Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling Has Some Harsh Words for the Bunch of Racists Upset With Casting a Black Hermione ONGOING...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I haven't followed this enough to know but playing devils advocate could it be that her reactions began as a response to constantly being trolled/antagonized and having to deal with an extensive amount of vitriol from people who disagree with her?

It wouldn't invalidate your point in any way but sometimes people just get tired of being attacked and disrespected.

All your points are 100%

But JK can't pull a dame dash

He was RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT but that language energy delivery was WRONG. And even though it can be legitimately argued he helped spark a wave of black independent businesses? He also got permanently branded an asshole and marginalized unfairly

JK is one of the most successful authors of all time. Her fans were legion and multi generation. They would listened

She ASKED for this headache.

She had MANY supporters who were ready to back her up.

But she wanted to do it HER WAY. She thought she was untouchable and smarter and was RIGHT.

Instead of making her point calmly respectfully and clearly.

The trolling dismissive I'm smarter than all of you dummies thing was never gonna work.

So then I question HER true intentions. And that goes for anyone who chooses to go this route.

Cause all the stress and attention helped THE OTHER SIDE.

When you had all the means and money influence to support your cause properly.


Rising Star
All your points are 100%

But JK can't pull a dame dash

He was RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT but that language energy delivery was WRONG. And even though it can be legitimately argued he helped spark a wave of black independent businesses? He also got permanently branded an asshole and marginalized unfairly

JK is one of the most successful authors of all time. Her fans were legion and multi generation. They would listened

She ASKED for this headache.

She had MANY supporters who were ready to back her up.

But she wanted to do it HER WAY. She thought she was untouchable and smarter and was RIGHT.

Instead of making her point calmly respectfully and clearly.

The trolling dismissive I'm smarter than all of you dummies thing was never gonna work.

So then I question HER true intentions. And that goes for anyone who chooses to go this route.

Cause all the stress and attention helped THE OTHER SIDE.

When you had all the means and money influence to support your cause properly.
What's supporting her cause "properly" in your opinion?

Because I tell you from personal experience, I've tried discussing the issue respectfully online, and I got the same response she got.

Just that I'm not famous so I just get insulted and blocked. She gets harassed continuously because she is famous.

I invite you to give it a shot, tell me what kind of response you get. I think the online culture they've created on this issue is fucking insane.

Either way, I think now her point is just refusing to be silenced by another group. It ain't even about her issue anymore IMHO, it's about her right to speak on that issue.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
What's supporting her cause "properly" in your opinion?

Because I tell you from personal experience, I've tried discussing the issue respectfully online, and I got the same response she got.

Just that I'm not famous so I just get insulted and blocked. She gets harassed continuously because she is famous.

I invite you to give it a shot, tell me what kind of response you get. I think the online culture they've created on this issue is insane.

Either way, I think now her point is just refusing to be silenced by another group. It ain't even about her issue anymore IMHO, it's about her right to speak on that issue.

I avoid it like the plague bro trust me I completely understand

But she doing wrong and it's deliberate. We all know the right way she didn't even attempt to try. So what was the point?

I've covered this before a few times in this thread if you go back...

I been lucky I can speak well and add humor most of the time in a communal way. I have no issue being around anyone so the alphabet gang is cool with me. And I usually deal with lgbtq parents so it's different mindset.

You would be SURPRISED just how many people on THAT side AGREE with JK.

But she jumped out the window instead of chilling sniper style.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: Wtf? I'm tired of this faggotry that they are trying to expose kids to. The fuck is drag story hour? If you want to be a Hebitch, a rectum raider, and want to cosplay being a woman then knock yourself out, I don't condone it period, but that's your freedom to practice whatever weird sexual behaviors you want as an ADULT. Just leave the kids out of it and stop trying to force your faggonism on them and society in general. You have other countries that don't tolerate dingaling queen bullshit
The events are pretty much a character dressing up exaggeratedly, and reading a book to kids.

Its really not a big issue.


Independent thinker
BGOL Investor
I actually agree with the white people mad at this. We as blacks should draw up our own heroes and stop co opting other people’s shit. This is all about the “man” trying to divide and conquer us by racially appropriating each others shit. The don’t want either of us to an individual unique culture


Rising Star
I avoid it like the plague bro trust me I completely understand

But she doing wrong and it's deliberate. We all know the right way she didn't even attempt to try. So what was the point?

