Grand Theft Auto 6 footage supposedly leaked...

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

This really pisses me off. Rockstar used to produce games now they nust mill the shot out of a single franchise and it's mainly because of online. If they have gta 6 the rdr 2 treatment and focused on making single player a large immersive experience while giving online just enough i wouldnt be mad at all. Personally i think they should just do like gta and red dead 1 and just do multiplayer.its just was fun, i played red dead multiplayer on ps now and it was a dope experience.better yet they should do like saints row 3 and just have where a friend or a random can join your singleplayer experience at any time. They really need to make more games we've been waiting forever for bully part 2.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
GTA 6 = Dr. Dre's Detox album :smh:

How do you end up delaying a video game that's been in development this long after already spending around 2 billion?

I'd bet money that they're going to be charging more than the current $59 or $69 for a game and will come close to charging $100 for the basic game by the time it is released.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That's definitely me lol.

I don't need to have that game immediately so I'll wait to buy it if it's ridiculously high.

The fact that they're at 2 billion and counting without any concerns to me means they are going in people's pockets once this game is released with a higher priced game and a lot of DLC shit that will add up.