GOP to Michael Steele - "Stay In Your Place Boy"

BadDebt, it is not yet safe for you to crawl out of the hole.

Rotten Halfabrain

You finally saved $10 ya cheap Bastid ya, eh?

Don't make me pull my Bible out...Its not gonna be pretty eh Yahweh?

I ain't forgotcha na. BTW you getting a lil tired with your routein.

Wootten Hathaway


Rising Star
You finally saved $10 ya cheap Bastid ya, eh?

Don't make me pull my Bible out...Its not gonna be pretty eh Yahweh?

I ain't forgotcha na. BTW you getting a lil tired with your routein.

Wootten Hathaway
Hell no, didn't save up shit.

So, did you pay $10 for each screenname or did you get a bulk discount like at Costcos?

Fuck Rotten Halfabrain


Rising Star
This thread shoulda been about the bassist for The Bangles.





Potential Star
why hasn't he resigned yet?

His sponsor has not told him to resign. You guys are really so naive. This is a guy that was hired to run for office and received a monthly stipend. Why do you not see he was hired to put a black face on the Republican National Committee? Duh????!!!!!! He will do as he is told by his handlers. I hope he has an end game subsequent to this effort. The republicans have a history of throwing a brother on the dung heap after they finish with him.


Rising Star
His sponsor has not told him to resign. You guys are really so naive. This is a guy that was hired to run for office and received a monthly stipend. Why do you not see he was hired to put a black face on the Republican National Committee? Duh????!!!!!! He will do as he is told by his handlers. I hope he has an end game subsequent to this effort. The republicans have a history of throwing a brother on the dung heap after they finish with him.

- i hear what you are saying, but that doesn't make it any less bullshit...

Michael Steele has done some good things in his political career, him and Russell Simmons organized a rally once for darfur right there in washington D.C. a few years ago (hardly any black folks showed up though :rolleyes:) - so he isn't some mindless puppet...

I will admit that he has lost me with some of his statements and actions within this last year...


Potential Star
- i hear what you are saying, but that doesn't make it any less bullshit...

Michael Steele has done some good things in his political career, him and Russell Simmons organized a rally once for darfur right there in washington D.C. a few years ago (hardly any black folks showed up though :rolleyes:) - so he isn't some mindless puppet...

I will admit that he has lost me with some of his statements and actions within this last year...

I am sure he is a personable fellow. However, unless he is independently wealthy or has a prosperous business, he still needs to support his family. He is just doing what is available to him. He is in a difficult position because of the right wing of the republican party. And lets face it, some those southerners and others just don't like any black man speaking with authority.


Rising Star
Steele’s Nobel Comments Spark Backlash on the Backlash
Susan Davis reports on the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only thing fiercer than Republican National Committee chairman’s reaction to President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize is the backlash it’s prompting—even within the GOP, which so far doesn’t appear entirely sure how to respond.

“The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?’ It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights,” RNC chairman Michael Steele said in a statement this morning. “One thing is certain – President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.”

Veteran GOP operative Scott Reed, who ran Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign, was happy to go on the record to criticize his party’s chairman. “He should not have done that and I gasped,” Reed said in an e-mail, “Michael Steele needs to remember that he is the chairman of the GOP, not a political analyst who needs to comment on every news story every news cycle.”

The Democratic National Committee upped the ante in a press release aligning Steele’s comments with the Taliban and highlighting a Fox News clip noting their similarity.

“We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. He has not taken a single step for peace in Afghanistan or to make this country stable… We condemn the award of the Noble Peace Prize for Obama. We condemn the institute’s awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year’s peace prize as unjust,” said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

Another Republican, South Carolina Rep. Gresham Barrett, who is running for governor, also issued a harsh commentary on the president’s win.

“Congratulations to President Obama on his prize. I’m not sure what the international community loved best; his waffling on Afghanistan, pulling defense missiles out of Eastern Europe, turning his back on freedom fighters in Honduras, coddling Castro, siding with Palestinians against Israel, or almost getting tough on Iran,” he said, “The world may love it, but following in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter is not where America needs to go. Hopefully, this surprise award will give the President cause to reevaluate his current course.”

But Obama’s 2008 presidential rival, Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain, offered a more conciliatory tone in an interview with CNN.

“Oh, I’m sure that the president is very honored to receive this award. And Nobel Committee, I can’t divine all their intentions, but I think part of their decision-making was expectations. And I’m sure the president understands that he now has even more to live up to,” he said, “But as Americans, we’re proud when our president receives an award of that prestigious category.”