See how far they go just to NOT give due to the so the called AA that literally paved the way and provided opportunity and access to "your" family?You didn’t do it. WE did it. What is it that your don’t understand? Hence I said you response wasn’t relevant to the topic.
“My people came here, did the work and gave birth to you.” There’s another far reaching ideology that’s also true.
If you say “go home” then you’ll have to come with me too. “You’re a descendant of my linage. My people are the original and you’re are carbon copy.” There’s another far reaching but true ideology.
Do you see how we can do this all day? Everything I wrote is true.

You're so depraved and ungrateful, that instead of acknowledging the country that was built by the AA and their immigration and civil rights policies that allowed you to 1) enter the borders and 2) receive full human rights, you want to go back centuries and debate lineage, while taking credit for genealogy that you have no right or idea of true origin. This is the sickness and arrogance of the so called "African". They refuse to give a mere fucking "Thank You".. Not to mention i have no shared bloodlines with Nigierian or Senegalese... so you're kinda pulling shit out your ass from even that aspect.
Not only is this a poor retelling and summation of history. Its also patently antithetical to your entire original premise of "im not AA.. i dont relate to AA.. Im African... Im different"..“My people came here, did the work and gave birth to you.”

Again, go back home.