dudes claim to HATE Drake?
But just LOVE to talk about him.
And not K Dot album.
Funny how that always works out.
Most people with no guidance, no elders, no mentors, no friends in the industry, no street smarts, no "code of conduct" or moral line or just a mfkr that is extremely narcissistic.
What you said is 100% true if none of my caveats exist. I can't speak for most mfkrs on here. But I just know how I was raised, the things I saw and the people I had in my ear "putting me on game" growing up.......
I couldn't look them in the face or myself in the mirror if I were to go about an L like this......
This shit is SAAAAAD!
**I was a BIG fan of early Drake and yes, I still liked his music for the most part......
But after seeing that footage on 100gigs of him flowing with that Americanized almost southern tone to his voice and then he hopped out the booth and his voice was like 3 octaves higher and the Canadian accent came out........
The light switch flipped, I got it. DRAKE was the act. Drake was "the movie." Aubrey is the actor and Aubrey is who he always was outside of the act........ and as much as I liked Drake and his music..... Aubrey is an insecure, narcissistic, entitled piece of shit and I don't like him.
That part has to stop fam......
Not everyone would have repeatedly called that man a wife beater, said his best friend fathered his kids or indirectly called his woman a hoe........
Not everyone would have crossed that line, but some might..... but ok, they do, then get the warning AND double down on the line crossing
I would hope that most people would think, damn I did that with Pusha and lool what happened..... OK, maybe I should just keep it clean between me and him. I WOULD HOPE, that most people wouldn't live so be so ignorant in the face of history repeating itself.
No she’s not right. She’s copping pleas for Drake so you no what; fuck her too…My baby is right
I don't give a single solitary sh*t why he doing this I just want it done
Yall acting like others haven't tried and failed before.
So if he is successful
I want all those who still criticized Drake
All this code talk tough talk
You don't want to BENEFIT from a creep do you?
Cause then you a co-creep.
And imma be sure to remind all every single chance I get.
Kendrick would NEVER a cept anything that came from this petition...
Most people with no guidance, no elders, no mentors, no friends in the industry, no street smarts, no "code of conduct" or moral line or just a mfkr that is extremely narcissistic.
What you said is 100% true if none of my caveats exist. I can't speak for most mfkrs on here. But I just know how I was raised, the things I saw and the people I had in my ear "putting me on game" growing up.......
I couldn't look them in the face or myself in the mirror if I were to go about an L like this......
This shit is SAAAAAD!
**I was a BIG fan of early Drake and yes, I still liked his music for the most part......
But after seeing that footage on 100gigs of him flowing with that Americanized almost southern tone to his voice and then he hopped out the booth and his voice was like 3 octaves higher and the Canadian accent came out........
The light switch flipped, I got it. DRAKE was the act. Drake was "the movie." Aubrey is the actor and Aubrey is who he always was outside of the act........ and as much as I liked Drake and his music..... Aubrey is an insecure, narcissistic, entitled piece of shit and I don't like him.
He said it here
He proved it with GHOULISH
My only question is, when do we believe him?
“They want this at the Super Bowl instead of me””?
No she’s not right. She’s copping pleas for Drake so you no what; fuck her too…
Peter you representing the Jews in hip hop?
Trying to trade Drake?
Rosenberg you ain't even allowed in the damn arena
@dik cashmere
Yes we know bro about kdot! And you my mans. I’m down with you! But her argument is flawed. Drake is acting like a typical white boy. Act like he can’t lose. Act like he had no help getting to where he also. All along had major help. Then takes a major L going up against someone who is way better. Then he acts like he can’t believe he lost. And instead of bowing out gracefully; he try’s to throw the very thing that prop him up under the bus. That’s typical white people shit. So fuck him and her….Okay okay Now you going to fair
It's Thanksgiving I was just about to thank you for your friendship especially this year, I was down bad for a minute and you were my brother fo real.
But let me tell you bro.
kendrick ain't the only one welcome at the Continental.
Watch it.
My baby Kim is off limits.
Let’s call a spade a spade bro. White peoples do this shit all the time to us. And one of the reasons they get away with it is because they have black peoples supporting these actions. Kim is supporting drakes fuckery. So fuck that shit…Okay okay Now you going to fair
It's Thanksgiving I was just about to thank you for your friendship especially this year, I was down bad for a minute and you were my brother fo real.
But let me tell you bro.
kendrick ain't the only one welcome at the Continental.
Watch it.
My baby Kim is off limits.