I haven't followed this enough to know but playing devils advocate could it be that her reactions began as a response to constantly being trolled/antagonized and having to deal with an extensive amount of vitriol from people who disagree with her?
It wouldn't invalidate your point in any way but sometimes people just get tired of being attacked and disrespected.
All your points are 100%
But JK can't pull a dame dash
He was RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT but that language energy delivery was WRONG. And even though it can be legitimately argued he helped spark a wave of black independent businesses? He also got permanently branded an asshole and marginalized unfairly
JK is one of the most successful authors of all time. Her fans were legion and multi generation. They would listened
She ASKED for this headache.
She had MANY supporters who were ready to back her up.
But she wanted to do it HER WAY. She thought she was untouchable and smarter and was RIGHT.
Instead of making her point calmly respectfully and clearly.
The trolling dismissive I'm smarter than all of you dummies thing was never gonna work.
So then I question HER true intentions. And that goes for anyone who chooses to go this route.
Cause all the stress and attention helped THE OTHER SIDE.
When you had all the means and money influence to support your cause properly.