Guardian of the Galaxy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's how Nova will be introduced - seeing that the current Nova core (the guys in the star shaped ships) were underpowered facing Ronan the accuser they will use the power from the power gem to create the new Nova suits and helmets. Similar to the way the Red Skull used a gems powers to make those weapons from Captain America.

I dont think they will create nova like that.:smh:


Rising Star

This nigga wyld

Hats off & props to them for bringing this complex, spaced out story adapted from 40+ yrs back to the big screen; they delivered!

& Fuck the fasi/battyman & his mother for fucking up the X Men franchise instead of keeping it as it was writen for the most part, with all them fucking characters & yrs of storyline to work with:hmm::angry:

That shit aint in no one's top nothing but major disappointments or sales grossing off of the hype.

Imagine seeing the DarkPhoneix saga or that DocStrange Annual story on played out on the big screen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ya I'm rereading it now...having thanos act like he has a kindergarten crush is kinda fucking corny reading this shit now as an adult
Yeah, the way that Thanos Imperative ended got me asking things like how did YOU KNOW FROM THE MOVIE, come back in the comics - both of them:confused:?

Artist Monk

Rising Star
OG Investor
Yep. Thanos is as bad as Crixus aka Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson on both TV shows. Motherfucka gonna try and end the galaxy over the affections of a bitch that won't even speak to him.

Hold on now.

Let us focus on the real villain here, the pedophile mind fucker DEATH herself, she was fucking with his mind since he was a child!! Making him think she was a friend. She created Thanos from the jump!




Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Movie was dope

Top three marvel movie for me

Didn't know much about the story, other than who Thanos was, so it was basically all new.


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
Hold on now.

Let us focus on the real villain here, the pedophile mind fucker DEATH herself, she was fucking with his mind since he was a child!! Making him think she was a friend. She created Thanos from the jump!



When it comes to Death herself, Thanos is a flat-out simp.


Rising Star
Hold on now.

Let us focus on the real villain here, the pedophile mind fucker DEATH herself, she was fucking with his mind since he was a child!! Making him think she was a friend. She created Thanos from the jump!



Now that i think about it....Thanos is the penultimate nerd boy mad at the world and every woman after that because Death spurns him. Damn.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I didn't go through the entire thread.
So I may be in the minority here.

But I felt the movie was corny and pretty dumb.

What I did actually like was the depiction of Nowhere as a Celestial's head. One can only imagine the actual size of a Celestial itself in that scene. And I don't think that Abnett and Lanning ever got to a point in the books as to what force actually could decapitate a Celestial. Maybe someone who's read all of the "ANNIHILATION" events and all those other MARVEL space books can clue me in.

And I did like Groot.
Groot was AWESOME!
It was like Vin Diesel entered "IRON GIANT" territory again.
And that film is one of my favorite animated movies EVER!

But the use of songs on Quill's walkman was distracting and a cheap, sentimental plot device. Sure. Sucker the audience with some Pop Culture references and songs. It came off like another soundtrack film. And those shits are so passe now.

OK. I was really pissed off with Yondu's demeanor being that of a Southern Red-Neck. That shit really didn't work for that character. But since it was Micheal Rooker...

Definitely not one of MARVEL's better film efforts.

"CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" is still the gold standard for MARVEL films in my book. I saw that shit THREE TIMES in the theaters. And I rarely see any film more than once.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Was thinking the same thing.

Now Thanos is one of my all-time faves and am glad to see him on the big screen finally, but I do think the Avengers one looked more like him. Not to say that he's Star Wars Episode I Yoda fucked up, but a little tweaking here and there can make him perfect.


MARVEL STUDIOS: Catching Up With Original Thanos Actor Damion Poitier


Quite a few of my WHITE Comic Book friends were (and are still) really pissed off about that Brolin casting. They were on FaceBook and Twitter calling on MARVEL to have Poitier reprise his Thanos role. And they had a lot of company too.

But since MARVEL could care less about even pissing off White fans these days...Oh Well.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I didn't go through the entire thread.

So I may be in the minority here.

But I felt the movie was corny and pretty dumb.

What I did actually like was the depiction of Nowhere as a Celestial's head. One can only imagine the actual size of a Celestial itself in that scene. And I don't think that Abnett and Lanning ever got to a point in the books as to what force actually could decapitate a Celestial. Maybe someone who's read all of the "ANNIHILATION" events and all those other MARVEL space books can clue me in.

And I did like Groot.

Groot was AWESOME!

It was like Vin Diesel entered "IRON GIANT" territory again.

And that film is one of my favorite animated movies EVER!

But the use of songs on Quill's walkman was distracting and a cheap, sentimental plot device. Sure. Sucker the audience with some Pop Culture references and songs. It came off like another soundtrack film. And those shits are so passe now.

OK. I was really pissed off with Yondu's demeanor being that of a Southern Red-Neck. That shit really didn't work for that character. But since it was Micheal Rooker...

Definitely not one of MARVEL's better film efforts.

"CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" is still the gold standard for MARVEL films in my book. I saw that shit THREE TIMES in the theaters. And I rarely see any film more than once.

To each his own I guess. I found Winter Soldier pretty predictable. When Nick Fury "died" I just knew his death was faked. When they said he was given something to slow his heart rate, I just rolled my eyes. Some good action sequences, but I left the theater not compelled to see it again.


Doctor of Medicine. Ringside Physician.
To each his own I guess. I found Winter Soldier pretty predictable. When Nick Fury "died" I just knew his death was faked. When they said he was given something to slow his heart rate, I just rolled my eyes. Some good action sequences, but I left the theater not compelled to see it again.

CO SIGN!!! PLUS that shit about there being 3 hellicarriers and three devices or whatever that had to be switched out was so predictable.

Fight sequences were just ok.

honestly all of these marvel movies need better villains


Yeah, I thought Winter Soldier was overhyped as well. However, I don't really like Captain America that much as a character in the first place... he's super lame to me.