I've covered this before a few times in this thread if you go back...

I been lucky I can speak well and add humor most of the time in a communal way. I have no issue being around anyone so the alphabet gang is cool with me. And I usually deal with lgbtq parents so it's different mindset.

You would be SURPRISED just how many people on THAT side AGREE with JK.

But she jumped out the window instead of chilling sniper style.

Fam you see that's the problem right there. It's so crazy that normal peeps like me and you say ok, we don't want any part of the convo, even though we are cool with LGTBQ peeps and engage with them on a regular basis in our personal lives.

But the more people like us say we won't discuss it anymore, the more that the only voices left on the matter are "theirs". At that point it's not a conversation anymore, it's brainwashing. Every dissenting opinion has been bullied out of the way.

Whats the right approach to fight against that dynamic?

If the whole thing was on the fringes of society it would be one thing, but we both know they are pushing politically and socially for their beliefs to be mainstream.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fam you see that's the problem right there. It's so crazy that normal peeps like me and you say ok, we don't want any part of the convo, even though we are cool with LGTBQ peeps and engage with them on a regular basis in our personal lives.

But the more people like us say we won't discuss it anymore, the more that the only voices left on the matter are "theirs". At that point it's not a conversation anymore, it's brainwashing. Every dissenting opinion has been bullied out of the way.

Whats the right approach to fight against that dynamic?

If the whole thing was on the fringes of society it would be one thing, but we both know they are pushing politically and socially for their beliefs to be mainstream.

You preaching

I do talk about it but I also LISTEN

And you can't have these conversations on line. It has to be in person

But sadly this new generation can't even do that properly. I've had great convo I thought! And then later the same person claim I was being a bully using verbal gymnastics to intimidate them to make my point????

Just because they were unable to defend their position under scrutiny.

So again I get it.

But OVERWHELMING? It's been positive back and forth and respectful


International Member
I actually agree with the white people mad at this. We as blacks should draw up our own heroes and stop co opting other people’s shit. This is all about the “man” trying to divide and conquer us by racially appropriating each others shit. The don’t want either of us to an individual unique culture
Cac tears


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I don't think we can have "conversations " about this topic. Because most us have no idea how to begin to comprehend the psychology behind it.

I don't get it, but I don't think it's for me to get. As with anything I'm ignorant about, all I can do is listen. Just don't compare it to our societal issues being black. That I can understand as a black man who has had to deal with being the only black person at my job, being assumed to be a shoplifter and getting followed around a store, or being told "I don't talk black".

Edit: After reading some of the comments, it appears that a lot of people suffer from Dunning Kruger. We had the integrity to admit that we don't understand the psyche behind a dude wanting to be a woman, but others are so ignorant that they're basing their argument off of plastic surgery. There are plenty of Hollywood women and regular everyday women getting face/ass injections and tit jobs.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

wb never had creative control over any Harry Potter IP

JK never signed that away no matter $$$$ thrown at her



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Melissa Anelli, author of “Harry, a History” and webmistress of The Leaky Cauldron, notes that the site hasn’t updated its popular podcast PotterCast since March 2023. “Every time we sit down to have a fun conversation about Harry Potter, the conversation becomes angry and depressing, and so we end up not publishing,” she says. “It’s made it less pure and exciting and fun the way it used to be. All of that now has this layer of, ‘Right, but the person at the center of it all believes a certain faction of the population isn’t real.’”



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Melissa Anelli, author of “Harry, a History” and webmistress of The Leaky Cauldron, notes that the site hasn’t updated its popular podcast PotterCast since March 2023. “Every time we sit down to have a fun conversation about Harry Potter, the conversation becomes angry and depressing, and so we end up not publishing,” she says. “It’s made it less pure and exciting and fun the way it used to be. All of that now has this layer of, ‘Right, but the person at the center of it all believes a certain faction of the population isn’t real.’”

@playahaitian - JK about to pull a George Lucas

new series is going to reimagine Hermione as a powerful TERF
While making Voldemort Deatheaters etc as magical transgendered terrorists


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honest question.

I've never seen the films, are they the types of films that would only appeal to kids or are they so entertaining to adult viewers?